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General Information Born on April 23rd 1564 in Warwickshire, England. Died on his birthday in 1616, aged 52. He had 7 siblings, some of whom died as babies.

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2 General Information Born on April 23rd 1564 in Warwickshire, England. Died on his birthday in 1616, aged 52. He had 7 siblings, some of whom died as babies from the Bubonic Plague. Married Anne Hathaway at the age of 18 and had three children-one of whom also died very young, age 11. He is widely considered the most important writer of the English language if all-time.

3 Writing and Acting Career
He was a poet, playwright and actor. Acted in London as part of the King’s Men. He was also famous for his sonnets, which are 14 line poems of any rhyme structure. He has written 37 plays. He began with mostly comedies and then moved onto tragedies. He also wrote several historical works. He is the 2nd most quoted writer of the English language of all-time. (after Samuel Johnson)

4 Linguistic contribution
His vocabulary was huge. It was believed to be between 17,000 and 34,000 words. The estimated vocabulary of an educated person today is 15,000. He is credited with introducing: lonely, gloomy, suspicious, hurry, accommodation, obscene, reliance, dislocate and many, many more words and phrases.

5 Most Famous Works Comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
All’s Well That End’s Well As You Like It The Merchant of Venice A Comedy of Errors Historical Works: King John Richard II Henry IV Parts I and II Henry V Henry VI Parts I, II and III Richard III ,Henry VIII

6 Tragedies Shakespeare is most famous for his tragic works.
The most famous are: Macbeth Othello Hamlet King Lear Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar

7 Romeo and Juliet Has anyone read this play or seen the movie?
What do you know about the story? Watch the video and answer the accompanying questions on the worksheet. now/literature-uk/shakespeare-romeo-and-juliet

8 Hamlet Have you read the play or seen the movie?
Does anyone know what Disney film is based on Hamlet? g Once again, let’s watch the video and answer the accompanying questions on the worksheet. now/literature-uk/shakespeare-hamlet

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