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Deep learning Harrison Littler and Peter Jones Monday 15th April 2013.

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1 Deep learning Harrison Littler and Peter Jones Monday 15th April 2013

2 Do any of these statements match your experience?
I plan based on what I think inspectors want to see in my lesson Learning in my classroom could often be described as frenetic I am sometimes more concerned with getting through the activities planned than with the associated learning I feel the need to intervene straight away in order to iron out misconceptions and incorrect application of learning I think good lessons need to have a wide variety of activities crammed in Sometimes I am frustrated at the superficial way in which students engage with my subject

3 Reflecting on our current practice

4 Aim of this session: The aim of this session is to reflect on how students learn effectively and to reflect on the processes and approach that achieve this best. It is a way of thinking rather than a specific strategy. The aim of this session is NOT to give you a new shiny technique to add to your nest! We don’t necessarily have all of the answers!

5 What is deep learning? Lesson Context

6 Strange, confused responses
What is deep learning? Change of context or application Strange, confused responses

7 What is deep learning?

8 What is deep learning?

9 Application of learning Independence and responsibility
What is deep learning? Change of context or application Links to other topics Application of learning Independence and responsibility

10 What is ‘deep’ learning?

11 What is ‘deep’ learning?
Students go ‘beyond the syllabus’ Flexibility in the direction of the lesson Students making sense of their learning What is ‘deep’ learning? Pace of learning rather than pace of activity There is extended application of skill and problem solving Extended tasks where students are absorbed in learning Students are independent and take responsibility for their learning Students may struggle and make mistakes in discovering their misconceptions

12 Can you identify any potential issues with learning in this lesson?

13 This process may take 20 minutes or 4 lessons: it entirely depends on the nature of what is being taught

14 Acceleration through depth not speed
The teeing-up phase throws out the key elements of what needs to be learned.  In a successful learning arc, this is usually laced with intrinsic incentives to sustain learners through the journey ahead. The processing phase is where learners battle through the struggle as their brains make all the necessary connections.  At this stage, it is quite natural or even necessary for a fair degree of confusion and uncertainty to dominate proceedings.  The learning that is happening might not be evident…but this phase is critical: struggling is a precursor to understanding. The landing phase is where the ideas and skills take root and learners can apply and present them coherently; this is when progress is finally evident and the extent of the learning can be assessed. Acceleration through depth not speed

15 “Within one of these sequences whole lessons may need to be devoted to the teeing up phase or the processing phase.  Teachers (and observers) need to hold their nerve, knowing that persistence and resilience will pay off,  conveying that confidence to the students… we talk about “acceleration through depth, not speed”.  ‘Pace’ isn’t about getting to the end quickly or learning in a frenetic busy manner.  ‘Pace’ can be fast or slow… and it is still water that runs deep! …we encourage students to embrace struggle…to grapple with complexity…before expecting things to land into clarity, order and understanding.  This means that we tolerate a fair degree of confusion; we don’t spoon-feed solutions too early and we expect students to work things out for themselves.  We are often dealing in with long arcs” vs

16 Deep Learning: The Economics Toolkit
Discuss the economic case for an extension of the Congestion Charge in West London? What other issues could be addressed with this approach? What is the opportunity cost? What does it mean to ‘think like an economist?’ How does this fit within the bigger picture? Who are the winners and losers in this case? What are the other policy solutions? Are there any limitations or problems with this?

17 Pair Share: Up to three ways I which you could set the scene for deep learning in your subject

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