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Dynamic HTML Path Control

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic HTML Path Control"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic HTML Path Control
By: Jim Brahm

2 Animated Path Control More advanced than CSS positioning
Define paths for elements to follow Integrate with other features DHTML Filters DHTML Transitions

3 Animated Path Control Use OBJECT element to place the Path Control on the page Path1.html

4 Multiple Path Control Set paths for multiple objects
Use separate OBJECT tags for each individual item you wish to control Using z-indexing is not necessary The overlap of objects is determined by their order of declaration in the HTML source Path2.html

5 Time Markers for Path Control
Allows the ability to execute actions during the object’s path This is done with the AddTimeMarker method Path3.html

6 Questions Why is using Animated Path Control better than using dynamic CSS positioning? What value should AutoStart be set to in order to start the element along its path as soon as the page loads?

7 Questions Can you set paths for multiple items in only one OBJECT tag?
What method is used to determine when an object begins its path? Without using z-indexing, how does the HTML page determine which objects overlap others?

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