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Horse Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Horse Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horse Jeopardy

2 Diseases and Parasites Body Systems and Conformation
Genetics and Breeding Breeds and Behavior Tack and Showing Feeds and Nutrition Diseases and Parasites Body Systems and Conformation 50 100 200 250 300 400 500

3 What is the foal of a horse and zebra called?

4 A Zorse

5 What color does the G locus(gene) provide for?

6 Dominant grey

7 Name 3 of the 5 basic coat colors.
Name all 5 for an extra 50 points!

8 Bay, Black, Brown, Chestnut, White

9 Name 3 of the 5 coat color variations.
Name all 5 for an extra 50 points!

10 Dun(Buckskin), Grey, Palomino, Pinto(Paint), Roan

11 What is the difference between cross-breeding and out crossing?

12 Cross breeding is the mating of 2 animals of different breeds
Cross breeding is the mating of 2 animals of different breeds. Out crossing is mating animals that are the same breed but show no relation for at least 4 generations.

13 What is Colostrum?

14 A thick milk that contains globulin for temporary immunity, produced by the mare for the foal right after birth.

15 What is the difference between phenotype and genotype?

16 The phenotype is the way the horse looks on the outside
The phenotype is the way the horse looks on the outside. The genotype is the genetic makeup of the horse.

17 Name 2 of the 3 breeds The American Paint Horse Association bases its registry on?
Name all 3 for an extra 50 points!

18 Paint Horses, Quarter Horses, Thoroughbreds

19 What does AHSA stand for?

20 American Horse Show Association

21 Where did the Bashkir Curly originate?

22 The Ural Mountains in Russia

23 How is dominance or hierarchy established in a herd of horses?

24 Though aggression, biting, kicking, etc.

25 Who owned the Morgan Horse foundation sire named Figure?

26 Justin Morgan

27 What breed was created by crossing the Appaloosa and the Shetland Pony and what was the foundation sire’s name?

28 Pony of the Americas (POA) and the foundation sire was Black Hand 1.

29 List the three of the five ancestral forms of the horse.
Name all 5 for an extra 50 points!

30 Eohippus, Mesohippus, Merychippus, Pliohippus, and Equus

31 How many beats are there in a trot?

32 2 beats

33 How many poles are there in a pole weaving class?

34 6 poles

35 Name a type of pack saddle.

36 Crossbuck, Sawbuck, Decker

37 What is the term for close fitting riding breeches or ankle high shoes worn with breeches?

38 Jodhpurs

39 What is a daisy cutter?

40 A horse that seems to skim the surface of the ground at the trot, graceful.

41 What is the difference between Pelham and Full bridles?

42 Pelham bridles have 1 bit and 2 sets of reins
Pelham bridles have 1 bit and 2 sets of reins. Full bridles have 2 bits with separate cheek pieces and 2 sets of reins.

43 What is the traverse, and what is its more common name?

44 A lateral movement without forward or backward movement
A lateral movement without forward or backward movement. Also known as the Sidepass.

45 What does TDN stand for?

46 Total Digestible Nutrients

47 What is the most important nutrient?

48 Water

49 Most of the nutrients are found in what part of the forage plant?

50 The leaves

51 Name 2 types of roughages.

52 Pasture forages, hays, silages, byproduct feeds that contain a high percentage of fiber.

53 What is the primary sign of iron deficiency?

54 Anemia

55 What is the difference between Geophagia and Allotriophagy?

56 Geophagia is a horse that eats dirt because of mineral deficiency
Geophagia is a horse that eats dirt because of mineral deficiency. Allotriophagy is the general term for the eating of unnatural materials.

57 Name 3 of the 10 essential amino acids.
Name 5 for an extra 50 points!

58 Phenylalanie, Leucine, Lysine, Valine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Methionine, Histidine, Arginine, Threonine.

59 HYPP generally affects what popular horse breed?

60 Quarter Horses

61 What does the Coggins Test screen for?

62 Equine Infectious Anemia

63 Name 2 unsoundnesses of the horses hocks.
Name 5 for an extra 50 points!

64 Thoroughpins, Bone (Jack) Spavin, Bog Spavin, Occult Spavin, Capped hock, Curb. (Also Cow Hock and Sickle Hock, but these are not always unsoundnesses).

65 What is the more common term for Lockjaw?

66 Tetanus

67 What is the more common term for Distemper?

68 Strangles

69 How many weeks can a horse with Strangles spread the infection?

70 4 weeks or as long as they show symptoms (draining abscesses, runny nose, etc)

71 Name 1 of the 2 breeds that are most commonly affected by Equine Viral Ateritis.
Name both for an extra 50 points!

72 Standardbreds, Saddlebreds

73 The ideal slope of the horse’s shoulder is what angle?

74 45-50 degrees

75 In the skull, what is protected by the orbital cavity?

76 The eyes

77 What is the largest bone in the horse’s head?

78 The mandible

79 How many bones does the horse have?

80 205 bones

81 Name 2 abnormalities of the horse’s jaw.

82 Overbite (parrot mouth) or underbite (monkey mouth)

83 Name 5 parts of the alimentary canal (digestive system).

84 Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (cecum, large colon, small colon), rectum, anus.

85 Name the 3 of the 5 regions of the horse’s spinal column (vertebrae).
Name all 5 for an extra 50 points!

86 Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, Coccygeal

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