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Unit 3 Vocabulary all images lifted shamelessly from Google

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1 Unit 3 Vocabulary all images lifted shamelessly from Google

2 Adversary (NOUN) an enemy or opponent
Hector is the adversary of Achilles. Synonyms: antagonist, enemy, rival Antonyms: ally, friend Adversary

3 (VERB) to turn away; to make indifferent or hostile; to transfer, convey
Lisa alienated her best friend by spreading a mean rumor about her. Synonyms: divide, separate Antonyms: combine, join Alienate

4 (NOUN) a skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; a clever skill; trickery
The Trojan Horse was an artifice to get the Spartan soldiers inside Trojan walls. Synonyms: con, gambit ploy Antonyms: honesty Artifice

5 Coerce (VERB) to compel, force
Anakin Skywalker felt coerced to join the Dark Side. Synonyms: bully, intimidate Antonyms: aid, assist Coerce

6 Craven (ADJECTIVE) cowardly; (NOUN) coward
After she ran screaming from the movie theatre, Sara knew her friends would now describe her as craven. Synonyms: chicken, scared Antonyms: bold, brave Craven

7 Culinary (ADJECTIVE) of or related to cooking or the kitchen
My favorite culinary show is Restaurant: Impossible with Robert Irvine. Synonyms: delicious, edible Antonyms: distasteful Culinary

8 Demise (NOUN) a death, especially of a person in a lofty position
Many characters in The Odyssey meet their demise before they could return home from war. Synonyms: downfall, end Antonyms: accomplishment Demise

9 Exhilarate (VERB) to enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to
Marc was exhilarated to see his girlfriend, Beth, after six months of traveling. Synonyms: elate, thrill Antonyms: deaden, bore Exhilarate

10 (ADJECTIVE) plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow; (NOUN) land left unseeded; (VERB) to plow but not to seed Chris decided to fallow some of his fields in order to help the soil recover for later farming. Synonyms: idle, dormant Antonyms: developed Fallow

11 Harass (VERB) to disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated acts
The defense attorney had to warn his client against harassing the witness in the case. Synonyms: tease, pester Antonyms: aid, calm Harass

12 Inclement (ADJECTIVE)stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action
The meteorologist reported an that an inclement weather system heading for us this weekend. Synonyms: brutal, foul Antonyms: clear, mild Inclement

13 Liquidate (VERB) to pay a debt, settle an account; to eliminate
In order to pay his gambling debts, Marshall had to liquidate all of his assets. Synonyms: pay off, reimburse Antonyms: remain, stay Liquidate

14 Muse (VERB) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder
In my free time, I like to muse about cloud shapes. Synonyms: consider, contemplate Antonyms: disbelieve Muse

15 Negligible (ADJECTIVE) so unimportant that it can be disregarded
The Spartans did not think that the kidnapping of Helen of Troy was a negligible matter. Synonyms: slim, minor Antonyms: big, significant Negligible

16 Perpetuate (VERB) to make permanent or long lasting
Kristen tried to perpetuate her vacation as long as she could. Synonyms: maintain, keep Antonyms: discontinue Perpetuate

17 (NOUN) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action
The Spartans set a precedent with their use of the Trojan Horse. Synonyms: criterion, model Precedent

18 Punitive (ADJECTIVE) inflicting or aiming at punishment
Achilles knew that he would have to be punitive in order to win the war against the Trojans. Synonyms: punishing, disciplinary Antonyms: beneficial Punitive

19 (VERB) to set right, remedy: (NOUN) relief from wrong or injury
The Spartans only attacked Troy in order to redress the fact that Helen had been kidnapped. Synonyms: amends, aid Antonyms: penalty, hurt Redress

20 Sojourn (NOUN) a temporary stay; (VERB) to stay for a time
Odysseus meant for his visit to Calypso’s island to only be a sojourn, but instead he stayed for seven years. Synonyms: layover, rest Antonyms: go Sojourn

21 Urbane (ADJECTIVE) refined in manner or style, suave
The suitors staying in Odysseus’ house during his absence were anything but urbane. Synonyms: elegant, refined Antonyms: unpolished Urbane

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