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Presentation at the CIGFARO Conference by: Mosimanegape Macomo

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1 Presentation at the CIGFARO Conference by: Mosimanegape Macomo
Overcoming Poor Service Delivery Culture through Implementation of proper PM processes Presentation at the CIGFARO Conference by: Mosimanegape Macomo

2 Presentation Outline Context
Local Government Performance Management Legislative Framework SA Service Delivery Challenges – History How to use proper performance management processes to Overcome the service delivery challenges Conclusion

3 Context The National Development Plan Keys to Success are:
Active efforts and participation of all South Africans in their own development; Redressing the injustices of the past effectively; Faster economic growth, higher investment and employment; Rising standards of education, a healthy population and social protection; Strengthening the link between economic and social strategies; An effective and capable local government; Collaboration between public and private sector and Leadership from all sectors of society.

4 Context The MTSF (2014 – 2019) Strategic focus:
Radical Economic Transformation. Improving Services Delivery. Some of the key priorities: Ensuring access to adequate human settlements and quality basic services. How will government measure success on achieving its objectives? If you do not measure results, you cannot tell success from failure. If cannot recognise failure, you cannot correct it. If you cannot see success you cannot learn from it.

5 Local Government PM Legislative Framework
Chapter….of the constitution of 1996. White Paper on local government MSA of 2006 MFMA of 2011 Local government regulations on employment and employment contracts of senior managers; National Treasury’s FMPPI Municipality specific PM Policies

6 SA Service Delivery Challenges – History
A lot has been achieved by government to redress the injustices of the past, particularly the provision of basic services. More ten million people have been provided with adequate housing. Access to basic services such as water, electricity and sanitation has been significantly expanded. There remains however serious service delivery backlogs that need to be eradicated.

7 SA Service Delivery Challenges – History
There is a growing number of people living in informal settlements. Millions of people still don’t have access to basic water, electricity and sanitation. Municipality are struggling in some cases to maintain infrastructures such as bulk water, electricity, sanitation and road infrastructure. Service delivery gains are therefore being reversed.

8 SA Service Delivery Challenges – History
Poorly serviced or absence of proper infrastructure contributes to low economic activity and investment, which leads to unemployment. Unemployment creates a vicious cycle of poor service delivery. The unemployed cannot pay services which puts a burden on central government to provide funding to municipalities for the provision of the same services.

Oversight Municipal Councils Policy development Strategic Planning Assess and adjust Specify performance indicators The Municipality/ municipal entity End-year reporting Operational Planning and Budgeting In-year reporting Monitor and take corrective action Set targets and allocate resources

10 How to use Proper Performance Management Processes to Overcome the Challenges
Performance management is a management function which involves collecting, analysing and reporting data on inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts. It helps in indicating how well institutions are meeting their goals, aims and objectives. In its advanced usage performance management can help to tell which policies and process are working in addressing identified challenges.

11 How to use Proper Performance Management Processes to Overcome the Challenges
IDPs Provincial Growth Development Strategies Sector Plans Medium Term Strategic Framework National Development Plan (New Growth Path, MDGs and Climate Change Accord.)

12 Conclusion

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