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Week 2.

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1 Week 2

2 Welcome to DISC! What is DISC?
We meet once a week to learn what we want to learn and hack stuff together! Awesome Facebook community with news, memes and the occasional job opportunity! Slack channel for anything and everything security. Great place to ask others for help in your hacking/security escapades. Compete in CySCA (Cyber Security Challenge Australia) Links to all of the above at

3 DISC Recordings Session recordings will be uploaded to YouTube, only accessible via the direct URL URL’s to future session recordings will be located in #study under the pinned post.

4 Housekeeping If you enjoy coming to these sessions please sign up ($3 - $5/year) - Last chance to buy a hoodie - Sessions format (usually): General session 6pm - 8pm CySCA training 8ish - 10:30pm in a different room (with some dinner delivered) You are welcome to join the CySCA competitors to train on the same material, or feel free to stick around here and work through your own stuff. CyberSecurity is technical, difficult and you will get stuck. That’s what the other club members are for! The first thing we all need to learn is how to ask for help.

5 Weekly Session Schedule
​NOTE: Not all guests are 100% confirmed and schedule here is subject to change. Check for the latest! Week 1 (11/7) - AllSec meetup Week 2 (18/7) - Welcome to DISC! Week 3 (25/7) - SecTalks (In the CBD) ​Week 4 (1/8) - CTF workshop (Luke Bridger) ​Week 5 (8/8) - Careers in CyberSecurity (Nigel Hedges) ​Mid-Tri Break Week 6 (22/8) ​ - Introduction to Binary Exploitation (Viren Khatri) ​Week 7 (29/8) - SecTalks (In the CBD) ​Week 8 (5/9) - Life of a Pentester (T0py and Bash) ​Week 9 (12/9) - Subdomain Enumeration (Mike Monnik) Week 10 (19/9) - AGM Week 11 (26/9) - SecTalks (In the CBD)

6 How should i Security?

7 Links to great resources
Start listening to podcasts ( Go to all the awesome free infosec events in Melbourne (keep an eye out in #events on Slack) Sectalks - Allsec - Cyberspectrum - OWASP - LTOTM - (password: LTOTM1) Watch the 1995 masterpiece ‘Hackers’ once a week religiously (

8 So what should I be working on?
Immersive labs Head over to Sign up with Smash it! Hack the Box Hack your way in to create your account! on Slack with your HTB username to be added to the Deakin team. Work through the stuff on

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