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Christianity and Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity and Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity and Rome

2 In the beginning….

3 Judaism in Roman Times Judaism was a small religion practiced in the Roman province of Judea The Jews were always at odds with their Roman masters Refused to give up their religion Believed a prophesied savior would come to save the day

4 Judaism in Roman Times Jewish political leaders relied on the graces of the Roman governor Religious leaders were fighting for control of the common people Common people were extremely poor and hungry

5 Along comes a Savior Many men at the time of the Romans claimed to be the promised messiah Jesus Christ was born humbly to a poor family in Northern Judea At the age of ~30, Jesus Christ starts preaching to the Jewish common people

6 What Jesus Taught

7 What Jesus Taught ALL people have the ability to go to “Heaven”
Salvation is personal It is better to be poor and humble than rich and powerful

8 When did Christianity Start?
At the age of 33, Jesus Christ was arrested for inciting a rebellion and blasphemy Christ is executed in the common tradition for Roman traitors Christ told his followers he would return

9 Return of Christ Christ comes back to his closest friends after his death Tells his “disciples” to spread the new gospel 12 Men (Apostles) start the new Christian church

10 Early Christianity Jews Only Traditionally Jewish
Some Jewish traditions not practiced Animal sacrifices Law of Moses

11 Christianity Meets Paul
Saul was born a Roman citizen Spends his early days “persecuting the early Christians” Converts after seeing Christ in a vision Named an apostle Becomes the greatest missionary

12 Christianity Expands Christians decide to allow non-Jewish converts
Missionaries travel all over the “world” Many of the missionaries stay in the Roman Empire



15 Christians and Romans Roman plebeians embrace Christianity
Promise of salvation Does not rely on the patricians Roman Empire outlaws Christianity Believe they are destroying Roman life Christianity goes underground to avoid open persecution


17 Problems of Growth Christian doctrine is different in every city
The original apostles and missionaries are killed off Churches in different cities fight each other over beliefs


19 Rome Converts Emperor Constantine coverts to Christianity
See Christ in vision before war Christians are legal and come out of hiding Paganism and gladiators outlawed



22 Start of the Catholic Church
Catholic means “universal” Church headquarter in Rome Bishop of Rome leads “all” of Christendom (at least in Roman Empire) Rival churches are eliminated through law and politics





27 Rise of Christianity Exit Ticket
What/who brought about the rise of Christianity? How did Christianity become legal in the Roman Empire?

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