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The Second Triumvirate

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1 The Second Triumvirate
43 B.C.E. -12 B.C.E.

2 Octavian Julius Caesars sister’s grandson Trained by Julius Caesar
Adopted son of Caesar and heir to the throne due to Caesar’s will.

3 Marc Antony Lepidus Son of a military commander
General for Caesar, cavalry commander Controlled Caesars funds Lepidus Statesman elected consul with support of Pompey

4 43 B.C.E. Octavian and Antony agreed to a sharing of power.
They, along with Lepidus who was the Pontifex Maximus (high priest) are designated by the Senate as a Triumvirate with dictatorial powers for five years. Octavian, Antony and Lepidus agreed to eliminate Senators and members of the Roman aristocracy whom any one of the three considered a threat to public order. Altogether 300 senators and two thousand lesser level aristocrats are executed.

5 42 B.C.E. The Senate deemed Julius Caesar as having been a god. This enhanced Octavian's status still further. Antony and Octavian undertook a military expedition to the east to defeat Brutus and Cassius. Brutus and Cassius kill themselves. The Triumvirate then divide up the Empire. Anthony gets the east and Gaul. Lepidus gets Africa and Octavian gets the west except for Italy which was to be under common control of the three. The alliance of Octavian and Antony was renewed and further confirmed by Antony marrying the sister of Octavian, Octavia

6 32 B.C.E. Antony divorces Octavia, Octavian's sister.
Octavian reveals that Anthony's will calls for the granting of Roman territory in the east to the Cleopatra. Furthermore it reveals plans for transferring the capital of the empire from Rome to Alexandria. The sympathy and allegiance of the Roman public are with Octavian against Antony.

7 31 B.C.E. Antony decides to bring his forces to the western side of Greece. Cleopatra accompanies him. Octavian sends a military expedition to Greece. Octavian’s fleet blocks in Antony and Cleopatra's fleet. Cleopatra, for fear of being captured, pulls her ships out of the battle and heads back to Egypt thus ensuring the defeat of Anthony's forces. Anthony and some of his ships escape from the battle and follow Cleopatra.

8 30 B.C.E. Octavian invades Egypt; Anthony commits suicide and Cleopatra follows. Cleopatra's son by Julius Caesar is sent into hiding on the Red Sea coast of Egypt but Octavian tracks him down and kills him. Octavian annexed Egypt into the Roman Empire and put it under his direct control.

9 28 B.C.E. Octavian was appointed the president of the Senate.
Although Octavian was all powerful but determined to cloth his rule under the republican traditions. Octavian was awarded the name "Augustus"- (the honored one) and thereafter he was referred to as Caesar Augustus.

10 12 B.C.E. 12 BCE: Augustus becomes Pontifex Maximus after Lepidus dies

11 Republic- a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. Emperor- supreme ruler of an empire (group of nations)

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