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Arteries 1.

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1 Arteries 1

2 Figure 22.15 Major Arteries of the Trunk (Part 1 of 2)
Bronchials Mediastinal Esophagael Pericardials Intercostals Superior phrenic 2

3 Arteries

4 Figure 22.9 An Overview of the Systemic Arterial System (Part 2 of 2)

5 Figure 22.13a Arteries of the Neck and Head

6 Figure 22.15 Major Arteries of the Trunk

7 Inferior phrenic Celiac trunk Common hepatic gastric splenic Suprarenal Renal Superior mesenteric Gonadal (to testes /Ovaries) Lumbar Inferior mesenteric Middle sacral Common iliac which then splits to internal & external Iliac arteries

8 Figure 22.16a Arteries of the Abdomen

9 Common iliac Internal iliac External iliac Femoral Deep femoral
Popliteal Posterior tibial fibular Anterior tibial Plantar arch Dorsalis pedis Dorsal arch Digital arteries 9

10 10

11 Superior sagittal sinus Inferior sagittal sinus Straight sinus
Transverse sinus Sigmoid sinus Internal Jugular vein External jugular vein Vertebral vein 11

12 Figure 22.22 The Venous Drainage of the Trunk and Upper Limb (Part 1 of 2)

13 Digital veins Superficial palmar arch Deep palmar arch Radial vein Ulnar vein Brachial vein Cephalic v Basilic v. Median cubital v Azygos vein Hemiazygos Deep veins are dark blue

14 14

15 Figure 22.26 The Hepatic Portal System

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