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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Topics:- Introduction Current Information Technologies for the Construction Sector Current Communication Technologies for the Construction Sector Advantages and Disadvantages of IT for Industry Stakeholders IT applications in Malaysian Construction Industry

3 Introduction Construction is a multi-organisational process that is heavily dependent on exchange of large and complex data. There are tons of information flow between parties in a construction project. Successful completion of project depends on accuracy, effectiveness and timely communication and exchange of critical information and data between the project teams.

4 Introduction Current traditional information and communication flows within the construction industry are mostly manual and hence, slow:- Producing numerous paper copies of documents and drawings Library archives of documents need to be maintained to effectively access data as when required The reliance of third parties, i.e courier services, can lead to delays Added expense incurred in the project delivery of project documents to project members who are geographically distributed.

5 Introduction Information Technology (IT) that encompasses many technologies such as computers, software, networks and even telephones and fax machines will facilitate the exchange and management of information and has a lot of potentials for the information process component of the construction industry.

6 Current Information Technologies For The Construction Sector


8 Computer Aided Design and Visualisation
Widely used by design professionals-AUTOCAD Other popular software-Microstation, ArchiCAD, MiniCAD, FastCAD Have replaced the traditional drawing board at the production information stage Advantages Designers are able to keep various versions of building layout for later study. Different views of building can easily be produced Can produce photo realistic, static and moving images-clients can view the final appearance of the building at the design stage.

9 Computer Aided Design and Visualisation

10 Building Engineering Applications
Simulation of the building’s performance at the design stage-thermal, lighting, acoustics and structural aspects. Benefits- allow designers to evaluate alternative design solutions in order to reach optimum design. Example: ATEAN (Carrier), CARGASW (Climasoft)-Energy Design, CALCULUX-Lighting and building services design, CYPE IGENIERIOS S.A-Structural Design, COSMOS-finite element analysis, DUCTSIZE- electricity and water nets design.

11 Building Engineering Applications

12 Computer Aided Cost Estimation
Software to make cost estimation and keep track of project spending. Example: Esti-Mate, Manifest, FBS-Estimator, PRESTO (Soft), GO (Star) , ITEC and ARQ (AM2). Benefits Help to measure, count, compute and tabulate quantities, lengths, areas, volumes etc. Can be integrated to databases of cost of labour, material and equipment. Cost data need not to be re-entered-improve the celerity in estimating and avoiding errors. Make fast and accurate calculations Presents results in an organised, neat and consistent manner.

13 Computer Aided Cost Estimation

14 Planning, Scheduling and Site Management
To assist on-site managers to plan ahead, evaluate different options and adopt and execute the most efficient construction operation. Planning software-Microsoft Project, Primavera, Power Projects, Suretrack. Job Masters, ICON, GEST and Presto Control-to log and track internal processes during the construction phase. Benefits Can emulate what happens in real construction site by representing workers, machines, and materials, and computing the cycle of each step taking into consideration many uncertain factors.

15 Planning, Scheduling and Site Management

16 Computer Aided Facilities Management
To assist in the management and maintenance of building-after the completion. To create report of the state of the building.

17 Business and Information Management
Electronic Document Management System-to comprise all the information throughout the life cycle of project from the inception of the need to the maintenance. Web Based Project Management System- to be linked with EDMS-to improve communications among parties, also for project coordination and scheduling.

18 Business and Information Management

19 Web Based Project Management System
Virtual On-Line Design Studios

20 Web Based Project Management System
On-line electronic bidding systems

21 Web Based Project Management System
On-line Project Administration System Can provide information on project status, directory of contractors, consultants, suppliers, project drawings and specifications, project control reports and on-line change orders-at any time. Time and cost savings. Example of project: Construction of Sashiki bridge project in Kumamoto Prefecture.

22 Web Based Project Management System
On-line Building Products catalogue

23 Web Based Project Management System
Project Monitoring and Control through Web Cam

24 Integration To ensure that data are compatible to each other, data can be electronically exchanged between them. These system still evolving-an integrated project database covering the whole life cycle of construction project.

25 Current Communication Technologies for the Construction Sector


27 Advantages and Disadvantages of IT for Industry Stakeholders

28 Advantages Better understanding and appraisal of the client's requirements - this will help ensure that the project delivers what the client expects. •Closer team work through better communication. •Better integration of the procurement and operation processes. •Reduction in time lost compared to conventional communication methods such as phone, mail or courier. •Lessened impact of geographical separation of team members. •Faster access to a greater volume of relevant data from anywhere in the world. •The information being available online and capable of being automatically referenced by project applications.

29 Disadvantages •Set-up cost:
The acquisition of suitable staff, hardware, phones lines, data storage and the system to safeguard the integrity of data and maintain the network. •System malfunctions: A companies operation can be affected if the computer system fails and electronic documents are unavailable. •Data entry: Entry mistakes can have a greater impact on project outcomes compared to traditional non-electronic means. •Security and privacy: Although security measures such as encryption are available, their effectiveness against unauthorised and serious intrusions remains unproven. •Loss of human contact: Operating in a 'virtual office', staff may lose the benefits from the more dynamic face-to-face interaction.

30 IT applications in Malaysian Construction Industry
What is the status??????????


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