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What does the nuclear scientist do in his spare time?

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Presentation on theme: "What does the nuclear scientist do in his spare time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the nuclear scientist do in his spare time?
MORE ENERGY NUCLEAR What does the nuclear scientist do in his spare time? Goes fission

2 Why use alternatives to fossil fuels?
Fossil fuels are nonrenewable & will be depleted Fossil fuels are pollutants others Fossil fuels make us dependent on other countries

3 Most Used Alternatives to fossil fuels
Nuclear power Biomass energy Hydroelectric power

4 This process is the same for nuclear power plants and weapons
NUCLEAR FISSION Energy released by splitting apart the nuclei of an atom. This process is the same for nuclear power plants and weapons

5 Uranium 235 Radioactive Decay


7 determine atomic number, neutrons, etc.
Isotopes Look at periodic table determine atomic number, neutrons, etc.

Isotope Decay Half-Life Use U-238 alpha 4.5 by contaminant of uranium mines U-235 0.7 by weapons, power Pu-239 0.24 my weapons, neutron generator Cs-137 beta & gamma 39.2 yrs cancer I-131 8.1 days medicine C-14 beta 5730yrs dating fossils

9 types of decay alpha

10 beta

11 gamma

12 How many protons? neutrons? mass?
example problem What type of decay? How many protons? neutrons? mass? What is “X”

13 Fill in the blanks


15 Explain Japan


17 Look familiar? Be able to replicate.



NUCLEAR ENERGY CONS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21 Time it takes for ½ of a radioactive substance to decay.
Half-Life Time it takes for ½ of a radioactive substance to decay. For example, the half life of I-131 is ~8 days. If a sample has 5 grams of I-131 and 5 grams of Xe-131 (decayed product), then one half-life has occurred. If there’s 2.5 grams of I-131, than 2 half lives (16 days) has passed.

22 What fraction of the original I-131 would remain after 24 days?
Example problems. What fraction of the original I-131 would remain after 24 days? C-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. How old is a carbon document that has 25% C-14 and 75% decayed material?


24 accidents 3-Mile Island 1979 Chernobyl 1986 Fukushima 2011
Widespread health & environmental effects. External release of a significant fraction of reactor core. Wind blew radioactive cloud across much of USSR and Europe. Human error. Most severe nuclear accident. Severe damage to the reactor core. Limited release of radioactive material. Reactor shutdown after earthquake and tsunami; failure of emergency cooling caused an explosion. Total effects still being evaluated.

25 Key words Fission Half-Life Breeder reactor Radiation
Uranium (235 & 238) Isotope Three-Mile Island Mass Number Chernobyl, Ukraine Yucca Mountain NIMBY Carlsbad, NM Radioactive Decay Series

26 Laws/agencies Atomic Energy Act Nuclear Waste Policy Act NEPA
Nuclear Regulatory Commission


28 Currently, waste stored on site. Yucca Mountain Reality
WASTE STORAGE Yucca Mountain Plan Currently, waste stored on site. Yucca Mountain Reality NOTES: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

29 Nuclear energy of the future? Fusion Occurs on stars (sun)
2 hydrogen nuclei fuse together to make helium. Is not radioactive. Technology not available.


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