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Aim #53: What were some of the major problems facing farmers during the Gilded Age? Do now! Please answer “Imagine you are a farmer” worksheet and answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim #53: What were some of the major problems facing farmers during the Gilded Age? Do now! Please answer “Imagine you are a farmer” worksheet and answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim #53: What were some of the major problems facing farmers during the Gilded Age?
Do now! Please answer “Imagine you are a farmer” worksheet and answer the “Cross of Gold” speech questions Please have out your hw

2 (I) Why did farmers organize?
Farming became more commercialized and specialized (focus on one crop like corn) Problems for farmers Mortgaged their properties to purchase seed, fertilizer and equipment; can’t pay mortgage, lose farm Crop prices fell (overproduction) Railroad charged outrageous rates for farmers to ship crops 4. Banks charge high interest rates 5. Tight money supply: not a lot of $ in circulation c. The Grange Movement: organized social and educational activities Want: government regulation and ownership of businesses

3 d. Supreme Court Cases to Know:
Munn v. Illinois (1877): states could regulate railroads Wabash case (1886): state cannot regulate interstate commerce– leads to passage of Interstate Commerce Act which was 1st regulatory agency designed to address the abuses of the railroads (II) The People’s Party (aka Populist Party) Founded by western farmers in 1892 Sought to break power of the traditional parties and of big business Goals as set form as part of Omaha Platform Direct democracy including direct election of senators Labor reform including 8 hr work day Graduated income tax (earn more, pay more) Cheap credit in form of silver (wanted unlimited coinage of silver) Government ownership of railroads and utilities (telegraphs) Use of initiatives and referendum: lets voters vote directly on laws Secret ballots (voting before was done in public)

4 1892 Presidential Election: Populist candidate won over a million votes!

5 William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)
The “Great Commoner”

6 Bryant’s “Cross of Gold” Speech
You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!

7 The Seasoned Politician
vs. The “Young” Newcomer

8 1896 Presidential Election: Bryan loses but carries most of the South and West

9 Why Did Bryan Lose? He did not form alliances with other groups.
McKinley’s campaign was well- organized and highly funded.


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