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Better Writing: Keep it Simple.

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1 Better Writing: Keep it Simple

2 The words you choose can enhance or interfere with your meaning.

3 Concision The art and practice of minimizing words used to convey an idea. It aims to make communication more effective by eliminating redundancy without omitting important information. *A sentence may be short without being concise, or long without being cluttered.

4 Choose your words deliberately.
Construct your sentences carefully. THIS WILL HELP YOU TO GET STRAIGHT TO YOUR POINT. This does not exempt you from providing important details and explanations.

5 Eliminate Unnecessary Words

6 He provided a full and complete account of the film.
He provided a complete account of the film. Eliminate synonyms that mean the same thing.

7 I will hopefully pass the course. I hope to pass the course
I will hopefully pass the course. I hope to pass the course. Change adverb to a verb

8 I found it enjoyable to be eating a banana split sundae
I found it enjoyable to be eating a banana split sundae. I enjoyed eating a banana split sundae. Eliminate the “to be”

9 The vacation was not pleasant. The vacation was unpleasant
The vacation was not pleasant. The vacation was unpleasant. Use the negative version

10 Television does not portray violence in a realistic fashion
Television does not portray violence in a realistic fashion. Television does not portray violence realistically.

11 The getaway car, which was stolen, turned the corner
The getaway car, which was stolen, turned the corner. The stolen getaway car turned the corner. move the adjective

12 There are ten foreign exchange students attending Henry Ford II High School. Ten foreign exchange students attend Henry Ford II High School.

13 There is a national organization called The Couch Potatoes
There is a national organization called The Couch Potatoes. The group’s 8,000 members are devoted television watchers. The Couch Potatoes is a national organization whose 8,000 members are devoted television watchers. collapse & eliminate

14 Eliminate Hedge Words Empty words that convey uncertainty or hesitation.

15 In most cases, you should believe enough in what you’re saying to say it with confidence. You should believe enough in what you’re saying to say it with confidence.

16 Her height is not exactly relevant to her ability as a basketball player. Her height is not relevant to her ability as a basketball player.

17 Revise Empty Verbs

18 The car was repaired by me.
I repaired the car. Use active voice Not passive

19 The investigation is about why kids prefer donuts to bagels.
The investigation is focused on why kids prefer donuts to bagels. more specific verb

20 Cut fluff & more specific verb
The committee members gave their suggestions about ways to lower costs. The committee suggested ways to lower costs. Cut fluff & more specific verb

21 I definitely think that this is the answer.
I think this is the answer. I totally agree that we really should revise the student handbook. I agree the student handbook should be revised. delete emphatics omit “that” – typically used between clauses

22 The vegetables were picked this morning and are still fresh.
The vegetables picked this morning are still fresh. Picked this morning, the vegetables are still fresh. create and move free modifier

23 Rethink Verbose “Grandiose” Language

24 In accordance with the recommendations offered by various persons knowledgeable in the field, I made a decision to adhere to a diet of food known to be healthy. I decided to eat healthy food.

25 Remove redundant words
Remove unnecessary adjectives Delete hedge words Replace empty verbs such as “to be” with specific verbs Remove emphatic words Avoid unnecessarily verbose and complex language

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