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Presentation on theme: "PORTFOLIO COMMMITEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:


Part A Introduction Strategic Overview Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 Performance and Expenditure trends Employment Equity Status Part B Budget overview and allocation

3 Provide detailed budget to support the implementation thereof.
INTRODUCTION To present to the Portfolio Committee the Department’s overview that encompass the vision, mission, mandate and strategic priorities. Strategic goals, objectives, high level outputs, performance indicators and annual targets. Provide detailed budget to support the implementation thereof. There presentation proceeds from the context drawn last week in terms of where we come from, the current mandates and the future outlook.

4 Vision: A caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life.

5 STRATEGIC THRUST Mission To ensure the provision of comprehensive, integrated, sustainable and quality social development services and create an enabling environment for sustainable development in partnership with all those committed to building a caring society.

6 DSD Medium term strategic goals
Reduce income poverty by providing social assistance to eligible individuals. Increase household food and nutrition security. Improve service delivery by standardising social welfare services [quality]. Prevent new HIV infections, address the structural and social drivers of HIV and tuberculosis, and mitigate the impact of those diseases. Create an enabling and conducive environment within which NPOs can operate. Improve the quality of and access to ECD services. Strengthen child protection services through the implementation of child care and protection measures. Reduce the demand for illegal and addictive substances within communities. Facilitate social change and sustainable development, targeting youths and adults in their communities. Create an enabling environment for the protection and promotion of older persons’ rights and people with disabilities. Strengthen families by providing comprehensive social services. 11/23/2018

7 DSD Strategic Priorities & Outcomes
Improve the provision of Early Childhood Development Combat Substance Abuse Promote and protect older persons and people with disabilities Food and Nutrition Security Strengthen the Child Care & Protection as well as Youth Dev DSD Sector Priorities Alignment with Government Outcomes [1] [2] [4] [3] [7] Apex Priorities Education Fighting Crime and Corruption Jobs, Decent Work & Sustainable Livelihoods Health Rural Development Social Security including job creation remain a key catalyst to DSD priorities NPO support, Infrastructure Development, Customer care & Appropriate Service Delivery Model [Key Service Enablers]



10 Strategic, Risk and Business Processes

11 Strategic, Risk and Business Processes

12 Communication 11/23/2018

13 Entity Oversight 11/23/2018

14 Monitoring and Evaluation

15 PROGRAMME 2: Social Assistance

16 Performance indicator
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance indicator Baseline 2013/14 Reduce poverty by providing income support to eligible individuals Social grants for eligible individuals Number of social grant beneficiaries Old age grant 2 852 747 War Veterans 596 477 CSG 11 452 152 11  Disability grant 1 178 664 Care dependency 129 762 Foster Care Grant Grant-in-Aid 68 010 71 879

17 Performance and expenditure trends
Child support and older person’s grant make up the bulk of expenditure on this programme, and reflect the government’s commitment to support the most vulnerable members of our society, namely children, the elderly and the disabled. The number of social grant beneficiaries increased from 15,2 million in March to more than 15,9 million at 31 December 2012, and are projected to increase to about 17,2 million by the end of March 2016. Spending increased significantly from 2009/10 to 2012/13, mainly due to the extension of the age limit for the child support grant to 18 years, and the equalisation of access to the older person’s grant at 60 years. In 2011/12, the asset and income threshold for the older person’s grant was increased as part of a broader social security reform process. Greater awareness is being generated on the grant-in-aid and care dependency grant, and expenditure is therefore projected to increase over the current MTEF period.


19 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Social Security Policy Development
High Level Outputs Performance indicator Baseline 2013/14 To create an effective and efficient social security system Adherence to norms and standards for the social assistance programme Level of adherence to norms and standards for the social assistance programme One oversight report Produce 4 oversight reports on adherence to norms and standards for social assistance programme Improved administration of and access to social grants Discussion paper on the removal of social grant means test Research on the impact of social grants Annual survey report on social assistance services Provide uniform and coherent information on social expenditure Annual survey report on social assistance No baseline Publish and launch the Social Budget Bulletin Information on social expenditure and revenue Publication of Social Budget Bulletin Publish and launch the Social Security Review Social Security Review Publication of Social Security Review Publish and launch Social Security Review

20 Performance Indicator Performance Indicator
Appeals Adjudication Inspectorate for Social Security Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Provide all applicants for and beneficiaries of social assistance with access to internal remedies Timely adjudication of social assistance appeals Percentage of appeals adjudicated within 90 days of receipt 45% of appeals (766 of ) adjudicated within 90 days of receipt Adjudicate 50% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Integrated Appeals Business Information System Appeals Business Information System Implement the Integrated Appeals Business Information System Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Establish an Inspectorate for Social Security to ensure the integrity of the social assistance framework and systems by March 2016 A functional Inspectorate Policy framework for social inspection No inspectorate for social security inspection Approve policy framework for social security inspection

21 Performance and expenditure trends
Expenditure on appeals adjudication will also increase as we speed up the number of appeals adjudicated within 90 days to 65 per cent in 2015/16. The projected growth in expenditure on this programme over the MTEF period provides for the development of an integrated appeals business information system.

22 Performance indicator
PROGRAMME 4: WELFARE SERVICES POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT Service Standards Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance indicator Baseline 2013/14 Improve the delivery of social welfare services Review of the implementation of the White Paper for Social Welfare Review report on the implementation of the White paper for Social Welfare White paper on social welfare services Social Welfare Services Framework Conduct a review in 2 provinces Implementation of generic intervention processes in the Social Development Sector Number of provinces implementing generic intervention processes Generic intervention processes implemented in five provinces Monitor implementation of generic intervention processes in provinces Scholarship programme Number of scholarships awarded to social work students 4750 scholarships awarded Award 800 scholarships to social work students (raising total to 5 550) Assessment of the scholarships programme Assessment report on the scholarship programme No baseline Draft assessment report for the scholarship programme

23 Social Service Provider Management and Support
Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance indicator Baseline 2013/14 Develop a regulatory framework for social service practitioners by March 2016 Professionalized and regulated social service practitioners Draft bill on Social Science practitioners Approved Policy on Social Service Practitioners Draft Bill for Social Service Practitioners Introduce an effective regulatory system for funded NPOs Implementation of the National Policy on Financial Awards to Service Providers (PFA) Monitoring reports from provinces Implementation Plan for the PFA Monitor the implementation of the PFA

24 Performance Indicator
Older Persons People with Disabilities Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Create an enabling environment for the protection and promotion of rights of older persons Compliance of registered community based care services with norms and standards Number of CBC services assessed for compliance with norms and standards 14 90 Community Based Care (10 per province) services assessed for compliance in terms of the norms and standards Compliance of registered residential care facilities with prescribed norms and standards Number of residential care facilities assessed for with prescribed norms and standards 412 residential facilities registered and 13 assessed for compliance with the norms and standards 108 (12 per province) residential care facilities assessed for compliance in terms of norms and standards Amendments to the Older Persons Act, 2006 Older persons Amendment Bill Older Persons Act Draft Bill on older persons Promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities Legislation on social development services to people with disabilities Draft Bill on social development services to people with disabilities Policy for providing social development services to people with disabilities Norms and standards for residential facilities implemented Develop norms and standards for residential facilities Policy guidelines on residential facilities Norms and standards for residential facilities

25 Performance Indicator
Children Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Improve the quality of Early Childhood Development (ECD) services by 2015 ECD policy developed and implemented ECD policy No baseline Policy for ECD Implementation of Phase 1 of National Integrated Plan for ECD Phase 1 of national Integrated Plan for ECD Draft National ECD Integrated Plan (Phase 1) Comprehensive package of ECD services Human resource capacity for the ECD sector Departments Capacity building on the National Education Learning Development standards( NELDS)and national curriculum for years Comprehensive audit of ECD centres in all provinces Number of ECD centres audited 5487 ECD centres audited Conduct a comprehensive audit of 7513 ECD in all provinces

26 Performance Indicators
Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Performance Indicators Baseline 2013/14 Strengthen child protection services through the implementation of child care and protection measures by 2015 Improved access to child care and protection through adoption services Number of adoptions registered 2625 adoption cases registered Increase the number of children adopted by 10% Implementation of foster care project plan Reports on the implementation of the Foster Care Project Plan Foster care project plan Monitor the implementation of foster care project plan in 9 provinces Transformation plan for Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) implemented Reports on the implementation of transformation plan for CYCCs Transformation Plan for CYCCs Monitor the implementation of the transformation plan of CYCC in 9 provinces Guidelines for the registration of Drop in Centres in terms of the Children’s Act Approved guidelines for the registration of Drop- in Centres in terms of the Children Act Draft Guidelines for the registration of Drop in Centres in terms of the Children’s Act Approval of the Guidelines for the registration of Drop-in centres in terms of the Children’s Act Employees working with children screened against the Child Protection Register (CPR) B Number of employees working with children screened against the CPR part B 10,000 employees screened Screen 30,000 employees working with children against CPR: Part B Amended Children’s Act Children Act reviewed Children’s Act Draft Bill on amendments to the Children’s Act ( Phase 1) Protect and improve the quality of life of orphaned and other vulnerable children through the Isibindi Model Implementation of the Isibindi Model monitored in provinces Monitoring reports on the implementation of the Isibindi Model Implementation Plan for the Isibindi Model Monitor the implementation of the Isibindi Model in provinces

27 Performance indicators
Families Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Performance indicators Baseline 2013/14 Strengthen families by providing comprehensive social service Implementation of the White Paper on Families Number of stakeholder capacitated on the White paper on families White Paper on Families implemented in all provinces Capacity building of stakeholders on the White Paper on families Increased capacity for implementing family development programmes Number of provincial stakeholders capacitated on family development programmes Approved Integrated Parenting Framework Capacity building on Fatherhood and Active Parenting programme for teenagers

28 Performance indicator
Substance abuse Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance indicator Baseline 2013/14 Reduce the demand for substances in communities by providing prevention and treatment services Implementation of National Anti-Substance Abuse programme of action(POA) Implementation of the national Anti-Substance Abuse POA POA implemented by national departments Monitor implementation progress of the National Anti-Substance Abuse Programme of Action by 9 national departments Implementation of Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse Act No. 70 of 2008 and Regulations Number of stakeholders implementing the Act and Regulations Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse Act No. 70 of and Regulations not yet proclaimed and promulgated Capacity building of 120 stakeholders on the Prevention and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act No. 70 of and Regulations Implementation of the Comprehensive Social Mobilisation Strategy Number of Stakeholders Implementing the Social Mobilisation Strategy Approved National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) Approved Social Mobilisation Strategy Facilitate implementation of the social mobilisation strategy by capacitating 90 service providers NDMP, Review and monitor implementation of the NDMP

29 Performance Indicator
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Reduce the incidence of social crime through programmes, policies and legislation by March 2016 Implementation of Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Quality Assurance panel members capacitated 63 Quality Assurance panel members identified under Regulation 32 of the Child Justice Act Capacity building of 63 Quality Assurance Panel members on the Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Policy Framework implemented in the provinces for the Accreditation of Diversion Services Facilitate the implementation of the Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Stakeholders capacitated on social crime prevention programmes Number of service providers implementing the Policy Framework for the Accreditation of Diversion Services 5 Therapeutic programmes developed 120 stakeholders capacitated on social crime Implementation of Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Action Plan Number of stakeholders capacitated on social crime prevention programmes Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Monitoring the implementation of Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Action Plan

30 Improve victim empowerment services through programmes, policies and legislation by March 2016
Draft Bill on victim empowerment support services Number of service providers implementing the Social Crime prevention Strategy Action Plan All provinces and six national departments consulted Draft Bill on Victim Support Services Implementation of gender-based violence (GBV) prevention programs Number of stakeholders implementing the GBV prevention programme GBV Training Manual Monitor the implementation of gender-based violence prevention programs Implementation of Policy Framework for the accreditation of services and programmes for victims of human trafficking Policy framework for the accreditation of services and programmes for victims of human trafficking Draft Policy Framework for the accreditation of services and programmes for organisations rendering services to victims of human trafficking Policy Framework for Accreditation of services and Programmes for victims of Human Trafficking Improve interdepartmental coordination within the Victim Empowerment Programme sector Development of inter-sectoral strategy for VEP programme Intersectoral strategy of VEP National Policy Guideline for VEP Develop Inter-sectoral Strategy for VEP programme Development of VEP monitoring system VEP monitoring system VEP baseline study and generic indicator set Develop the draft VEP M&E system

31 Performance Indicator
Youth HIV and AIDS Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Empower youths for sustainable development and social change More young people participating in youth development programmes Number of youth participating in dialogues 2747 youth participated in dialogues 3000 participating in dialogues Number of youth participating in mobilisation programmes 2000 youth participated in mobilization programmes 2500 participating in the youth mobilisation programme Youth skills development and employability Number of youth participating in skills development programmes 125 youth participating in skills development programme 450 youth participating in skills development programme Number of youths attending leadership camps 650 youth participated in youth leadership camps 1200 youths participate in leadership camps Youth forums Number of provisional youth forums established 3 provincial youth forums established Establish 3 provincial youth forums

32 Performance Indicators
HIV and AIDS Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance Indicators Baseline 2013/14 Develop and facilitate implementation of social and behaviour change programmes Social and behaviour change programmes developed and implemented Number of youth reached through social and behaviour change programmes 500 000 youths reached Reach 500 000 youth Number of youth trained as groundBreakers (gBs) on social change and behaviour change programmes 532 ground breakers trained Train 540 ground breakers Number of youth trained as imPintshis to implement social and behaviour change programmes 2700 mPintshis trained Train 2700 mPintshis Number of organisation trained to implement social and behaviour change No baseline Train 450 organisations on social and behaviour change programmes Number of community conversations on HIV and AIDS facilitated 60 community conversations facilitated 64 community conversations facilitated Mitigate the psychosocial impact of HIV and AIDS and TB on targeted key populations Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) rendered to target groups PSS guidelines, curriculum and learner material Develop PSS guidelines, curriculum and learner materials Number of Training Service provides (TSP) trained in PSS Train 30 TSP Number of organisations trained in PSS Train 100 organisations on PSS Norms and standards for HCBS programme Develop service norms and standards and monitoring tool

33 Performance Indicators
HIV and AIDS continues Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance Indicators Baseline 2013/14 Strengthen community- based systems Strengthened community based reporting Number of CBOs reporting in accordance with the community-bases M&E system Reports from 431 CBOs 1200 CBOs reporting CBO management capacity building programme implemented Number of CBOs trained on management capacity building programme 48 CBOS trained Train 120 CBOs Officials trained to manage the HIV and AIDS programme Number of officials trained on HIV and AIDS management programme Approved curriculum on HIV and AIDS management programme Train 90 officials on HIV and AIDS management programme Operational research reports on HIV and AIDS programmes Number of reasearch reports on HIV and AIDS programmes No baseline Situation Analysis report of HIV prevention programmes A report on the strategic review of the National Action Plan for children and other vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS Evaluation reports on HIV and AIDS programmes Impact evaluation report on the loveLife programme Draft evaluation report (LoveLife) Evaluation report on the HCBC programme Final evaluation report (HCBC programme )

34 Performance and expenditure trends
Most funds will continue to be disbursed to loveLIfe, enabling it to increase and extend its HIV/ AIDS awareness programmes, and on scholarship for social work students. By 2015/16, the number of students benefiting from these scholarship is expected to reach 6550. From 2009/10 to 2012/13, expenditure on social crime prevention and victim empowerment increased significantly in order to provide for the implementation of the Child Justice Act (2009). Similarly, expenditure on the Substance abuse sub programme increased in 2011/12 and 2012/13 in order to provide for the development of regulation under the Prevention and Treatment of Substance abuse Act (2008). Expenditure on goods and services increased substantially in 2011/12 and 2012/13, mainly due to additional allocations for an ECD audit and the establishment of system to facilitate the rollout of the Isibindi Model.

35 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery

36 Performance Indicator
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Special Projects and Innovation Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Increase job opportunities, skills and income levels in the Social Development Sector Coordinated implementation of the Social Cluster Public Employment Programmes Number of jobs opportunities created through social development programmes 26462 job opportunities 33307 work opportunities Number of full-time Equivalents (FTEs) created through the Incentive grant 2908 Full Time Equivalents 3199 FTEs Number of non-EPWP jobs created 26206 non-EPWPs jobs 27814 non-EPWPs Promote community driven development Integrated social services provided to communities Number of community works programmes (CWP) sites providing integrated DSD services No baseline Facilitate the provision of integrated DSD services to 9 CWP sites Number of Kwanda sites established 5 Kwanda sites 9 new Kwanda sites Provide social protection to military veterans Social protection provided to military veterans Number of DSD services provided to military veterans 3 services (Psycho social counselling, SRD and jobs) 5 DSD services

37 Performance indicators
Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organisations Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Performance indicators Baseline 2013/14 Create an enabling environment for Non- profit Organisations Efficient registration system and regulatory framework for NPOs Percentage of NPO registration applications processed within two months of receipt 18448 applications received and of these processed within two months Process 90% of applications within two months receipt Percentage of NPO appeals adjudicated within three months 50% Adjudicate 80% of NPO appeals within three months Policy framework on amending the NPO Act Approved policy framework for amending the NPO Act Draft Policy Discussion document Approved Policy for amending the NPO Act Improved NPO governance and compliance with the NPO Act Number of NPOs trained 1500 NPOs trained on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Train 2500 NPOs on governance and compliance with NPO Act Number of provincial officials trained 200 provincial officials trained on NPO governance and NPO Act Train 300 provincial officials

38 Community Development
Strategic Objectives High level output Performance Indicator Baseline 2013/14 Support and monitor the implementation of community development services and programmes Community Development services and programmes implemented Number of Community Development practitioners (CDPs) trained 1303 Community Development Practitioners (CDPs) trained Train 600 CDPs Number of CBOs trained on community development practise 886 Community Based Organisations trained on community development practice Train 400 CBOs on community development practice Community development qualifications implemented Number of institutions offering community development qualifications at NQF levels 5 and 8 NQF Level 4, 5, 8 Community Development National Qualifications Support institutions of higher learning to align their curriculum with Community Development national qualifications NQF Level 5 and 8 Household profiling reports Number of households profiled 200 000 households profiled Profile Households Community mobilisation programmes facilitated Number of wards reached through mobilisation programmes 100 Wards reached Reach 200 Wards through mobilisation programmes Number of change agents in wards supported 1000 change agents in targeted wards Socio-economic support to 450 change agents in targeted wards

39 Create an enabling environment for community development practice
Community Development Occupational Framework implemented Community development Occupational Framework Draft Community Development Occupational Framework Approval of the Community Development Occupational Framework Norms and Standards for Community Development developed Norms and standards for community development Discussion document on Norms and Standards Facilitate the development of Norms and Standards for Community Development Community Development Policy Framework implemented Community Development Policy Framework Draft Community Development Policy Framework Approval by MinMEC Facilitate and monitor the implementation of food security programmes 900 000 households accessing DSD food security programmes by Number of households accessing food security programmes households accessing nutritious food Promote equitable access to food by 300 000 households Development of food bank networks Number of people accessing food through food banks 327 358 people access food through food banks people to access food through food banks

40 Performance and expenditure trends
Most spending on this programme in the current MTEF period will comprise transfers to the NDA, which is meant to support civil society organisations. Spending on community development will also increase significantly due to an additional allocation of R120 million to FoodBank South Africa, aimed at strengthening the Food for All programme. The programme is targeted to cover 3 million people experiencing food insecurity by 2015/16. The NPO summit and dialogues held in 2012/13 resulted in increased expenditure on goods and services items such as catering, venues, and advertising, as well as increased spending on the registration and monitoring of NPOs in 2012/13.


42 Part B DSD Financial outlook
23 November 2018 Part B DSD Financial outlook 23 November 2018 42 Budget Committee 42

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 R' 000 2012 MTEF ALLOCATIONS 120,907,796 130,076,220 136,059,726 Departmental baseline ADDITIONAL FUNDS ALLOCATED TO BASELINE 35,630 47,192 1,962,642 Improvement in conditions of service: Department 5,630 7,192 12,642 Social grants - 1,900,000 FoodBank South Africa: Provision for food relief 30,000 40,000 50,000 ADJUSTMENTS TO BASELINE (SAVINGS) (451,826 ) (844,034 ) (412,268 ) Goods and services: Savings (9,872 ) (20,452 ) (31,970 ) Transfers and subsidies: (441,954 ) (823,582 ) (380,298 ) - Reduced allocation to NDA (1,814 ) (3,902 ) (6,241 ) - Reduced allocation to SASSA (115,324 ) (187,528 ) (235,782 ) - Reduced allocation to SASSA: Fraud Hotline function shift (4,816 ) (5,052 ) (5,284 ) - Reduced allocation to SASSA: Reprioritisation towards absorption of social work graduates (100,000 ) (104,900 ) (109,770 ) - Reduced allocation to Social Worker Scholarships: Reprioritisation towards absorption of social work graduates (20,000 ) (22,200 ) (23,221 ) - Reduced allocation to Social Assistance Grants (200,000 ) (500,000 ) 2013 MTEF ALLOCATIONS (to be included in 2013 ENE) 1 120,491,600 129,279,378 137,610,100

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 R' 000 Earmarked amounts South African Social Security Agency 6,311,048 6,577,589 6,840,486 - of which fraud investigations 70,581 75,416 78,885 Social Assistance Grants 113,006,841 121,482,101 129,493,278 ECD Audit 16,544 Social Work Scholarships 250,000 264,000 276,144 Establishment of Inspectorate 14,988 13,267 13,769 FoodBank South Africa: Provision for food relief 30,000 40,000 50,000 National Development Agency 171,713 178,337 184,381 LoveLife 48,100 50,986 53,331


2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 R'000 P1: Administration 255,277 264,003 278,829 293,281 P2: Social Assistance 104,887,916 113,206,841 121,982,101 129,493,278 P3: Social Security Policy and Administration 6,308,700 6,467,920 6,732,540 6,970,845 P4: Welfare Service Policy Development and Implementation Support 513,824 513,105 525,749 545,725 P5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery 251,044 289,731 310,159 326,971 TOTAL 112,216,761 120,741,600 129,829,378 137,630,100

Social Security Policy and Administration Subprogramme Adjusted appropriation Medium-term expenditure estimate R thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Social Security Policy Development 49,740 56,112 51,226 53,707 Appeals Adjudication 38,179 45,621 48,322 51,062 Social Grants Administration 6,053,026 6,290,467 6,552,173 6,781,601 Social Grant Fraud Investigations 66,744 70,581 75,416 78,885 Programme Management 8,971 5,139 5,403 5,590 Total 6,216,660 6,467,920 6,732,540 6,970,845

Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation Support Subprogramme Adjusted appropriation Medium-term expenditure estimate R thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Service Standards 20,381 25,250 26,172 25,503 Substance Abuse 13,993 11,440 12,561 12,620 Older Persons 15,016 10,058 12,016 11,087 People with Disabilities 8,631 9,907 10,343 10,921 Children 76,452 65,511 51,825 52,808 Families 7,757 7,714 8,057 8,516 Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment 38,459 39,541 42,011 44,213 Youth 9,314 6,657 6,968 7,369 HIV and AIDS 70,864 77,076 81,354 85,488 Social Workers Scholarships 256,000 250,000 264,000 276,144 Programme Management 8,181 9,951 10,442 11,056 Total 525,048 513,105 525,749 545,725

Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery Subprogramme Adjusted appropriation Medium-term expenditure estimate R thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Social Policy Research and Development 5,866 6,468 6,686 7,043 Special Projects and Innovation 6,965 7,762 8,375 8,523 Population Policy Promotion 22,422 24,494 26,298 25,435 Registration and Monitoring of NPOs 22,992 19,308 20,204 20,379 Substance Abuse Advisory Services and Oversight 4,859 6,343 6,369 6,550 Community Development 28,930 50,630 60,856 71,479 National Development Agency 166,263 171,713 178,337 184,381 Programme Management 1,956 3,013 3,034 3,181 Total 260,253 289,731 310,159 326,971

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 R'000 Compensation of Employees 307,718 340,672 358,829 383,730 Goods and Services 319,090 297,736 290,190 289,704 Transfer and Subsidies 111,583,230 120,096,780 129,173,661 136,949,660 Payment for Capital Assets 6,723 6,412 6,698 7,006 TOTAL 112,216,761 120,741,600 129,829,378 137,630,100

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 R'000 Social Assistance Transfers 104,887,916 113,006,841 121,482,101 129,493,278 South African Social Security Agency 6,200,270 6,311,048 6,577,589 6,840,486 Social Workers Bursaries 256,000 250,000 264,000 276,144 Lovelife 45,600 48,100 50,986 53,331 National Development Agency 166,263 171,713 178,337 184,381 Food Bank 30,000 40,000 50,000 National Councils 20,457 21,487 22,778 23,826 TOTAL 111,576,506 119,839,189 128,615,791 136,921,446


3.7% 1.7% 1.9%

PROGRAMME 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 R'000 P1: Administration 255,277 264,003 278,829 293,281 P3: Social Security Policy and Administration 108,430 106,872 110,563 122,403 P4: Welfare Service Policy Development and Implementation Support 191,767 193,518 189,263 182,952 P5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery 84,781 88,018 84,932 90,018 TOTAL 640,255 652,411 663,587 688,654 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Compensation of Employees 307,718 340,672 358,829 383,730 Goods and Services 319,090 297,736 290,190 289,704 Transfer and Subsidies 6,724 7,591 7,870 8,214 Payment for Capital Assets 6,723 6,412 6,698 7,006



57 23 November 2018 THANK YOU Budget Committee


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