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9 months “the update” A/Prof Belinda Goodenough Knowledge Translation Manager

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1 9 months “the update” A/Prof Belinda Goodenough Knowledge Translation Manager

2 83 Performance Indicators
Some national highlights, January-June month report: 4031 commenced Dementia Essentials (target 6500pa) 2998 occasions of CPD for health professionals (target 5000pa) 60 Tailored Training Packages commenced (target 140pa) (note: 30% to be delivered in rural/remote regions) plus launch a new website / online training portal

3 pretty happy with the start
(now actually also have real office space!) BUT, let’s forget the numbers, paper reports, and desks

4 salutogenesis A/Prof Belinda Goodenough Knowledge Translation Manager

5 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy
Sneezy Dopey Bashful Sleepy Grumpy Doc

6 Greek words ‘pathos’ (disease) + ‘genesis’ (source)
pathogenesis focus on factors that cause illness, accidents, risk, injury … (just like the names of 6 of 7 dwarfs)

7 focus on factors that support health/wellbeing
Latin word ‘salus’ (health) + Greek word ‘genesis’ (source) salutogenesis focus on factors that support health/wellbeing beyond problems, symptoms, tasks: “Happy”  towards joy, enthusiasm, hope, excitement, contributing, meaning…  

8 drive a salutogenic revolution in dementia care

9 in dementia, salutogenic characters would be Happy + who?
What does “salutogenic” look like?

10 independent or invisible?

11 delighted or deceived?

12 connected or disconnected?

13 meaningful or demeaning?

14 absorbed or abandoned?

15 company or control?

16 salutogenic careers in dementia care?

17 Help DTA define salutogenesis for people with dementia

18 Generation S

19 A/Prof Belinda Goodenough Knowledge Translation Manager

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