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Reporting System, Assessment and Flight Paths Presentation by Mr Kiddier, Assistant Principal (Raising Attainment and Performance)

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting System, Assessment and Flight Paths Presentation by Mr Kiddier, Assistant Principal (Raising Attainment and Performance)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting System, Assessment and Flight Paths Presentation by Mr Kiddier, Assistant Principal (Raising Attainment and Performance)

2 Assessment Changes – Context
From Sep 2014 National curriculum levels and sub-levels were removed. Current Y11 will be the first to sit the new generation GCSEs in English and Maths in summer Other subjects will move to new GCSEs in phases. From Sep students will arrive with a combined English and Maths number for their end of KS2 measure. This is a scaled score, where 100 indicates a student is ‘secondary ready’. 100 is designed to be roughly equivalent to the old level 4b.

3 Setting Targets Targets are referred to as Target Pathways
Target Pathways remain constant across years 7 to 11. This means that students are not given a yearly target (for example a D in Y10 followed by a C in Y11) Students focus on the mastery of skills/content on their Target Pathway

4 Target Pathways – how are they set?
Students arrive in year 7 with English & maths scaled scores form 80 to 120. Target Pathways are generated from these scores. Target Pathways are either numbers (9-1) or letters (A*-G)

5 Target Pathways

6 Example BEAP Tracker

7 How We Track Progress – Flight Paths
Flight paths detail precisely the skills/content that must be learned by students at each point in the school year

8 How We Track Progress – Flight Paths

9 How We Track Progress – Flight Paths

10 How We Track Progress – Flight Paths

11 How We Report Progress – Not RAG
Red: Working Below Expected Level Green: Working At Expected Level Blue: Working Above Expected Level

12 How We Report Progress – Parent/Carer Report
Subject Year 11 Target Current Progress BfL Homework Multiple Choice Short Answers Extended Writing English 5 G R Maths Science 6 Geography History Spanish ICT MFL

13 How & When Will Assessment Take Place?

14 What will Students leave with?
Students’ Progress 8 Grade (average of 8 grade) Students’ Attainment Grade (average of 8 grades) Achieved Maths & English at C Grade or Better Achieve EBacc Subjects at Grade or Better +1.2 6.3 Yes

15 Progress 8 This is known as Progress 8
As of 2016 all students and Academies are measured on how much progress they make from when they start in Year 7 to when they complete their exams at the end of Year 11. This is known as Progress 8

16 Progress 8 The Progress 8 measure is designed to encourage all students to study a broad and balanced curriculum The new measure will be based on students’ progress measured across eight subjects

17 Attainment 8 – Estimated Attainment 8 = Progress 8

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