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Starting the School Year Right

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1 Starting the School Year Right
Day Two The Interactive Student Notebook

2 How will a great notebook make you a great student?
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Essential Question How will a great notebook make you a great student? Overview Students analyze placards depicting portions of the interactive student notebook (ISN) and try to match them to a notebook tip. Afterwards, the class debriefs by conducting a blue-ribbon panel on the “most important” tips to making a great notebook. Preview Students complete a “buddy clock or map” activity to be used in paired activities for this lesson and future lessons. Activity Students working in pairs sort through tips on making a great notebook. They match the tip to one of 10 placards depicting notebook work around the room. After matching all the tips, the class debates which tips are the most important to making a great notebook. Processing Students create a word cloud on the topic of notebooks including adjectives that describe what a great notebook would look like. Objectives In the course of this lesson and participating classroom activity, students will analyze the importance of working in pairs as a way to learn content. explain how maintaining a good notebook will allow them to deepen their understanding of content. TEACHER SLIDE LESSON INFORMATION Note that there are hidden slides where handouts and alternative directions are in this PowerPoint. You can hide/unhide by right-click on the thumbnails of slides in the edit menu. Materials Copies of Buddy Clock, Travel Partner, or Science & Engineering Practice Partner. There is one for all science and social studies classes. Use the one you want and hide the other slides. Slides 10-14 Copies of Interactive Student Notebook tips – 1 copy per pair, cut into strips – Slide 21 Copies of each Interactive Student Notebook Images placards – Slides 22 to note: there are examples of spiral-bound notebooks, consumable notebooks, and digital notebooks. Use the ones you plan to use in class.

3 How will a great notebook make you a great student?
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Essential Question How will a great notebook make you a great student?

4 Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook

5 … Buddy Clock Directions
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Buddy Clock Directions Print your name in the middle of your clock on the line provided. You may only get another students name on your clock ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular hour on your clock, you BOTH have to blanks by that hour. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular hour on the clock, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for __ o’clock?” Take your completed clock to your teacher when all twelve hours are filled. If using either the US Map or World Map instead, hide this slide.

6 … Travel Partner Directions
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Travel Partner Directions Print your name at the top of your map. You may only get another students name on your map ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular location on your map, you BOTH have to blanks by that location. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular place, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of location)?” Take your completed map to your teacher when all ten places are signed. If you teach US history or US Geography, use this slide and hide slides 5 and 7.

7 … Travel Partner Directions
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Travel Partner Directions Print your name at the top of your map. You may only get another students name on your map ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular location on your map, you BOTH have to blanks by that location. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular place, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of location)?” Take your completed map to your teacher when all ten places are signed. If you teach world history or world geography, use this slide and hide slides 5 and 6.

8 … Travel Partner Directions
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Travel Partner Directions Print your name at the top of your map. You may only get another students name on your map ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular location on your map, you BOTH have to blanks by that location. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular place, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of location)?” Take your completed map to your teacher when all ten places are signed. If you teach world history or world geography, use this slide and hide slides 5 and 6.

9 … Science & Engineering Partner Directions
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Science & Engineering Partner Directions Print your name at the top of your chart. You may only get another students name on your chart ONCE. When asking someone to sign a science and engineering practice on your map, you BOTH have to blanks by that practice. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a practice, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of practice)?” Take your completed chart to your teacher when all ten places are signed. If you teach world history or world geography, use this slide and hide slides 5 and 6.

10 Print Your Name Here Good for any subject
Buddy Clock Print Your Name Here Directions: When your teacher asks you to, circulate the room and get a different student to PRINT their first, last name by each hour on the clock. Here are a five rules to complete this task. Print your name in the middle of your clock on the line provided. You may only get another students name on your clock ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular hour on your clock, you BOTH have to blanks by that hour. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular hour on the clock, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for __ o’clock?” Take your completed clock to your teacher when all twelve hours are filled. Good for any subject Want to be my 2 o’clock appointment? Can you also sign my 6 o’clock appointment? I’m open at 10 o’clock, are you? I’ve already got someone there, can we do that? Are we allowed to sign more than once? Let me look. No one has signed my 10. NO NO YES!

11 Travel Partners for the United States
Directions: When your teacher asks you to, circulate the room and get a different student to PRINT their first, last name on the line to each location. Here are a five rules to complete this task. Print your name at the top of your map. You may only get another students name on your map ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular location on your map, you BOTH have to blanks by that location. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular place, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of location)?” Take your completed map to your teacher when all ten places are signed. _______________ _______________ 3 9 6 4 8 7 1 10 2 5 US History Classes NO NO YES! Want to be my travel partner to Alaska? Can you also sign my map for Texas? I’m open for a partner in New York. Are you? I’ve already got someone there, can we do that? Are we allowed to sign more than once? Let me look. No one has signed it….

12 Travel Partners for the World
Directions: When your teacher asks you to, circulate the room and get a different student to PRINT their first, last name on the line to each location. Here are a five rules to complete this task. Print your name at the top of your map. You may only get another students name on your map ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular location on your map, you BOTH have to blanks by that location. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular place, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of location)?” Take your completed map to your teacher when all ten places are signed. _______________ _______________ 9 8 4 7 6 1 3 2 10 5 World & Geography Classes NO NO YES! Want to be my travel partner in the Pacific? Can you also sign my map for Africa? I’m open for a partner in Asia. Are you? I’ve already got someone there, can we do that? Are we allowed to sign more than once? Let me look. No one has signed it….

13 Government and Civics Classes
Directions: When your teacher asks you to, circulate the room and get a different student to PRINT their first, last name on the line to each location. Here are a five rules to complete this task. Print your name at the top of your map. You may only get another students name on your map ONCE. When asking someone to sign a particular location on your map, you BOTH have to blanks by that location. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a particular place, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of location)?” Take your completed map to your teacher when all nine places are signed. Government and Civics Classes NO NO YES! Want to be my travel buddy to the White House? Can you also sign my map for Dept. of Justice? I’m open for a buddy to the Archives, are you? I’ve already got someone there, can we do that? Are we allowed to sign more than once? Let me look. No one has signed it….

14 Science & Engineering Practices Partner
Directions: When your teacher asks you to, circulate the room and get a different student to PRINT their first, last name on the line to each science & engineering practice. Here are a five rules to complete this task. Print your name at the top of your paper. You may only get another students name on your chart ONCE. When asking someone to sign an engineering practice on your chart, you BOTH have to blanks by that practice. If you are having trouble finding someone that has an opening for a practice, ask aloud, “Does anyone have an opening for _____ (name of practice)?” Take your completed chart to your teacher when all eight places are signed. 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. 1. 8. 2. 7. 3. 6. 4. 5. Science Classes NO NO YES! Want to be partner for using Mathematics and Computational Thinking? Can you also sign my chart for Engaging in Argument from Evidence? I’m open for a Asking Questions and Defining Problems. Are you? I’ve already got someone there, can we do that? Are we allowed to sign more than once? Let me look. No one has signed it….

15 Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook
Debrief Sometimes we will be doing work that requires us to work with a partner. Keep this activity, so that I can arrange you with a partner quickly the next time.

16 ACTIVITY Skill-Builder
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook ACTIVITY Skill-Builder

17 Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook
Time Machines… Author H. G. Wells captured the imagination of readers everywhere with his novella, The Time Machine, in In the story, Time Traveller (as he is simply known) goes well into the future. Subsequent books, comics, and movies have all imagined what time travel would be like. If you could go back in time and give your former self advice before a big event, what would you say to yourself?

18 Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook
In this activity, you will pretend to have been visited by your future self with some advice on how to get a great grade on your interactive student notebook. The trouble is, all you have are four tips your future self wrote over and over again and some images taken of your notebook. Your job in this activity will be to work with a partner to match the tips to the images hanging around the room. All images relate to more than one tip.

19 … Step by Step Directions:
Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook Step by Step Directions: Cut out the ISN tips and separate them into the four tips. Go to one of the placards posted around the room. Study the image(s). Talk with your partner – Which two ISN tips do you believe apply to this placard? Complete the tip sentence and tape your tips around the outside of the placard (not directly on). Repeat the process for the remaining placards. Don’t want tape on your wall? Instead of taping ISN tips around the placards, have students drop them into a bowl or hat placed in front of the placard. Change the directions on this slide accordingly. Be Neat We think this tip fits with this image because:

20 Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook
Debrief: Create a human bar-graph by standing in front of the placard you think best represents the tip: Be Neat Be Detailed Be Creative Be Consistent Take one copy of each placard and post it in front of the room. Have students arrange themselves in front of the placards for each category. Make sure to ask students to defend their answers. Consider allowing students to change their vote based on the arguments of others.

21 Make one copy for each pair of students.
ISN TIPS Be Neat We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Detailed We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Creative We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Consistent We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Neat We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Detailed We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Creative We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Consistent We think this tip fits with this image because: Make one copy for each pair of students. Be Neat We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Detailed We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Creative We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Consistent We think this tip fits with this image because: If you want to change the categories or tips, feel free. Make sure to change the activity opener slide and debrief as well. Be Neat We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Detailed We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Creative We think this tip fits with this image because: Be Consistent We think this tip fits with this image because:

22 Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook
ISN Placard Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook

23 Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook
ISN Placard Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook

24 Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook
ISN Placard Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook

25 Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook
ISN Placard Images from a student-made ISN in a 3-Ring or Spiral Notebook

26 ISN Placard Images from a consumable ISN or ISN pages printed by the teacher in the “materials” menu of a lesson.

27 ISN Placard Images from a consumable ISN or ISN pages printed by the teacher in the “materials” menu of a lesson.

28 ISN Placard Images from a consumable ISN or ISN pages printed by the teacher in the “materials” menu of a lesson.

29 Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.
ISN Placard Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.

30 Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.
ISN Placard Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.

31 Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.
ISN Placard Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.

32 Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.
ISN Placard Images from the student ISN work completed online in subscription.

33 Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook
ACTIVITY Processing

34 Starting the School Year Right – The Interactive Student Notebook
Processing: What adjectives would describe a great Interactive Student Notebook? Create a *word cloud with at least ten adjectives. Are some descriptions more important to a great notebook than others? Make the largest the most important, the smallest the least. ---- Word Cloud sites If working with lower elementary students, consider doing this as a class activity. Made using

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