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Aman Singh, Edelman Vice President, Business + Social Purpose

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2 Aman Singh, Edelman Vice President, Business + Social Purpose
Corporate & Public Affairs @EdelmanPR @AmanSinghCSR @CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15

3 Dave Armon, 3BL Media Chief Marketing Officer | @3BLMedia @daveyarmon
Paul Blakely, Velocity Worldwidde CEO – Americas @Paul_Blakely Aria Finger, Chief Operating Aki Kaltenbach, HootSuite Lead, @CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15

4 @CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15
Dave Armon 3BL Media @CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15



7 Paul Blakely Velocity Worldwide
@CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15


9 Aria Finger
@CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15


11 Aki Kaltenbach Hootsuite
@CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15

12 how @hootsuite uses social media to engage employees #cwsummit15

13 Reach 1,736,079 10.4 10.1 Average # of accounts 152,646 14,709 Followers Likes Average reach X Brand & Comm Team The Average Fortune 500 Social Footprint in 2014 Reach 22,236,000 Employees 163,500 Entire Workforce X 111 Friends 25 Followers

14 Initial thoughts… Activity levels, before after.

15 #thankyou @akikaltenbach

16 Digital Culture and Engagement
Moderator Aman Singh Panelists Dave Armon, 3BL Media Paul Blakely, Velocity Worldwide Aria Finger, Aki Kaltenbach, Hootsuite @CharitiesAtWork #CWSummit15


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