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Longline CPUE standardization: IATTC 2006

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Presentation on theme: "Longline CPUE standardization: IATTC 2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 Longline CPUE standardization: IATTC 2006
Simon Hoyle and Mark Maunder

2 Introduction Longline fisheries Indices of abundance
Statistical methods Results & discussion Model selection Diagnostics CPUE indices Compare with last year Parameter estimates

3 Longline fisheries Northern Southern

4 Indices of abundance Standardized CPUE assumed proportional to abundance Japanese longline data, 1975 – 2004 Provided by SPC Catch in numbers, effort in hooks Methods 2005 – delta gamma GLM – neural networks – regression trees

5 Statistical methods Strata defined as 5º square / HBF category
Only strata with at least 5 non-zero catches are included Delta lognormal model w = g(Year.qtr, Lat.Long, HBF, effort) f(y) = h(Year.qtr, Lat.Long, HBF)

6 Change from last year In 2005
Used delta gamma model Didn’t include effort in delta component of GLM Delta lognormal fit the data better (AIC) Change makes very little difference to results

7 Catch and effort (northern)

8 Catch and effort (southern)

9 Un-standardized data – proportion zero & nonzero CPUE

10 Model selection

11 Residuals for non-zero component through time

12 Residuals for non-zero component

13 Standardized CPUE - bigeye

14 Standardized CPUE - yellowfin

15 Raw vs standardized CPUE

16 Standardized CPUE / CPUE standardized by time only
slope= ±

17 Standardized CPUE / CPUE standardized by time only
slope = ± 003

18 Average HBF through time

19 HBF parameters

20 Bigeye south

21 Yellowfin south

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