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NCRPB Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS)

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Presentation on theme: "NCRPB Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 NCRPB Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS)
Bihar Urban Sector Investment Program -- Interim Workshop NCRPB Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS)

2 Presentation Contents
What is ESMS? NCRPB : Environmental & Social Policies ESMS integration in project cycle ESMS in Project Funding Project categorization & Basic Requirements Reporting Mechanisms Monitoring of EMP Implementation Milestones & Reporting by IAs

3 What is ESMS? Environmental & Social Management Systems: Policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing adverse environmental and social impacts / risks due to projects that are financed by NCRPB, and is necessarily a part of the overall management systems ” Developed with assistance of an ADB Technical Assistance, the NCRPB adopted the ESMS in April 2010

4 Benefits of ESMS Integrate the social & environmental safeguards in the infrastructure projects Identify and address negative environmental & social impacts in projects funded by NCRPB Ensure that all projects funded by NCRPB comply with national environmental regulations Complying with the requirements of Donor / external funding agencies ( like ADB, World Bank, Kfw) Promote sustainable and environment friendly infrastructure in the National Capital Region

5 ESMS Defines… Safeguards Policies Organizational arrangements
Environmental & Social (involuntary resettlement & indigenous people) Requirements of National Laws & ADB Safeguard Policy Policies NCRPB Environmental Policy NCRPB Social Policy Organizational arrangements Operational Procedures Screening & Categorization Project cycle and safeguards interventions / verification Training & Capacity-building Monitoring & reporting / ESMS audit procedure Information disclosure and grievance redressal

6 NCRPB Environmental Policy
“To ensure and enhance effective environmental management practices in all its project funding activities”. Highlights: Minimizing negative impacts/risks of its operations to the environment and people Ensuring that environmental safeguards are adequately integrated into funded projects Ensuring that compliance to all applicable national & local environmental legislation. Encouraging & ensuring public participation and information in all stages of projects Integrating environmental risk into its overall internal risk management analysis Helps IAs in mainstreaming environmental management in all stages

7 NCRPB Social Policy “To ensure due adherence to social safeguards in the infrastructure projects funded by NCRPB”. Highlights : Avoiding/minimizing involuntary resettlement and impacts on indigenous peoples Enhancing or restoring the livelihoods of all affected persons relative to pre-project levels Improving the standard of living of the displaced poor and other vulnerable groups. Addressing through special efforts to reduce negative impacts on indigenous people Ensure transparent mechanisms including consultations & active participation of APs Ensuring that APs benefit from the projects funded to the extent possible Integrating the RP and IPP with project cycle and completion of compensatory activities before award of civil works

8 Project Cycle & Environmental Safeguards

9 Screening & Environmental Categorization
NCRPB’s Categorization Description NCRPB Requirement E1 Significant impacts / eco- sensitive areas Full EIA E2 Limited impacts Limited EIA/IEE E3 No impacts No EIA/IEE

10 ESMS Checklist for Env. Categorization

11 Project Cycle & Social Safeguards

12 Screening & Social Categorization
NCRPB’s Categorization Description NCRPB Requirement S1 200 affected population Resettlement Plan/ indigenous people’s plan S2 <200 affected population SRP and /or summary note on IP S3 No impacts No resettlement plan/ indigenous people’s plan

13 Benefits of IEE/EIA Study
Better environmental planning and design of a proposal: Ensuring compliance with environmental standards Savings in capital and operating costs: Reduced time and costs of approvals of development applications Increased project acceptance by the public:

14 Prepare IEE/EIA Reports
Executive Summary Policy, Legal, and Administrative Framework Description of the Project Description of the Environment (Baseline Data) Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Analysis of Alternatives Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation Grievance Redress Mechanism Environmental Management Plan Conclusion and Recommendation

15 Environmental Regulations
The Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 Umbrella legislation providing for the protection of environment in the country EIA Notification, 2006 Category ‘A’ projects – Requires Clearance from MoEF Category ’B’ projects – Requires Clearance from State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority Environmental & Social Management System of NCRPB ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 Other relevant Acts and Rules

16 Mandatory Approvals & Clearances
Project specific Environmental Clearance Forest Clearance Wildlife Clearance Clearance/NOC from Pollution Control Board Etc.

17 General Environmental Guidelines
Planning & design stage Comply with all requirements of relevant national law Projects must not be located in environmentally sensitive area/archeologically sensitive areas If work is proposed with the aim of improving the conservation or management of designated sites (sites/structures of archeological/historical), this must only be undertaken: (i) after a comprehensive study and development of management plans and criteria; and (ii) with the direct involvement and approval of national and local bodies responsible for the site.

18 General Environmental Guidelines
Planning & design stage Comply with the mandatory conditions provided in the consent/clearance. Adhere to the management measures and parameter monitoring during the construction phase included and agreed in the EMP, if any. Provide periodic progress reports on the EMP implementation. Establish a mechanism to share environmental information with stakeholders and to address grievances, if any. In all construction sites, ensure the following good environmental practices: (i) proper dust management through control measures and periodic water sprinkling, (ii) minimum use of fresh water and water recycling to the extent feasible, (iii) discharge of waste water only after it meets the CPCB standards, (iv) minimal generation of noise and working only during authorized hours, (v) proper housekeeping of materials and waste, (vi) disposal of waste only through authorized agencies, (vii) use of relevant PPEs wherever required and (viii) not to use asbestos fibre in the construction site. Operation stage Comply with the conditions provided in the consent conditions, if any, as well as the MOEF clearance, if any in the operation stage. Adhere to the management measures during the operation stage included and agreed in the EMP, if any.

19 EMP Costs Mitigation measures to be covered under the project cost
Mitigation measures to be covered under the contractor cost All costs to be incurred by Contractor should form part of the contract

20 Monitoring EMP Implementation
IA Should: Examine the EMP and to jointly work with the contractor on how to make operational the various management measures. To conduct site visits regularly to assess the environmental performance. To oversee the work of the contractors on environmental aspects and to advise on how the environmental performance should be maintained / enhanced. To prepare periodic progress reports on the project’s environmental performance and effectiveness and to submit the same to the project proponent / IA and NCRPB.

21 Monitoring & Reporting
Appraisal of environment & social assessment reports, submitted by IAs, in line with DPR appraisal Implementation of EMP by IAs as a condition for loan approval/disbursement Implementation RP/SRP by IA before the signing of contract for civil works Receipt and review of periodic progress reports submitted by the project proponents / IAs Conduct select visits to project sites Provide feedback to the project proponents / IAs on the corrective actions required For E1 and S1 projects, monitoring to be done by external agencies Submission to bilateral / multilateral agencies as per their respective requirements

22 ESMS Audit Independent audit of the ESMS and selected projects (all E1&S1 and 25% of the rest) Conducted by an external agency on an annual basis Audit report findings, follow-up and closure of findings through desk review

23 Milestones & Reporting

24 Project Preparation Project Stage Reports to be submitted by IAs Remarks Feasibility stage REA checklist NCRPB will review and classify the project (A/B/C) Draft IEE / EIA Report Public consultation & disclosure is must Detailed Project Report Final IEE / EIA Report with the Detailed Project Report (DPR) NCRPB will approve the loan only after approval of IEE/EIA Report Bidding stage Bid document Construction stage EMP should be part of the bid Award of contract Contract award letter Before award of contract: All mandatory approvals should be in place All LA and R&R activities (legal & compensatory) should be completed and land should be in possession of IA Avoid changes in DPR after approval of IEE/EIA Report Change in DPR require IEE/EIA Report revision & approval PROJECT DELAY Intimate any unanticipated issues (not reported in IEE/EIA) as and when noticed NCRPB will advise on course of action – revision of IEE/EIA

25 Project Implementation
Project Stage Report to be submitted by IAs Remarks Pre-Construction - Provide project sites free of encumbrances to the contractor Contractor should get all necessary clearances prior to start of work Establish grievance redress system Construction Monthly Progress Report including a section on EMP Implementation Before 10th of every month IA/supervision consultant should supervise implementation of EMP EHS expert should be part of consultant team Contractor compliance with SPCB consents Site restoration report on completion of construction All construction, equipment, workers camp and material etc sites should be restored or improved compared to pre-project conditions Report to NCRPB any project changes (location, design etc) during construction immediately Report any new/unanticipated issues (environmental/social) immediately All new/unanticipated issues should be addressed as advised by NCRPB Avoid unanticipated impacts by thorough project preparation & consultation It may derail entire project

26 Thank You

27 Basic Env. Assessment Requirements
NCRPB’s Categorization MOEFs Categorization NCRPB Requirement MoEF Requirement E1 A Full EIA (central level clearance) E2 B1 Limited EIA/IEE Limited EIA (state-level clearance) B2 E3 No Category No EIA/IEE

28 Basic Social Assessment Requirements
NCRPB’s Categorization NRRP’s Categorization NCRPB’s Requirements NRRP’s Requirements IR IP S1 400 APs in plain areas 200 APs in tribal / hilly areas RP IPP RRP TDP >200 & <400 APs in plain areas >100 & <200 APs in Adequate Arrangements S2 200 APs in plain areas 100 APs in SRP Summary Note on IP in project document S3 None No RP or SRP required No IPP or Summary Note required

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