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International Economics Growth and Trade

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Presentation on theme: "International Economics Growth and Trade"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Economics Growth and Trade
23/11/61 Session 7 Growth and Trade Aj. Noom Tel

2 Balanced Versus Biased Growth

3 Single Factor Growth

4 Effect on the Country’s Terms of Trade
1. Small Country The size of trade cannot influence the world price. 1. Large Country The size of trade can influence the world price.

5 Small Country International prices are not influenced by trade. Equal
Trade Line Slope =1 S1 C1 Equal

6 S2 S1 C2 C1


8 Wheat are highly demanded in the world market.
Large Country International prices are influenced by trade. Wheat are highly demanded in the world market.

9 Wheat are not highly demanded in the world market.

10 What is the main difference between the consumption of these products ?

11 It is possible that expanding a country’s ability to make the products that it exports can actually make the country worse off. Rate of Return

12 Technology and Trade New technology is difficult to keep secret, and other countries have an incentive to obtain the technology improvement. Japan German The U.S.

13 The innovating country is initially the exporter of new product, but it eventually becomes an importer. The U.S. Importer (Present) Exporter (Pass)

14 With Technology diffusion, openness to trade affects growth
If a country closes itself to international trade, it probably also cut itself from new technology. This then make the country grow more slowly.

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