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Level 4 in Real Life Based on a series of questions answered by level 4 candidates Caveat: is my level 4 anyone elses level 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Level 4 in Real Life Based on a series of questions answered by level 4 candidates Caveat: is my level 4 anyone elses level 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 4 in Real Life Based on a series of questions answered by level 4 candidates Caveat: is my level 4 anyone elses level 4

2 Level 4 in Denmark 40 candidates have been tested for jobs with at least one 4 in the required SLP. Of those, 11 passed at SLP 4444 4 did not at all pass the required 4444 test 12 passed at SLP 4343 Those 11 were the ones I asked for interviews 4 of those obtaining 4444 were supposed to be tested at level 3 for their jobs, but proved themselves in one way or another to deserve to take the 4-test The rest had various non-patterned results with 4’s in them

3 Who,What,Where? 6 interviews were conducted
NATO Headquarters,Bruxelles SHAPE, Mons My office 4 questionnaires were answered Who: Danish officers who have been assessed as being at level 4444 Questionnaires for those too far away for me to go there

4 A Handful of Questions... –You are in a position that requires an SLP Is it really necessary? -You were assessed as being at level 4. But were you actually at that level? The questions I’ll answer , are those that gave interesting answers. Asking them if they understand or can do this and that is background knowledge , and I assure you that they answered in the affirmative to having to be able to do each of the described level 4 tasks, at the described level of accuracy and touching the described contant

5 ……more questions with answers
What tasks do you - even at your level - find demanding? Is it necessary to have knowledge of US/UK culture?

6 The last questions You told me you were not at level 4 when arriving at NATO HQ. How then should we test candidates for such posts? Can we use Job Descriptions as indicative of what level is really needed?

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