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Flame without Focus is a Wildfire

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1 Flame without Focus is a Wildfire

2 Warden - Guards Training 2015-2016
Thomas Marcetti, Sr., PSD State Director of MI Programs How many Program Directors? Deputy Grand Knights? Program / Deputy Grand Knights? Stop Me as we go if you have Questions

3 Warden & Guards Responsible for supervising and maintaining all council property Sets up council chambers for meetings and degree exemplifications Attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance Charter Constitution Laws Warden sec.143 – Guards sec. 144 ….and perform such duties as his council* may direct Warden & Guards are Important to the smooth operation of a council You help choose …Classy or sloppy! *And this includes your State Deputy & District Deputy

4 ? ? ? Over ? ? ? ? ?  Salutation table  Flags & banners
K of C Dignitaries V ? ? ? Over ? Overflow ? ? ? ? In a perfect world Protocol booklet page 4, Council Meeting Chamber Set-Up  Salutation table  Flags & banners  Directors, Advocate, Lecture – what about trustees?  K of C Dignitaries – may bump recorder to new table State Officer District Deputy Field / General agent State / diocesan directors Civic / government – if members – direction of GK COMMON SENSE  Overflow or with members

5 Warden & Guards Communication with GK and each other Tact with members
Pride in your contribution to the well being of the council Most important tools  with GK private – never argue about details Not life & death  Tact – cards – e.g. hats  Pride – know you are important

6 Before the meeting Arrange chamber Distribute ode cards, handouts etc.
Check for current membership cards Distribute jewels of office  Enough seating for dignitaries  Ode – if council does not have any suggest the FS order from supreme Supply book - ceremonial supplies #26 Ode cards 100 for $1.00  inspect membership cards as members enter the council chamber. The F.S. may vouch for a member. Use tact and discretion with dignitaries  Some council allow chair officers to keep jewels while in office

7 The beginning of the meeting
When the Grand Knight asks: “Worthy Warden, do you vouch that all present are in possession of a current membership card?” Warden’s response: “I do so vouch.” Or “All present are in possession of a current membership card.”

8 During the meeting Enforce protocol when members enter meetings late or leave meetings early Maintain order and decorum in the council chamber. Distribute materials during the meeting  Member is escorted by the guard or warden to the station of the Grand Knight, salutes him turns and the salutes the Deputy Grand Knight then takes a seat / leaves the council chamber (escort out) Wait for a natural pause do not interrupt the speaker stand & wait center back of the room  Use tact in all situations Addressing a member who is wearing a hat in the council chamber (him alone) Talking during the meeting Addressing other members not GK  Ballots for voting, handouts etc.

9 Duties at the Conclusion of a Council Meeting
Offer to assist and escort dignitaries as they leave the council. Expectations for “cleaning” the council chamber. Care for council properties. ceremonial paraphernalia

10 Protocol Handbook Acquire and review a copy of the current Protocol Handbook (1612 3/14). Acquire a copy of the current Protocol Handbook (1612 3/14). Key in or:  – search – magnifying glass – Protocol  Click green result Save to computer

11 Council Protocol Discuss issues with the Grand Knight
He will make the final decision…. You will never go wrong by employing common courtesy After you have reviewed the book  Discuss issues with the G K privately and make your recommendations.  GK will make the final decision for your council. If you think GK……. talk to DD  Keep in mind, however, that where there is no specific rule governing a situation or even some of the items covered in the , you will never go wrong by employing common courtesy.

12 Flame without Focus is a Wildfire
The End of this Session With wishes for the Beginning of a Great Fraternal Year Remember there are no small jobs only small men Do you have any finial questions? Thank You Flame without Focus is a Wildfire

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