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Japanese culture Created by: Mackenzie Wood

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1 Japanese culture Created by: Mackenzie Wood
In collaboration with: Jaden Johnson and Matthew Merrit

2 How do Japanese beliefs influence the practice of medicine?
The Japanese believed in religious and philosophical beliefs. According to their main religion, Shintoism, illness and disease are considered unclean and impure. Therefore, in order to stay disease free, you must show respect for the gods by washing your hands. The main Shintoism symbol Hachiman “God of War”

3 How do Japanese family’s affect the practice of medicine?
Typically, the person in charge in a Japanese family is the father or the eldest son. If a health care worker has to address the family, the health care worker needs to address the father or eldest son. It would not be “right” to address the daughter or the wife. The women of the family have the lowest position in the family.

4 What barriers do health care workers face with Japanese?
Health care workers face a couple of major barriers. One barrier is that you must only address the father or oldest son of the family. Another barrier is that the Japanese strongly believe that gods created illness due to lack of cleanliness. That is a BIG barrier!

5 Examples of this barrier
Say that you need to tell the Japanese family what is wrong with the sick member of the family. When telling them, it is only right to address the father or oldest son. If you are diagnosing the patient, they might not be open to what you say because they are very religion based and think that gods cause illness. The Sakura forest Located in Japan

6 How do health care workers work around these barriers?
Health care workers have to know who to address and speak to in a Japanese family. Health care workers also need to take in consideration that Japanese are very religion based and could not be accepting to a diagnosis. Barrier Overcome!!!!

7 Any questions?

8 The End!!!!

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