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Components of an Approved CTE Program

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Presentation on theme: "Components of an Approved CTE Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Components of an Approved CTE Program

2 Process Pre-Assess Use Checklist to indicate components as we progress
Positives on Components Concerns on Components Questions on Components Pre-assess on checklist 1a

3 Taught by an appropriately Certified Teacher per CTE Certification Requirements
On your note-taker reflect: How do I help my teachers with the certification process? Where are fingerprinting facilities? Who can I contact at ADE?

4 Require Student Participation in Career Exploration for Grades 7-9
Career Exploration is the foundation experience within the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Delivery System supporting the successful transition to high school CTE Career Preparation programs. Teaches: Arizona Workplace Standards, Arizona Technology Standards, and the National Career Development Guidelines

5 Require Student Participation in Career Exploration for Grades 7-9 (Continued)
Career Exploration is offered and/or delivered during grades 7-9 in a single or integrated into several other courses before a student enters Career Preparation.

6 Check for Understanding
I can classify my District’s Career Exploration Opportunity. Tables – Quick Write – Share Out What is your District’s Career Exploration process? What grade levels comprise your career exploration? Participants write answers: Hands up Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 7-8 Grade 9 Reflect on Note-taker

7 Specified on the Current CTE Program List

8 Perkins Grant Requirement
Program of Study A Program of Study is a comprehensive approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success. 5a, 5b

9 Programs of Study

10 Stackable Credentials

11 Check for Understanding
I can explain the purpose of a Program of Study for my CTE Programs Reflect – Pair – Share How do I ensure all CTE Program have Program of Study / Stackable Credentials? Who are my Program of Study Contacts? Reflect on Note-taker

12 Deliver a Coherent Sequence of Instruction
Coherent sequence of instruction delivers a set of standards for a CTE program, in the CTE Delivery Model, where students can earn a Program of Study in a series of courses that address core and occupational-specific skills.

13 Check for Understanding
I can list my Coherent Sequence(s) of Instruction for my Programs. Corners / Tables – Quick Write – Share Out Do all of my CTE Programs have a Coherent Sequence of Instruction? Participants write. How many courses – stand up: 2 3 4 5 6 Reflect on Note-taker

14 Finding CTE State Standards
Do you know how to find your state standards? If so, go to next section. If not, show these slides

15 Finding CTE State Standards

16 Finding CTE State Standards

17 Finding CTE State Standards

18 Teach all the state-designated program standards in coherent sequence of instruction
Handout #6

19 Check for Understanding
I can identify a process where all State Standards are taught for each CTE Program. Hands-Up – Pair-Up with similar Program – Share (Shortest hair goes first) Summarize in your own words: Do you have all of your State Standards in the coherent sequence of instruction for all CTE Programs? Where are your gaps? How can CTE Programs integrate core standards in all CTE Programs? Volunteer to summarize finding state standards (longest hair) Hands –up: who had reviewed their standards before today? How many of the standards are you to teach in the program? In each class? Return to your table Reflect on Note-taker

20 Did You Consider… Dual Enrollment Thematic Instruction
Career Academies Team Teaching Core Credit in CTE Programs 4th Year Math Credit Lab Science Credit Economics Credit

21 Workplace Employability Skills

22 Arizona Workplace Employability Skills
Handout #07 Go to page 1 to review the 9 standards

23 Check for Understanding
I can identify reasons to teach Arizona Workplace Employability Skills in all CTE Programs. Numbered Heads – Write - Share Which Arizona Workplace Employability skills do you start with in your first class in your Coherent Sequence of Instruction? How do your programs integrate Arizona Workplace Employability Standards? Handout on Arizona Workplace Employability Standards (Pages 1-7 only) _________ Number participants into groups of three (if 30 participants, number 1-10) Identify a group discussion leader, recorder, timekeeper Give time to write to questions on slide Share in group of 3, writing out all reasons to teach workplace and employability standards Draw a line under your groups ideas Each reporter stands, read one idea at a time, sit when all are listed All: check mark if on your list, write if you don’t have Name one reason Sit when your list has been exhausted Remain in group Reflect on Checklists

24 Offer student work-based participation that involves actual work experience and connects classroom learning to work activities Work-Based Learning – A coherent sequence of job training and work experience that involves actual work experience and connects classroom learning to work activities. Glossary of Perkins IV (2006) Operational Definitions

25 Work-Based Learning Connecting School to Career Career Development

26 Types of Work Based Learning
Supervised Occupational Experience School Based Enterprise and Laboratory Simulations Cooperative Education Internship Apprenticeships Job Shadowing Service Learning Supervised Occupational Experience: clinical, field experience, supervised agriculture experience School based enterprise and laboratory simulations

27 Check for Understanding
I can identify the Work Based Learning Model used for each Program. In Numbered Groups – Share Which is the best work based learning for each CTE Program? How do you encourage students to participate in work based learning or strategies you use? How do you encourage students to participate in work based learning or strategies you use? *e.g., we have CTE internship so I encourage my students to take work based learning * e.g., in rural school district, we have work based learning activities in my curriculum, like…. Same roles, create list of how you encourage students to participate or strategies use. Share in group of 3, writing out all reasons to teach workplace and employability standards Draw a line under your groups ideas Each timekeeper stands, reads one idea at a time, sit when all are listed All: check mark if on your list, write if you don’t have Name one reason Sit when your list has been exhausted Remain in group Reflect on Note-taker

28 Requires CTSO to be organized for the CTE Program Area
Handout #09

29 What is a CTSO? Career and Technical Education Student Organization
Co-Curricular youth organizations associated with CTE programs designed to develop Personal and leadership skills.

30 Student Organizations
CTSO Teamwork Citizenship Character Development

31 CTSOs Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA- PBL) Future Educator’s Association (FEA) Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) FFA (Formerly Future Farmers of America) SkillsUSA TSA (new ) Like a did you consider….

32 Check for Understanding
I can identify Co-Curricular CTSO Strategies for each Program. In Numbered Groups – Share What is your CTSO for each CTE Program? What strategies will/do you use to make your CTSO Co-Curricular? What strategies will/do you use to engage students to participate in CTSO Leadership activities? Same roles, create list of identify co-curricular CTSO strategies. Share in group of 3, writing out all reasons to teach workplace and employability standards Draw a line under your groups ideas Each discussion leader stands, reads one idea at a time, sit when all are listed All: check mark if on your list, write if you don’t have Name one reason Sit when your list has been exhausted Return to tables Reflect on Note-taker

33 Did You Think About… Student Roles in the classroom
Skills/USA PDP in the classroom Speaking assignments Teamwork assignments Career Development competitions for assessments

34 Evaluate program performance annually and meets or exceeds established State Performance Measures
Closely read Annual Program Evaluation document individually: Underline the reasons we perform Annual Program Evaluation “Star” the people involved “Circle” what is needed for documentation Handout 10 –

35 Check for Understanding
I can identify why the State has us evaluate our Program(s) annually. Corners / Tables – Close Read – Share Underline the reasons we perform Annual Program Evaluation “Star” the people involved “Circle” what is needed for documentation Did you think about: Advisory council Reflect on Checklists

36 Performance Measures Academic – Reading Academic – Math
Technical Skill Attainment School Completion Graduation Placement Nontrad Participation Nontrad Completion AIMS Writing Performance measures 10AA – intro and use SALP: What does it mean? Target to hit for data

37 Evaluate Program Performance Annually and meets or exceeds established State Performance Measures

38 State Technical Assessment
Stand if you know what the State Technical Assessment is (Partner “A”) Hand – Pair up (Partner “B”) Those sitting find someone at another table that has hand up; put hands down, when paired Partner “A” explains State Technical Assessment and its purpose Partner “B” summarizes Partner “A” verifies understanding When prepared to share, Partner “B” puts hand up Partner “A” sit down Partner “B” share

39 Check for Understanding
I can explain a State Technical Assessment. Questions as a Class Explain what Performance Measures are and why they are important. What is my process to register and administer the State Technical Assessments? Call on non-volunteers Reflect on Note-taker

40 Check for Understanding
I can explain the importance of evaluating my program annually that involves Advisory Councils. Hands-Up – Pair-Up – Share What conclusions can you draw about the importance of annually evaluating your program? Why bother? If this is all the State wants for evaluation, what other factors/considerations would you want to evaluate to improve your program? How do we involve the Community in CTE Programs? Reflect on Note-taker Handout 10aa

41 Did You Consider… Opinions of advisory council, parents, alumni
How do you solicit other’s opinions Admit you don’t know it all Careful to be advisory – not your governing board How do you make your program better? What about CTSO, WBL … Total CTE Program Model factors

42 Did you consider… Advisory Council membership
Internships for students and teachers Guest Speakers, Summer Camps, Service Projects, Community Service Projects Foundation Recommendation on equipment Assist with proper inventory and supplies Donation of time and resources Advice on curriculum and authentic assessments

43 Check for Understanding
I can analyze components of the CTE Delivery System. With Partner Summarize components of CTE Delivery System Discuss ah-ha’s and questions Record unanswered question on a slate Share with Group The person wearing the darkest clothing will lead the discussions. Assign a recorder.

44 Check for Understanding
I can determine which components of the approved CTE program I have and need improvement. Individually reflect on Components of an Approved CTE Program Checklist: 3 questions for your program 2 Positives for your program 1 concern for your program

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