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Frogs Salamanders

2 Eastern American Toad Spots have only 1-2 warts
Spotted belly, most toward head Dorsal ridge forms an L above glands on head Toad song

3 Bullfrog Big frog—6 inches or larger
Usually green to brown with no markings on shoulders Large eardrum Small ridge behind eardrum Bullfrog song

4 Eastern Gray Treefrog Green to gray-brown Light spot beneath eye
Bright yellow or white on underside of hind legs Back skin is rough or bumpy with dark blotches Treefrog song

5 Pickerel Frog 2 rows of rectangular blotches down back
Back blotches between 2 light, raised dorsolaterial folds Underside is light colored to white Pickerel song

6 Northern Green Frog Dorsolaterial ridges do not go
all the way to groin Males have a yellow belly Generally more green than brown Large eardrum, as big or bigger than eye Dark blotches occur on lower part of back and hind legs Green song

7 Northern Leopard Frog Dark spots, circular in shape placed irregularly on body 2 dorsolateral glandular folds along back Color varies, green to browns Leopard song

8 Northern Spring Peeper
Very small, up to 1 inch long Markings form an X on the back Color ranges from brown (usually) to gray to green Peeper song

9 Wood Frog Prominent black mask from tip of snout through eye
and eardrum Light mid-dorsal strip may be present Size goes up to 2.75 in. Wood song

10 Eastern Hellbender 12-29 inches long
Dark mottling over back and upper sides Loose flaps of skin run along the side Flat head and body with rudder like tail

11 Jefferson Salamander Really long toes and a pointy snout
Dark brown through gray and black Small blue spots may be visible on back Sides lighter than back

12 Long-tailed Salamander
Primarily red to orange with black spotty markings Black spots form distinctive patterns on tail Tail very long, generally longer than the body

13 Marbled Salamander Gray to white bands on a black
background—very obvious Small, only about 4 inches Belly black

14 Mudpuppy Bushy, reddish colored gills behind head
Brownish-gray to bluish-gray Each foot has 4 toes Young may have distinctive stripes on back

15 Northern Dusky Salamander
Gray, tan or brown on back with a lighter belly Darker patches may be linked to each other by a wavy dark line, parallel to body

16 Northern Red Salamander
Red to orange in color with many black spots Eye is yellow 16-17 grooves along the sides of body Larger salamander up to 7 inches

17 Redback Salamander Reddish strip runs from back
of head all the way to the tip of the tail—no other salamander has this stripe

18 Red-spotted Newt Different life stages—immature terrestrial stage is orange in color and called the Red Eft The green-olive mature state is found in water and is called the Newt Both have distinctive red spots on back

19 Spotted Salamander Large, up to 8 inches
Black to gray back with slate gray belly 2 rows of yellowish spots along edges of back


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