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Natural Selection Vocab Review

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Selection Vocab Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Selection Vocab Review

2 Change through time. Evolution

3 Physical evidence of past organisms changing through time, left in rocks.
Fossil Record

4 Homologous Structures

5 All the alleles which are possible in a population’s genes that could be passed on.
Gene pool

6 Favors ONE of the extremes.
Directional selection

7 Geographic Isolation

8 Species originate through a gradual change of adaptations.

9 Mechanism for change in a population for individuals to survive.
Natural selection

10 Adaptation

11 Evolution of new species from one common ancestor that results in multiple new species whom can not interbreed. Speciation

12 Physical barrier divides a population, creating different populations which evolve separately and can not interbreed. Geographic Isolation

13 Natural Selection

14 Favors BOTH extremes in a population, eliminating the average.
Disruptive selection

15 The frequency of alleles in a population remains the same over many generations.
Genetic equilibrium

16 Vestigial structure

17 Evolution that distinctly related organisms evolve similar traits when they live in similar environments. Convergent evolution

18 Reproductive isolation
Populations can no longer interbreed due to differences in genetic material. Reproductive isolation

19 Punctuated Equilibrium

20 Structure with similar function and arrangement with a common origin.
Homologous structure

21 Favors the AVERAGE in a population, resulting in less variation.
Stabilizing selection

22 An organism’s response to or change with its environment.

23 Analogous Structures

24 A single ancestral species evolves into a wide array of species to fit different habitats.
Adaptive radiation

25 Structure in present day organism that is not useful, but was in an ancestor.
Vestigial structure

26 Directional Selection

27 Transport of genes into a population by migrating individuals.
Gene flow

28 Structures that are similar in function but have no common origin.
Analogous structure

29 Populations can no longer interbreed due to differences in mating behaviors.
Behavioral isolation

30 Species that were once similar to ancestral species change in different ways as they adapt, creating new species. Divergent evolution

31 Speciation Or Divergent Evolution

32 The percentage of any specific allele occurring in a population.
Allelic frequency

33 Punctuated equilibrium
Species can occur relatively quickly with periods of genetic equilibrium in between them. Punctuated equilibrium

34 Stabilizing Selection

35 Evolution of a trait enabling an organism to respond to environmental factors.

36 Gradualism

37 Directional selection
Natural selection that favors one of the extreme variations of a trait. Directional selection

38 Some male frogs of the same species, changed their mating call, causing them to become a different species over time, by attracting different females Behavioral Isolation

39 A population is divided due to a change in particular behaviors.
Behavioral isolation

40 Disruptive Selection

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