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Openness and transparency of data

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1 Openness and transparency of data
in EU Structural and Investment Funds an overview Carlo Amati, Simona De Luca, Chiara A. Ricci Department for Cohesion Policy Informal Networks of Communication Officers INFORM and INIO Portorož, 30th May 2016

2 Open Data on public funds
Availability of information and Open Data (machine-readable) on projects funded by public resources helps in: fostering transparency in the use of funds improving decision making and policy design encouraging the creation of new tools and services for citizens increasing involvement of stakeholders in ensuring efficient and effective use of funds A feedback at the end of programming period…

3 Openness and transparency: a priority in Europe

4 Eu rules on transparency & Open Data
List of Operations and more … , Art. 7 Reg. 1828/2006 – Three mandatory fields for online publication: name of the project, name of the beneficiary, total value of the project  Hundreds of Managing Authorities are free to decide how much information is to be published and the format of the downloadable datasets European Transparency Initiative (2008) – Suggestion of some useful details to be published: public payments to beneficiaries at the end of the project, final year of payment, date of last update  Guidance Note 23th April 2008 , Art. 115 Regulation EU 1303/2005- Machine-readable Format (CSV, XML),Single Website Portal, User Licence, mandatory fields for online publication (headings & name of the projects to be provided in at least one other official EU language): name of the project, name of the beneficiary, total value of the project (as in ) summary of the project, start date, end date, EU eligible expenditure, postcode of the location of the project, country, category of intervention of the project, date of last update (newly introduced).

5 The investigation on Transparency on Structural Funds’ Beneficiaries in Europe 2010-2015 Ascertain the presence or absence of specific quality features of the beneficiaries’list published on line (62 variables in 2013, 2014, 2015) for : a new survey on is coming with the end of the year!

6 Countries with centralised portals (ERDF & ESF) on Structural Funds projects
2010 2015 (considering OpenCoesione)

7 Transparency on Cohesion Funds: the web based survey
Indices of openness and transparency of lists of beneficiaries of EU Structural Funds 6 different scores to each Operational Programme, one for each key aspect of data publication. The scores are based on the availability of selected key characteristics of the data, such as format, completeness of information, availability of tools to browse effectively through the data, and so on. 

8 EU OPs average level of compliance with the requirements set by the COCOF and Regulation year 2015

9 Machine-readable format?
PO ERDF 2015

10 Financial Data Contents Quality Search masks

11 From transparency to re-use and communication
Analysis / evaluation / research Participation / “civic monitoring” “Macro” effects Categorizations / typologies Total values of cohesion policies Data journalism - “Micro” effects/ single project Geo-localization “Wiki” tools and “crowdsourcing”

12 OpenCoesione for the cycle 2014-2020
UE Regulation 1303/2013 Italy Partnership Agreement 2014‐2020 par. 4.2 Note PCM-DPC N. 553/ OpenCoesione as single national website portal providing information on, and access to, all operational programmes in Italy; OpenCoesione for includes also information on European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), and develops new contents and functionalities.

13 Open government diagram by Armel Le Coz and Cyril Lage
Adaptation of Open government diagram by Armel Le Coz and Cyril Lage released under Creative Commons Attribution terms

14 Open data licence to support re-use
The web portal: Information about projects undertaken for implementing regional policies: description funding (amount and sources) locations thematic areas public/private subjects involved deployment timing 100+ variables for each project in open data section (CSV) + access via API Open data licence to support re-use

15 First phase Second phase Some news for 2014-2020 2014-2020
1. Funding opportunities and calls 2. List of operations and beneficiaries 3. Additional informations on financed projects (also for ) First phase Second phase Fase 2 3.Valorizzazione di contenuti aggiuntivi pubblicati sui siti delle AdG. Snodo verso bandi e opportunità offerte da ciascun PO. Implementazione di nuove sezioni, sia per adempiere alle disposizioni , sia per contribuire al soddisfacimento delle condizionalità ex ante, come nel caso della sezione sugli aiuti, sia ancora per migliorare ulteriormente le funzionalità di navigazione e comprensione dei dati. Interoperabilità con altri sistemi (es. Banca Dati nazionale degli Aiuti del MISE, in fase di realizzazione, per il tramite del Codice Unico di Progetto - CUP individuato quale “chiave di aggancio”).

16 The new contents of the portal
11/23/2018 The new contents of the portal 16

17 Financial resources 2014-2020 11/23/2018 17
Details on financial resources Notes and downladable xls 17

18 Programmes 11/23/2018 Italy Partnership Agreement ; Programmes cofinanced by European Structural and Investment Funds: Tables with links to the pdf of the programmes, to the Commission decisions and to the Managing Authorities web portals. Programmes financed by Cohesion Fund (CF) Complementary programmes 18

19 Call for proposal/tenders and projects 2014-2020
11/23/2018 Call for proposal/tenders and projects possibility to access to call for proposal and tenders financed by cohesion policies; publication of the lists of operations and beneficiaries of projects approved. 19

20 Thank you for your attention!

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