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Clustered representations: Clusters, covers, and partitions

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1 Clustered representations: Clusters, covers, and partitions

2 Outline The graph model. Clusters, covers, and partitions.
Locality measures and neighborhoods. Sparsity measures. Example: A basic construction. Some additional variants.

3 The graph model Arbitrary weighted graph G=(V,E,w).
The weights are assumed to satisfy the triangle inequality. If the graph is unweighted, then we assume a weight of 1 for each edge.

4 Clusters A collection of vertices in the graph as well as edges connecting them. Formally, given a set of vertices S  V, let G(S) denote the subgraph included by S in G, namely, G(S)=(S,E’), where E’ consists of all the edges of G whose endpoints both belong to S. 1 5 5 4 2 4 6 3 6 Graph G Cluster S

5 Covers and partitions A cover of the graph G=(V,E,w) is a collection of clusters S ={S1,…, Sm} that contain all the vertices of the graph, i.e., such that S=V. A partial partition of G is a collection of disjoint clusters S ={S1,…, Sm}, i.e., with the property that SS’= for every S, S’S. A partition of G is a collection of clusters S that is both a cover and a partial partition.

6 Example Graph G Cover C Partition P 1 1 5 5 2 2 4 4 6 6 7 7 3 3 8 8 1

7 Evaluation Criteria We will use two types of evaluation criteria:
Locality level for the clusters, which is usually measured by cluster’s radius or size. Sparsity (overlap) level of the clusters in a collection of clusters, which is measured by the degree of vertices or clusters in either the cover, the graph, or the induced graph.

8 Locality measures and neighborhoods
Cluster radius and diameter: Locality level of a cluster is usually measured by distance parameters, such as radii and diameter. [Definition of radius and diameter]: For vertex vS, we define the radius of S w.r.t. v as in the induced graph G(S), namely, Rad(v,S)=Rad(v,G(S))=max{distG(S)(v,w)} wS

9 Radius and Diameter for a collection of clusters
Given a collection of clusters S, Diam(S)=maxi{Diam(Si)}, and Rad(S)=maxi{Rad(Si)}

10 Neighborhoods Definition of [p-neighborhood cover]:
Given a subset of vertices WV, the p-neighborhood cover of W is the collection of p-neighborhoods of the vertices of W, denoted p(W)={p(v) | vW} ^ 3 Example: The neighborhoods 0(v), 1(v), 2(v), and 3(v) in a weighted graph. 1 v 1 2 1 1 1 1 2

11 Sparsity Measures: Cover Sparsity
Sparsity (Overlap) of a cover can be measured using: [Definition of Maximum degree]:  vV, let degs(v) denote the number of occurrences of v in clusters SS, i.e. the degree of v in the hypergraph (V,S). [Definition of Average Degree]: The average degree of a cover S is: Δ(S)=

12 Sparsity Measures: Partition Sparsity
Cluster Graph: Represent each cluster as vertex and combine each set of edges between two clusters into one edge between two clusters. [Definition of Vertex and Cluster-Neighborhood]: Given a partition S, a cluster SS and an integer p0, the p-vertex neighborhood of S is defined as the union of the p-neighborhoods of the vertices in S,

13 Example: A Basic Construction
For a given unweighted graph G=(V,E) and parameter k1, we produce a partition S with clusters of radius at most k and with a small number of intercluster edges. Theorem: Given an n-vertex unweighted graph G=(V,E) and an integer k1, Algorithm Basic_Part constructs a partition S that satisfies the following properties: Rad(S)k-1, and The cluster graph G’(S) has at most n1+1/x intercluster edges.

14 Algorithm Basic_Part(G,k)
Set S0 While V do: Select an arbitrary vertex vV. Set S {v}. While |v(S)|>n1/k|S| do: Set S  (S). Endwhile Set S  S  {S} and V V – S. Output (S).

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