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Mrs. Walker’s Lesson Plans

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1 Mrs. Walker’s Lesson Plans
Weekly Overview

2 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week 2 8/14 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday 8/14/17 I can read closely and find answers explicitly and answers that require an inference. RL.7.1 Policy/procedures quiz, read “The Dinner Party”, answer questions Tuesday 8/15/17 I can identify examples of the 5 types of thinking from “The Dinner Party.” Discuss 5 types of thinking, identify 5 types of thinking in a text Wednesday 8/16/17 Introduction to background information of the Holocaust Anticipation guide, nearpod to watch ch. 1 video & take notes, discuss; 360 tour of Auschwitz-Birkenau Thursday 8/17/17 I can analyze how a video can add to or change the way the subject is portrayed to an audience. RI.7.7 360 tour of Auschwitz-Birkenau, INDIVIDUAL CHOICE DISCUSSION, ch. 2 video, take notes, discuss; nearpod-types of prisioners Friday 8/18/17 Ch. 3-4 video in nearpod, take notes, discuss; write a summary of how video portrays a subject to an audience

3 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week 3 8/21 I can Statements and Standards Week of Aug I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday 8/21 NO SCHOOL/SOLAR ECLIPSE N/A Tuesday 8/22 I can determine a central idea from a non-fiction video. RI.7.2 Holocaust anticipation guide, Holocaust video ch. 1, non-fiction form in google (central ideas) Wednesday 8/23 I can write an objective summary of the non-fiction video I viewed. Holocaust video ch. 2, non-fiction form in google, (objective summary), read from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, quizzes Thursday 8/24 I can read closely and find answers explicitly in text and answers that require an inference. RL.7.1 read from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, quizzes Friday 8/25 Mrs. Walker will be out for teacher training. There will be a sub. Editing, reading from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, quizzes

4 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /28 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday 8/28 I can analyze what a text says explicitly and draw logical inferences. RL.7.1 Review quiz #1, read ch. 2-3 and discuss, quiz on ch. 2-3, ch. 3 of Bruno’s journal Tuesday 8/29 Share journal entries, discuss what inferences were made, read ch. 4-5, quiz on ch. 4-5, Bruno’s journal for ch. 4-5 Wednesday 8/30 Ch. 2 of Path to Nazi Genocide video, take notes and disucss; read ch. 6, ch. 6 quiz, and ch. 6 of Bruno’s journal Thursday 8/31 Share journal entries, discuss what inferences were made; read ch. 7-8, Bruno’s journal entry Friday 9/01 Share journal entries, discuss what inferences were made; read ch. 9-10, ch quiz, Bruno’s journal entry

5 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /5 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday NO SCHOOL-LABOR DAY Tuesday I can define the key elements of plot. RL.7.3 Share journals; elements of plot study guide-give out and discuss; quiz Thursday and Friday; read ch. 7 and quiz Wednesday I can analyze what a text says explicitly and draw logical inferences. RL.7.1 Review elements of plot; roving reporter; review ch. 7; fill out ch. 7 journal and share; Read ch. 8 and quiz if time Thursday Elements of Plot quiz; read ch and quiz Friday Elements of plot quiz; read ch. 11 and quiz

6 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /11 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday 9/11 I can explain why the setting of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is so important to the plot of the text. RL.7.3 Ch. 3 video, google doc assignment on video, review elements of plot, plot diagram for novel, read ch. 8 and take quiz Tuesday 9/12 I can analyze what a text says explicitly and draw logical conclusions. RL7.1 Read ch and take quizzes Wednesday 9/13 Elements of plot quiz, read ch. 11 and take quiz, ch. 11 journal Thursday 9/14 Read ch , quiz on ch , ch. 13 journal entry Friday 9/15 I can define and identify central ideas. RI.7.2 Elements of plot quiz, set up, roving reporter, discuss central idea and supporting details, complete article on go over together

7 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /18 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday 9/18 I can identify the main ideas/central ideas and supporting details in a video. SL.7.2 Discuss main idea/central idea and supporting details; watch ch. 3 video and take notes; complete Google Classroom assignment Tuesday 9/19 I can determine the central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text. RI.7.2 Elements of plot quiz; Discuss main idea/central idea and supporting details; non-fiction article on main idea/central idea in Wednesday 9/20 I can analyze what a text says explicitly and draw logical inferences. RL.7.1 Read ch and take quizzes Thursday 9/21 Journal entry for ch Read ch. 14 and take quiz Friday 9/22 Read ch and take quizzes; if time allows, complete journal entry for ch

8 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /25 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday I can read and comprehend a variety of literature. RL.7.10 read ch and take quizzes Tuesday I can analyze what a text says explicitly and draw logical inferences.  RL.7.1 Read ch and take quizzes; create Bruno’s journal entry for ch. 13 and 17 Wednesday Analyze ch. 12 and 13 quizzes on ; read ch. 18, take quiz, journal entry for ch. 18 Thursday Read ch ; quizzes on ch ; roving reporter-discuss what mom and dad were thinking at the end and for months after; create a journal entry for both Mother and Father Friday I can determine a central idea and analyze its development over the course of the text/media. RI.7.2 Central idea and development of central idea-ch. 3 video review; watch ch. 4 and determine central idea and development

9 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /02 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday 10/2 I can create and present an oral presentation in a coherent and focused manner, making sure to use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. SL.7.4 Oral presentations (full class period) Tuesdy 10/3 I can determine a central idea and analyze its development over the course of the text/media. RI.7.2 Finish presentations; analyze Adolph Hitler article for central idea and development of central idea; analyze ch. 4 video for central idea and development of the central idea Wednesday 10/4 Various Standards 9-week’s exam Thursday 10/5 I can compose a well written, well organized informative/explanatory essay on a given topic. W.7.2 Write an informative essay using The Boy in the Striped pajamas Friday 10/6 Field trip Field Trip

10 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /16 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday I can identify and explain how the author establishes the point of view. RL7.6 Read text for purpose of identifying point of view Tuesday I can analyze and explain how the setting shapes the plot of a particular text. RL.7.3 Review point of view, protagonist, antagonist; discuss I Can; map task Wednesday Review I Can; Discuss elements of plot for the text; finish task Thursday Substitute SUB Friday I can analyze how dialogue between Rainsford and Whitney contributes to both the author’s characterization of Rainsford and the story’s mood. RL.7.6 MOOD/CHARACTERIZATION: Discuss I Can and break down into parts; work with partner to answer discussion question;

11 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /23 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

12 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade : Week /30 I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

13 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

14 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

15 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

16 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

17 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

18 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

19 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

20 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

21 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

22 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

23 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

24 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

25 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

26 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

27 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

28 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

29 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

30 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

31 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

32 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

33 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

34 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

35 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

36 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

37 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

38 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

39 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

40 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

41 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

42 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

43 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

44 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

45 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

46 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

47 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

48 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

49 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

50 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

51 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

52 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

53 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

54 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

55 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

56 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

57 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

58 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

59 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

60 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

61 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

62 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

63 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

64 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

65 English/Language Arts with Mrs. Walker
7th Grade I can Statements and Standards Week of I Can Statement/Standards Plans for the Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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