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Appendicular Skeleton

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Presentation on theme: "Appendicular Skeleton"— Presentation transcript:

1 Appendicular Skeleton
Appendicular bones Pectoral girdle and upper extremities Pelvic girdle and lower extremities Chapter 8

2 Clavicle and Scapula

3 Clavicle

4 Scapula Scapula markings spine superior border
acromion lateral (axillary) border glenoid cavity medial (vertebral) border coracoid process subscapular fossa supraspinous fossa scapular notch infraspinous fossa

5 Scapula

6 Scapula

7 Humerus

8 Humerus

9 Radius and Ulna

10 Radius and Ulna

11 Radius and Ulna

12 Carpals Metacarpals, Phalanges

13 Pelvic Bone

14 Pelvic Bone

15 Pelvic Bone

16 Pelvic Girdle

17 True vs. False Pelvis

18 Pelvic Girdle

19 Pelvic Girdle

20 Female vs Male Pelvis Female Male

21 Female vs Male Pelvis

22 Female vs Male Pelvis

23 Femur

24 Femur

25 Patella

26 Tibia

27 Tibia

28 Fibula

29 Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges

30 Arches of the Foot

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