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Harmonisation Working Group

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Presentation on theme: "Harmonisation Working Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harmonisation Working Group
HWG Meeting Wednesday, 31st October, 2012 NIAUR Offices Belfast

2 HWG Agenda Introduction Aileen O Connor, HRDS 13:00 – 13:05
HSG Meeting Feedback S mac an Bhaird, CER 13:05 – 13:15 ROI HSP Update P Cabena, ESBN 13:15 – 13:25 Market Design Update A O Connor, HRDS 13:25 – 13:50 HWG To-Do List Review 13:50 – 13:55 AOB & Closing 13:55 – 14:00 31st October 2012

3 Approval of Minutes Minutes from HWG meeting – 19th September 2012
Minutes from HWG Conference Call on 28th September 2012 31st October 2012

4 HWG relevant topics covered by the HSG 01/10/12
Review of matters arising from HWG MCR1122 V2: Introduction of Flag to Identify Sites with Essential Plant - Decision: Approved by HSG MCR1126 V2: Phone Number Categorisations – A OConnor advised that one supplier rejected the MCR while the other Suppliers indicated that they required more time to assess its impact. N Wray agreed that he would engage further with the business and participant re this MCR. MCR1111 V1.1: Automated Debt Flagging Solution - Automation of the debt flagging process in RoI will require a Schema change. The development of the preferred industry option for automation will not be ready in time for the scheduled June release. With RoI Suppliers anxious to have an automated solution as soon as possible, they raised the issue at HWG to explore the possibility of moving the June 2013 release to later that year. Feedback from HWG members was requested and forwarded to HSG. No objections were received to moving the release schedule - included feedback from NIE and PowerNI. A OConnor asked the HSG for formal approval of this MCR with the consequence of the impact on the release schedule for K Kavanagh advised that a change to the release date would need to be considered in setting the next RoI gas Schema Release, which is scheduled for next Summer and A OConnor agreed that Suppliers had also indicated that this should be a factor. C Mannion commented that a change to the Schema Release Plan should be exceptional. CER and NIAUR gave their approval. 31st October 2012

5 HWG relevant topics covered by the HSG 01/10/12
Review of HSG Actions Covering letter almost finalised and revised Terms of Reference awaiting formal Regulatory signoff. HSG formally approved the Supplier representatives. Graeme Hunter, PowerNI Siobhan Melvin, Airtricity New Action to Agree and schedule 2013 meeting dates for IGG/CDA/HWG and HSG New Action for a revised Release Schedule for 2013 for next HSG 31st October 2012

6 HWG relevant topics covered by the HSG 01/10/12
RoI Harmonisation Project C Garrigan gave an update to HSG. The Scheduled cutover was postponed as the project was not in a position to establish stability with the Hub. Some technical changes have been made since - including hardware addtions. Performance testing has restarted and the HSP team is working towards establishing stability. At this point the priority is to: Exit Testing Phase Successfully Agree a revised Cutover Date. Re the latter, it was noted that it was proving difficult to obtain agreement from all parties involved for alternative dates. ESBN highlighted that the delay in Go-Live will result in an impact on any follow-on work and will influence work schedules e.g. commencing work for the next Market Release. 31st October 2012

7 ROI HSP Update Conor Garrigan 31st October 2012

8 Market Design Update Today’s Workload Overview 31st October 2012

9 Process should cover Customer, Supplier and NIE obligations.
DR 1127 V1.0 - Market Process for the Installation of Import-Export Meters Discussion Request Request for development of a formal Market Process for the installation of import/export meters. Process should cover Customer, Supplier and NIE obligations. Should also include contact NIE addresses, charging process and confirmation to Supplier when work completed. Benefit for Suppliers that confusion over procedure is eliminated & for customers that process completed in a faster timeline. At Today’s Meeting: Classification as Jurisdictional-Specific requested. 31st October 2012

10 MCR 1126 V2.0 – Phone Number Categorisations
Market Change Request DR Classified as Harmonisation Impacting and deemed Approved at HWG meeting on 8th August 2012 MCR presented for Approval at HWG on Consensus not reached & MPs requested to forward feedback on their position, to HRDS, by Friday 28th September. Feedback received indicated MCR would not be widely supported. NIE decision to request approval to Withdraw MCR. At Today’s Meeting: Recommendation for Withdrawal of MCR 1126 V2.0 31st October 2012

11 Harmonised Market Release 2013
Revised date for June 2013 to be agreed with all parties i.e. NIE, ESBN, and Market Participants Influencing factors in relation to the June 2013 date: Requirement for delivery of Automated Debt Flagging Solution for RoI Delay to Go-Live date for H&SP Potentially one Release only feasible in 2013 Cognisant of MPs preference for not at month end however Consideration needs to be given to fact that this is the lst Harmonised Release Date for availability of schema changes to be agreed Revised date for Approval by Regulators at HSG 14/11/2012 HWG MPs requested to forward feedback on proposed new date to HRDS by 6/11/2012 31st October 2012

12 Harmonised Market Release 2013
Prioritisation of approved MCRs Contact names to be forwarded to HRDS not later than 1st November List of MCRs to issue from HRDS by 2nd November Lists will contain schema and non-schema RoI MCRs CDA will manage the non schema NI changes Ranking of MCRs Rank in order of preference i.e. 1 – 7 [ROI MPs must rank Schema and non-Schema item. NI to rank Schema only. There are 7 Schema and 1 non- Schema MCRs] Items for which MPs have no preference should be scored as 0 Points will be assigned based on MP rankings – 7 points for 1st ranked, 6 points for 2nd ranked etc Analysis will be performed once results are returned to HRDS N.B Highly ranked MCR in no way assumes automatic implementation Lists of prioritised MCRs to be returned to HRDS by 8th November 31st October 2012

13 Harmonised Market Release 2013
Prioritisation of approved MCRs DSOs will carry out impact assessment on the ranked MCRs Consideration for: Development Size Development Synergy Regulatory Requirements HRDS will present all results of prioritisation exercise at a workshop co-ordinated by HRDS. If workshop deemed not necessary, some other form of communication will be agreed to inform MPs of the agreed release package Approval required from Market Services Board and Regulators 31st October 2012

14 Harmonised Market Release 2013
Approved Schema Impacting MCRs 31st October 2012

15 Open Items as at end of last meeting
HWG Action Items Open Items as at end of last meeting 31st October 2012

16 HWG Meeting AOB 31st October 2012

17 Next Steps Next HWG meeting
5th December, 2012 (Dublin) Dates for all meetings for 2012 are included on the Calendar on the RMDS website 31st October 2012

18 HWG Meeting Thank You 31st October 2012

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