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DiscipleMakers Repentance Study.

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Presentation on theme: "DiscipleMakers Repentance Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 DiscipleMakers Repentance Study

2 Background and Study Aids
Repentance Background and Study Aids

3 When to Study Repentance?
Seeking God/Word Jesus/ Discipleship Sin Convicted? Cross Sin revisited/ Convicted No Yes Repentance Cross

4 Repentance Study Overview
Repentance is either a critical study or wasteful This is what really separates saved Disciples from the sincerely mistaken or even the lukewarm “Lord, Lord” crowds Pray and pray for this study to be received well Timing is critical, remember the flowchart It’s usually a bad idea to study baptism with someone who has not yet tackled repentance… it will often devolve into a mere debate over words

5 Repentance Study Tips First understand seekers’ repentance preconceptions Good to start with Acts 2:36-38 to place Repentance in its context with sin, the cross, and salvation Repentance ≠ Work for salvation; instead change from living for self to living for Christ Not an item by item activity; instead it is our change from living for self to living for Christ Inspire change through frequent reminders of Jesus’ love via the cross (2 Cor 5:14-15)

6 Repentance Study in GTG
Be careful not to present repentance as a work that leads to salvation; rather, it is our awakening to come to our senses and live the way God had always intended for us. It is more than a decision; it is God allowing us to see through a new worldview, which always results in the fruit of a turned, changed life. 2 Timothy 2: a gift we should seek

7 Digging Deeper: Metanoia in the NT
DiscipleMakers Class 6

8 “Meta” = Change Meta-morphosis = transformation
Meta = “After” to focus on the future vs. past

9 “Noia” = Mindset

10 “Meta-Noia” Change Your Mindset Change Your entire Philosophy of Life
Change All the Rules by which You play the game of Life Rearrange all your affections, ambitions, agenda and allegiances That light bulb goes off, aha moment The Greek word for repentance, metanoia, means “after – mindset.” With this gift of ‘hindsight,’ we see clearly to take the right path… the path of living for God rather than for self. Change your Worldview Nous is the main form of the Greek root Noia.

11 Metanoia – Biblical Parallels
Luke 15:17 “He came to his senses” Luke 24:45 “He opened their minds” Acts 26:18 “Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light” Romans 12:2 “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Ephesians 4:22-24 “put off your old self,… to be renewed in the attitude of your mind; and to put on the new self” Colossians 3:2 “Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” 1 Peter 2:24 “die to sin and live for righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 5:15-16 “no longer live for self but for Him… no longer regard anyone from a worldly point of view”

12 The Purposeful Question Worksheet

13 The Purposeful Question Worksheet
Ed Anton Repentance Convicted; Moved by Cross - needs rep. what Repentance means for Joe to live for Christ rather than for self Tell me your definition of “Repentance” What’s a time in your life that you may have repented? If you made a short film on Repentance, what would I see on the screen?

14 Ed Anton Discipleship Convicted; Moved by Cross - needs rep.
what Repentance means for Joe to live for Christ rather than for self What did the seekers want? Why didn’t John simply baptize them? What’s the difference between metanoia and the fruit of metanoia? How are they connected? Can you repent without showing it by its fruit? What was the mindset that produced a man who does/doesn’t’ share his food or coat? What would John say to you if you asked “What should I do then?” Luke 3:7-12 How does Jesus answer the people who want to know why tragedy happens? What perspective does Jesus want these people to have? What happens if you don’t repent? How will you know that you’ve repented? Luke 13:1-5; 6-9 What is meant to compel us? How can we be certain of that love? What does it compels us to do? How is that like repentance? If you no longer live for self but for Christ and no longer view people from a worldly point of view, then what will you start doing for people?Why is that a good indication of whether or not you’ve repented? 2nd Corinthians 5:14-21 At what point does Paul repent? How did his “rules for winning” change? Notice Jesus’ command to Paul in v. 18 which he obeys in v.20 - what’s the parallel to “open their eyes” in v.20? How did Paul’s eyes open? How have your eyes opened? What should happen when you turn to God? What deeds will prove your repentance? Acts 26:9-21 2nd Corinthians 7:8-11

15 Repentance Study in GTG

16 Next Class Complete a Purposeful Question Worksheet for the Baptism Study Memorize all GTG for Cross & Repentance studies for next quiz on August 19 Visiting: seek true repentance Ask a new friend to study the Bible with you this week!!!

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