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Tonya Easterwood HRMS Trainer
End of Year Process Tonya Easterwood HRMS Trainer
Go-To-Webinar Overview of Go-To-Webinar
Before we get started, I want to review a few housekeeping items and let you know how you can participate in today’s Web event. We’re looking at an example of the Go-To-Webinar Attendee Interface which is made up of two parts. The Viewer Window is where attendees see the presenter’s screen. The Viewer Window can be resized by clicking and dragging the lower right corner. The Control Panel is where attendees can interact with organizers. Move mouse over the Grab Tab You should see something that looks like this on your own computer desktop in the upper right corner. Click 1 Clicking the arrows on the Grab Tab opens and closes the Control Panel. Click 2 The Audio pane provides audio information. (If the organizer has given attendees a choice) There are two options. You can join audio through your computer; select Use Mic & Speakers. Click 3 Click Audio Setup to select your computer speaker or headset devices. Click 4, 5 and 6 You can choose to join audio through your telephone. Select Use Telephone, dial the number listed and enter both the Access Code and Audio PIN when prompted. Click 7 During (at the end, etc.) the presentation, you have the ability to send questions to our Webinar staff through the Questions pane. Simply type in your question and click send. (Optional) At the end of the presentation we will do a Q&A session to answer as many questions as we have time for. Click 8 During the presentation we may ask you to answer a question by raising your hand. This option is located on the Grab Tab. Click 9 and 10 If you prefer to keep your control panel open during the presentation, click View in the top menu and un-check Auto-Hide the Control Panel.
Learning Objectives Overview EOY procedures
Timelines to complete procedures Staff Action Console What will the audience be able to do after this training is complete? Briefly describe each objective how the audience will benefit from this presentation.
Contract Conditions
LEA Configuration Contract Conditions
A thorough review of your school systems Contract Conditions should be conducted at least annually to make any adjustments for the next school year are made. This may include addition of new contract conditions, removal of old outdated conditions or simply adjusting dates for the new calendar year. Once you are on the Contract Conditions Screen review the text of each Contract Condition by clicking on the Contract Code of each condition.
When the text appears in the window at the top of the page make any adjustments needed then click on the Update Button. Any new Contract Conditions that are needed for the new school year as a result of legislative action or board policy changes should be added at this time. Post-Action Validity Test: Go to the Desk Top Reporting Tool and Print a contract on an individual that has one or more of the Contract Conditions that you have updated. Time Frame: This process / procedure should be done in coordination with the Renewal / Non-renewal Process as these adjustments will need to be reflected in the printing of contracts for the next school year. (April / May)
Tenure Status This process is used to “Bump Up” the Tenure Status of eligible teachers (those that have physically been on the job in your school system in a full-time role for at least 120 day during the current school year with at least one clear licensure area). To access from the LEA Home page
This procedure is accessed from Employees menu on the Home Page
Employee Page
Mass Updates
Tenure Status Codes
When accessed the Tenure Status Mass Update will return a listing of employees that are, for the current school year, at the specified level (i.e. 4 of 4, 3 of 4, etc.). You will then have the opportunity to remove any individual(s) that have not met the 120 day requirement (remember that sick leave, annual leave, bonus leave and personal leave days do not count toward meeting this standard). Once any identified employees are excluded from the bump process (simply click them once and they will move to the Exclude Box on the right) you will then click the submit button at the bottom of the page and a confirmation screen will appear. At this point you will have an opportunity to print the listing of those “Bumped Up”. Next you should scroll to the end of this report and click on “Process Next Group”. The same procedures should be repeated as stated above and repeated until you get no data returned when you click the link “Process Next Group”.
Always start with your highest values first and work the “Bump” backwards (i.e. move 4 of 4 to career before moving 3 of 4 to 4 of 4).
Scroll through the results and select any employees that should be EXCLUDED from the update. These will populate in the column to your right’
Once you have completed the process of verifying employees click the SUBMIT button.
Verify the list of names are correct for employees to be excluded
Verify the list of names are correct for employees to be excluded. This is section one at the top of the page populated once the submit button was clicked.
This is section 2 of the populate results
This is section 2 of the populate results. I suggest printing of copy of the results just in case you need to verify information at a later time. Now lets test to make sure the update was done properly. Go to the Demographic Page for a non-tenured, licensed employee that was included in your first Mass Update listing.
From the employee page enter partial filter information on some of the filtering options and select an employee from the list. This will populate the EMPLOYEE DEMOGRAPHICS PAGE.
From the Demographic Page click on Staff Action Tab and then on the Employee Status and Benefits Option
and then check to be sure their new Tenure Status is listed
and then check to be sure their new Tenure Status is listed. Also if this individual is moving to Career Status be sure that the Date Granted Tenure is listed as the identified Board Action Date that was entered as part of the Mass Update process.
Beginning Teacher Status
This process is used to “Bump Up” the BT Status of eligible teachers (those that have been teaching for at least 6 months during the current school year).
On the Mass Updates Page select
BT Status Code (Old ILT Status)
Read the message box and click ok to continue with the process.
Always start with your highest values first and work the “Bump” backwards (i.e. move 3s to C (Completed) before moving 2s to 3s). After selecting the FROM and TO fields, click on the Submit button. Uncheck any employee that is not to be updated, then submit. When accessed the BT Status Mass Update will return a listing of employees that are, for the current school year, at the specified level (i.e. 1, 2, etc.). You will then have the opportunity to remove any individual(s) that have not met the qualifying procedures as stated above. Once any identified employees are removed (uncheck their identifier box) you will click the submit button at the bottom of the page and a confirmation screen will appear. At this point you will have an opportunity to print the listing of those “Bumped Up”.
scroll to the end of this report and click on “Process Next Group”
scroll to the end of this report and click on “Process Next Group”. The same procedures should be repeated as stated above and repeated until you get no data returned when you click the link “Process Next Group”.
Click the PRINT button to have a hard copy for your files.
Click the CLOSE button to close the window.
Go to the Demographic Page for a licensed employee that was included in your first Mass Update listing. Select the Staff Action Tab from the options at the top and then select the Status and Benefits
Verify their new BT Status is listed.
This process / procedure should be run immediately after completion of the Beginning Teacher Report (normally released in early July) has been completed for DPI.
Employee Renewal Bump This process is used to post 1.0 renewal credit for a year of successful teaching experience in your system for the school year just completed. Access: This procedure is accessed from the Employees Page Option found on the Home Page menu Employee Page Mass Updates Employee Renewal Bump
When accessed the Mass Update Employee Renewal Bump will return a screen that has the specific Step-by-Step instructions to follow. Please be sure to read ALL the instructions fully and carefully before beginning. This is a mass update but there is NO Mass Undo Button! You will have the opportunity to remove any individual(s) that have not met the year of successful teaching requirement. Once any identified employees are removed (uncheck their identifier box) you will click the submit button at the bottom of the page and a confirmation screen will appear. At this point you will have an opportunity to print the listing of those given the Renewal Credit. Next you should scroll to the end of this report and click on “Process Next Group”. The same procedures should be repeated as stated above and repeated until you get no data returned when you click the link “Process Next Group”.
Go to the renewal screen of any licensed employee that has completed a successful year of teaching experience for the just completed school year and
Verify if there is a list for 1
Verify if there is a list for 1.0 renewal credit posted as completed on of the year that is being executed, with a description of Teaching Experience for the fiscal year.
Additional Budget Code Bump
This process is used to “Bump Up” the Additional Salary Step of eligible staff employed with Additional Pay Budget Codes in HRMS. The Additional Budget Codes are used only for Coaching / Extra Curricular assignments posted within HRMS
Mass Updates Additional Pay Budget Code Step
Please be sure to read ALL the instructions fully and carefully before beginning. This is a mass update but there is NO Mass Undo Button! You will have the opportunity to remove any individual(s) that you determine should not be “Bumped” up a salary step. Once any identified employees are removed (highlighting them on the listing) you will click the submit button at the bottom of the page and a confirmation screen will appear.
After printing and reading all of the instructions, click Hide Instructions.
Step 1 – Employees with non-numeric steps STEP 2 – Select type of employee STEP 3 – Last Hire on or Before
STEP 4 – Retrieve matching employees
Be sure to work in collaboration with your Finance Department to ensure that the new Salary Schedules have been loaded into the Finical Software that your system is using. The HRMS and Payroll Systems need to remain in sink. (July / August)
STEP 6 – Select excluded employees in the table
STEP 7 – Process Excluded Employees the regular Base and Supplement Grades and Steps as they are automatically refreshed with the information that is entered in payroll if your HRMS position numbers entered into your payroll software data.
STEP 8 – Perform Increment Process
Read the message box and click OK to proceed
Read the message box and click OK to proceed
Click Print Click Close This process / procedure should be run after the close of the current fiscal year (June 30th) and after you have received notice that the budget from the State Legislature has been passed. Prerequisites: Passage of the State Budget and clarification from DPI on the structure of the new Salary Schedules also you will need to update your Budget Code and Salary Schedule Library Names before doing this procedure. Post-Action Validity Test: Go to the Demographic Page of a staff member with an additional budget code position and then click on the Edit Assignment link for the additional budget code position. Check to be sure the Salary Step was incremented up to the correct step and the validated salary that is posted is correct based on the new current salary schedule in use for your school system.
Substitute Rate This process should be used to increase the daily / hourly rate of pay for substitutes (teachers and other categories of substitutes) as dictated by the State Legislature or as determined by your local Board of Education.
From the EMPLOYEE PAGE select
Mass Updates Substitute Rate
When accessed the Mass Update - Substitute Rate will return a window where you can select a current daily / hourly rate of pay then enter the new rate of pay. This will bring back a listing of identified candidates and you will then have the opportunity to remove any individual(s) that should not receive the new rate. Once any identified employees are removed (uncheck their identifier box) you will click the submit button at the bottom of the page and a confirmation screen will appear. At this point you will have an opportunity to print the listing of those who will have their rate of pay increased. Next you should scroll to the end of this report and click on “Process Next Group”. The same procedures should be repeated as stated above and repeated until you get no data returned when you click the link “Process Next Group”. This same process should be performed on each substitute category that you have included in your HRMS system. Special Procedure Note: Be sure to be involved with your Finance Department to ensure you have the same understanding of the new rates and that the Payroll Department has a copy of the individuals that you have identified as be eligible to receive the substitute rate increase.
Click on the drop down arrow for current rate
Uncheck any employee that is not to get the new rate
Go to the Demographic Page of a current Substitute and then click on Edit Substitute Profile.
Check to see if their Daily Rate of Pay has changed to reflect their correct new rate of pay. I would suggest that this same procedure be run for an hourly rate substitute if you use any. This process / procedure should be run after the close of the current fiscal year (June 30th) and after you have received notice that the budget from the State Legislature has been passed and you have received from the Finance Division at DPI the required minimum rates of pay for substitute teachers. An additional issue is to be sure to work in collaboration with your Finance Department to ensure the HRMS and Payroll Systems will remain in sink. (July / August) Prerequisites: Passage of the State Budget and clarification from DPI on the structure of the new Substitute Teacher Daily Rates
Rebuild Position Budget Codes
Update Payroll Libraries
Use a section header for each of the topics, so there is a clear transition to the audience.
Access: This procedure is accessed by selecting the Setup Option on the Home Page and then LEA Configuration Option Setup LEA Configuration
Click LEA Settings.
Once you are on the LEA Settings Screen scroll down to the line that allows you to enter information for the Salary Schedule Library Name. The name for this library should be obtained in advance from YOUR Finance Department. (Generally it simply requires changing the last character in the Library Name to the corresponding fiscal year i.e. changes 6 to 7.) Next go to the following line where the Budget Code Library Name is requested. Again the specific name for this library should be obtained in advance from YOUR Finance Department. Once both of the entries have been made be sure to click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Time Frame: This process / procedure should be done in coordination with your Finance Department once they have built the new Salary Schedule and Budget Code Libraries in the Payroll System. (Generally this will be after the State Budget is passed or after July 1st whichever is later.) (July / August) Prerequisites: Your Finance Department must first build these 2 libraries in your payroll system
Site Contacts This process is used to ensure that the correct / current site contact information and primary contact designations are up to date. .
LEA Configuration Site Contacts
If an individual is identified as meeting one of these criteria click on the site designation preceding their name. The individual selected will have their current information displayed in the update fields. All adjustments should be made then the Update Button should be clicked. After the adjustments are made to those individuals, included in this listing, then remove the employees that have left the system for any reason or no longer serve in a role where they are entitled to access the HRMS Data. This is accomplished by placing a Check Mark in the box following their name and the Remove Button clicked.
Once you are on the Site Contacts Screen scroll down to the line that corresponds to any individual that has changed responsibilities Time Frame: This process / procedure should be done on an ongoing basis to allow for correct information to be posted on Vacancy Permits as they are developed. Go to the Position Management Screen and enter the Position Number for a position at a new administrator's site. Then click on New Vacancy, then scroll all the way to the bottom to see if the new administrator's name and correct information is defaulting in for the Primary Administrator or if not the Primary Adm. can you select them from the dropdown list that appears when you click on "Select another Administrator". After checking this CANCELS the New Vacancy by clicking on the "X" in the top right corner!
Update Applications This process should be used to help maintain an up-to-date database of applications.
Access: This procedure is accessed from the Applicant Link on the Home Page / then click on Mass Update to Inactivate Applicants.
Procedure: When accessed the Mass Update – Inactivate Applications Page will return a screen that asks for a “To Date” (inactivate all applications modified before “To Date”. Please be sure to enter an accurate date for those applications that you want to move to the inactive status. A good rule of thumb may be to move applications where their last modification date is 1 year to 18 months ago. This is a mass update but there is NO Mass Undo Button! Special Procedure Note: You do have the opportunity to reactivate an application once moved to the inactive status but they must be moved 1 at a time. Time Frame: This process / procedure should be run at least annually prior to the beginning of your major hiring season to provide your administrators a current database to work from. (April / May)
HRMS Support Contacts Carla Brown Steven Andrew Tonya Easterwood
Applicant Steven Andrew LEA Tonya Easterwood Training Reporting Tool Leondra Edwards Jared Winchester
Thanks for joining the webinar!!!
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