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Interprofessional Education

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Presentation on theme: "Interprofessional Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interprofessional Education
Skills and capabilities for the work of health Professor Debra Humphris Pro Vice Chancellor Education November 2011

2 Drivers for change Safety and flexibility NHS Plan (2000)
Working Together, Learning Together (2001) ‘Registered health care professionals able to span a number of current professional boundaries’ Wanless (2002) IPE reflected in professional codes Lancet Commission

3 Drivers for change Demography, need, demand, expectations
Health education and promotion Care pathways Integrated service delivery across sectors Making the most of the skills of the whole team Universities and NHS working together Managed commissioning of the workforce

4 Means or ends? If IPE is the means, what are the outcomes we should address in the curriculum of profession programmes? What are the elements of IPE that might influence outcomes for service users? As health care leaders what action must we take to enable the implementation of IPE?

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