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Concentrations and Colligative Properties

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1 Concentrations and Colligative Properties
SOLUTIONS II Concentrations and Colligative Properties

2 Solution Concentrations
Always: concentration = amount of solute_____ amount of solvent or solution Expressed as relative amounts: dilute or concentrated unsaturated or saturated Most often expressed with specific amounts of each component CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

3 Percent Solution By volume: By mass: By mass/volume:
(volume must have the same units) By mass: (mass must have the By mass/volume: (generally grams and mL) CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

4 Percent Solution What is the % m/v of a solution containing 35 g of sodium sulfate in 500 mL of water solution? What would the % be if the solute was potassium acetate? 2. Since the nature of the substance does not play a part in the calculation the % value does not change. CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

5 Percent Solution How many grams of copper (II) chloride are required to make 345 mL of a 25% solution (m/v)? CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

6 Molarity (again) Because many reactions happen between substances in solution, it is important to have a concentration based on moles. CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

7 Molarity How many grams of sodium phosphate are required to make 250 mL of a M solution? CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

8 Reactions with Solutions
How many mL of 0.30 M NaCl are needed to react with 20.0 mL of 0.12 M Pb(NO3)2? 2 NaCl (aq) + Pb(NO3)2 (aq)  PbCl2 (s) + 2 NaNO3 (aq) CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

9 Converting a concentrated solution to a dilute solution.
Figure 3.11 Converting a concentrated solution to a dilute solution. CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

10 Dilution Calculations
For dilutions use the formula: Ci x Vi = Cf x Vf Where Ci = initial concentration Vi = initial volume Cf = final concentration Vf = final volume You can use any type of concentration or volume unit as long as they are the same. CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

11 Dilution Calculations
How many mL of 0.50 M KCl are required to make 1.5 L of 0.20 M KCl? CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

12 Colligative Properties
Properties that change depending on the number of particles dispersed in a solvent Vapor pressure lowering CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

13 The effect of a solute on the vapor pressure of a solution.
Figure 13.11 The effect of a solute on the vapor pressure of a solution. CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

14 Colligative Properties
Properties that change depending on the number of particles dispersed in a solvent Vapor pressure lowering Boiling point elevation Freezing point depression CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

15 Phase diagrams of solvent and solution.
Figure 13.12 Phase diagrams of solvent and solution. CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

16 Boiling and Freezing Point Changes
ΔTb = Kb x m where m= moles solute kg solvent Kb = boiling pt constant ΔTf = Kf x m Kf = freezing point constant Applications… CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

17 Table 13.5 Molal Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point
Depression Constants of Several Solvents Boiling Point (0C)* Melting Point (0C) Solvent Kb (0C/m) Kf (0C/m) Acetic acid 117.9 3.07 16.6 3.90 Benzene 80.1 2.53 5.5 4.90 Carbon disulfide 46.2 2.34 -111.5 3.83 Carbon tetrachloride 76.5 5.03 -23 30. Chloroform 61.7 3.63 -63.5 4.70 Diethyl ether 34.5 2.02 -116.2 1.79 Ethanol 78.5 1.22 -117.3 1.99 Water 100.0 0.512 0.0 1.86 *at 1 atm. CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

18 Colligative Properties
Properties that change depending on the number of particles dispersed in a solvent Vapor pressure lowering Boiling point elevation Freezing point depression Osmotic pressure – movement of solvent particles across a semipermeable membrane CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

19 The development of osmotic pressure.
Figure 13.13 The development of osmotic pressure. Applied pressure needed to prevent volume increase osmotic pressure pure solvent solution semipermeable membrane net movement of solvent CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

20 Osmotic Pressure Remember PV = nRT? P V = n R T P = n R T V Π = M RT
Where Π = osmotic pressure M = molarity CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

21 Osmosis and cells When a cell is placed in a solution with a hypertonic (higher solute concentration but less water) water flows out of the cell and the cell shrinks (crenation). When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution (less solute but more water), water flows into the cell and the cell swells and may burst (hemolysis). CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

22 i = Colligative Properties of Electrolyte Solutions
For electrolyte solutions, the compound formula tells us how many particles are in the solution. The van’t Hoft factor, i, tells us what the “effective” number of ions are in the solution. van’t Hoff factor (i) i = measured value for electrolyte solution expected value for nonelectrolyte solution For vapor pressure lowering: P = i(solutex P0solvent) For boiling point elevation: Tb = i(bm) For freezing point depression: Tf = i(fm) For osmotic pressure :  = i(MRT) CHM PGCC Barbara A. Gage

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