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DO NOW!!! True or False Fossils provide evidence of organisms that lived in the past. The wing of a bat has similar bones to those in a human arm. DNA.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW!!! True or False Fossils provide evidence of organisms that lived in the past. The wing of a bat has similar bones to those in a human arm. DNA."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW!!! True or False Fossils provide evidence of organisms that lived in the past. The wing of a bat has similar bones to those in a human arm. DNA can tell us how closely related two organisms are. Whales are descended from land-dwelling mammals. T, T, T, T

2 9 Square Vocab Game Fossils Fossil Record Transitional Fossils
Anatomical Evidence Biochemical Evidence Sedimentary Rock Common Ancestor Embryology The Deeper it is, the older it is!!!

3 Evidence for the Theory of Evolution
Fossil record – organisms changed over time (simple – complex) Anatomical evidence - related organisms – similar structural traits (different functions) Biochemical evidence – DNA comparison (between species) – Greater the # of similarities in DNA of 2 species – more recently they shared a common ancestor

4 HW Read and summarize (underline) pages 30 – 31 and complete questions #5 - 8.

5 Evidence of Evolution Unit 1 Lesson 3

6 Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Organisms - that inherit advantageous traits tend to reproduce more successfully All living things = common ancestor -each is adapted to a particular way of life.

7 Evidence Organisms Changed Over Time
Found - in amber, ice, or sedimentary rock Sedimentary rock - formed when particles of sand or soil are deposited in horizontal layers Occurs as mud or silt hardens.


9 “The deeper it is, the older it is.”



12 What are fossils? Fossils - remains or imprints of once-living organisms. Organism dies - soft parts decay / eaten – bones remain.


14 HOW DO FOSSILS FORM! Form in Sedimentary Rock
Bones covered by sediment over time: By mudslide, volcanic eruption, tree sap, in water Most fossils are formed in water environment Sediments accumulate easily in water over time


16 Types of Fossils 4 types of fossils – form in different ways:
Mold fossils Cast fossils Trace fossils True Form Fossils


18 Homework Read Pages and summarize important information then complete questions #9 – 14.

19 Do Now With your neighbor review: How do fossils form?
What are the three different types of Fossils? How is each one formed? – How is fossil formed!!!

20 Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park - novel written in 1990 by Michael Crichton - made into a move in 1993. Movie reignited the public’s interest in dinosaur’s, scientific method, evolution, cloning, and genetic engineering. 

21 FOSSIL RECORD Record – of all the fossils that have been discovered
Examining fossil record - learn about the history of life on Earth Gaps in the fossil record - fossils have not been discovered.


23 Transitional Fossils Transitional Fossils - Fossils that help fill in gaps in the fossil record. Transitional fossil between fish and four-legged land vertebrates - Tikaalik roseae.

24 Create your own Fossil Lab
Now that we know the different types of fossils we are going to create our own fossils:

25 Do Now Quiz !!! What is the theory of evolution by natural selection?
What is the evidence for the theory of evolution? How is a fossil formed?

26 DO NOW QUIZ ANSWERS The process by which organisms that inherit advantageous traits tend to reproduce more successfully than other organisms do. Fossil record, anatomical evidence, and biochemical evidence. After an organism dies, degrades, and leaves it bones behind, the bones get buried by sediment. Minerals from the sediment surrounding the bones replace the bones minerals and a fossil is created.

27 New Layer Fossils vs Old Layer Fossils
Fossils found in newer layers physical or molecular similarities to present-day organisms. Fossils from older layers less similar to present-day organisms.

28 Common Ancestor Evidence - modern species & extinct species - share an ancestor. Common ancestor - most recent species from which 2 different species have evolved.

Common structures Vestigial structures Homologous structures DNA Developmental similarities Fossils all support the theory that populations change over time.

30 Vestigial Structures – non function body parts



33 Homologous Structures
Different species - similar structure but different functions Example:



36 Biochemical Evidence (DNA Comparison)
Compare DNA similarities between species – greater # of similarities = share a recent common ancestor Biochemical Evidence (DNA Comparison)


38 Developmental Similarities
Organisms - develop in similar ways – share common ancestor Study of development - embryology

39 FOSSIL RECORD Fossils - evidence for how certain species changed gradually over time. Modern Whales – evolved from hoofed mammals (FOSSIL + DNA evidence) Transitional Fossils are the Key

40 Homework Complete the Unit 1 Lesson 3 on Page 37

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