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Statins and the Elderly Patient

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Presentation on theme: "Statins and the Elderly Patient"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statins and the Elderly Patient

2 Program Goals

3 The Elderly

4 Background

5 The Elderly and Vascular Disease

6 Clinical Practice Decisions

7 2013 ACC/AHA Guidelines for Lipid Management in Older Patients

8 Guideline Updates: Ezetimibe and PCSK9 Inhibitors

9 The International Atherosclerosis Society and European Atherosclerosis Society/European Society of Cardiology Guidelines for Lipid/Management in the Elderly

10 2017 AACE Lipid Guidelines

11 Statin-Eligible Primary Prevention Patients

12 Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring

13 NLA Recommendations in Older Patients

14 Intensity of Statin Therapy

15 Secondary Prevention in Patients 80 and Older

16 Polypharmacy and Drug-Drug Interactions

17 Human Cytochrome P450 Isoenzymes Known to Oxidize Clinically-Used Drugs

18 Tailoring Lipid-Lowering Therapy in the Elderly

19 Patient Case 1

20 Patient Case 1: Treatment

21 Statins and Warfarin

22 Statins In Patients With CKD

23 Patient Case 2

24 Patient Case 2: Treatment

25 Statin Intolerance

26 Risk for CVD in HIV

27 Use of Statins With Protease Inhibitors

28 Certain Statins Increase the Risk for New-Onset T2D

29 Team Approach

30 Summary and Take-Home Messages

31 Abbreviations

32 Abbreviations (cont)

33 Abbreviations (cont)

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