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(Proposal of) High-energy hadron experiments at J-PARC

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1 (Proposal of) High-energy hadron experiments at J-PARC
KEK theory center workshop on Hadron physics with high-momentum hadron beams at J-PARC in 2015 March 13-16, 2015, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan (Proposal of) High-energy hadron experiments at J-PARC Wen-Chen Chang Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in collaboration with Takahiro Sawada (Academia Sinica) Jen-Chieh Peng (UIUC) Shunzo Kumano, Shinya Sawada (KEK) Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo)

2 Outline Uniqueness of hadron physics studied at HiPBL of J- PARC
Physics processes under consideration: Drell-Yan process Hard exclusive process Charm production process Feasibility study of measuring the exclusive Drell- Yan process in E50 spectrometer. Summary & Final remarks

3 J-PARC High-momentum Beam Line
(Hi-P BL) High-intensity secondary Pion beam High-resolution beam: Δp/p ~ 0.1% T1 Target (30/50% Loss) 50GeV Synchrotron Extension SM1 (2% Loss) T0 0.1% Loss) 50GeV Tunnel Test BL 30 GeV proton Hi-P BL Switchyard 15kW Loss Target (SM) Hadron Hall Beam Dump

4 J-PARC High-momentum Beam Line
(Hi-P BL) High-intensity secondary Pion beam High-resolution beam: Δp/p ~ 0.1% Negative Hadron Beams (Prod. Angle = 0 deg.) Positive Hadron Beams (Prod. Angle = 3.1 deg.) p- p+ K- K+ pbar * Sanford-Wang: 15 kW Loss on Pt, Acceptance :1.5 msr%, m


6 Thanks to Shunzo Kumano and many colleagues!
Thanks to Shunzo Kumano and many colleagues!

7 Uniqueness of hadron physics studied at HiPBL of J-PARC
The beam energy of hadrons at J-PARC at 5-15 GeV ( 𝑠 =𝟑−𝟓.𝟓 GeV) might be most ideal for studying the hard exclusive processes and discerning the quark-hadron transition in the strong interaction. Valance-like partonic degrees of freedom of hadrons could be discerned, compared to the collisions at low- energy regime. Reasonably large cross sections, compared to those at higher energies.

8 Physics Processes Drell-Yan process Hard exclusive production process
Inclusive pion-induced Drell-Yan: u/d(x) at large x Violation of Lam-Tung relation, BM functions Pion PDF and DA Exclusive pion-induced Drell-Yan GPD and TDA of proton Pion DA Hard exclusive production process Exclusive pion-N Lambda(1405) production Valence quark structure of Lambda(1405) Charm production process Inclusive pion-N J/psi production: J/psi production mechanism Exclusive pion-N J/psi production: Intrinsic charm? Exotic charmed baryons

9 Drell-Yan process

10 Quark and Gluon Wigner Phase-Space Distributions in Protons
Wigner Distribution Ji, PRL91,062001(2003) GPD Transverse Momentum Dependent PDF Generalized Parton Distr. Then, the function Wn(x, p) corresponds to the classical trajectory in the phase space given by the coordinates x and p. Therefore, the delocalization of the Wigner distribution indicates quantum effects due to the uncertainty principle. The Wigner distribution provides information on quantum states by using the phase-space concept. PDF Form Factors

11 Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry: Drell-Yan Experiments with Proton Beam
Naïve Assumption: NMC (Gottfried Sum Rule): NA51 (Drell-Yan, 1994): E866/NuSea (Drell-Yan, 1998): Drell-Yan process where quark and antiquark from colliding hadrons annihlnate into virtual photon and then decaying into di-lepton offer the chance of looking the x-dependence of ubar and dbar difference beyond the x-integrated value. NA51 is the first one, confirming dbar>ubar at x=0.18

12 Constraint of x( 𝑑 − 𝑢 ) in Global Analysis
E. Pereza and E. Rizvib, arXiv:

13 Parton distributions: MMHT 2014 PDFs
L. A. Harland-Lang, A. D. Martin, P. Motylinski, R.S. Thorne, arXiv:

14 Origin of 𝑢 (𝑥)≠ 𝑑 (𝑥): Perturbative QCD effect?
𝑞 Pauli blocking 𝑔→𝑢 𝑢 is more suppressed than 𝑔→𝑑 𝑑 in the proton since |p>=|uud> (Field and Feynman 1977) pQCD calculation (Ross, Sachrajda 1979) Bag model calculation (Signal, Thomas, Schreiber 1991) Chiral quark-soliton model (Pobylitsa et al. 1999) Instanton model (Dorokhov, Kochelev 1993) Statistical model (Bourrely et al. 1995; Bhalerao 1996) Balance model (Zhang, Ma 2001) pQCD is less than 1% effect. The valance-quark configuration affects the gluon splitting.

15 Origin of 𝑢 (𝑥)≠ 𝑑 (𝑥): Non-perturbative QCD effect?
Meson cloud in the nucleons (Thomas 1983, Kumano 1991): Sullivan process in DIS. Chiral quark model (Eichten et al. 1992; Wakamatsu 1992): Goldstone bosons couple to valence quarks. n Pion cloud is a source of antiquarks in the protons and it lead to 𝑑 > 𝑢 .

16 Short-Range Structure of Hadron
Extrinsic Sea Intrinsic Sea Gluon splitting Gluon fusion & light quark scattering Perturbative radiation Spatial overlapping of partons CP invariant Possible CP non-invariant Fast fluctuation With a longer lifetime Of small x Of large x (valence-like) Strong Q2 dependent Small Q2 dependent For further understanding of sea quarks, it might be helpful to classify them into two types depending on their origin. Hoyer and Brodsky, AIP Conf. Proc. 221, 238 (1990)

17 Intrinsic Sea Quarks in Light-Front 5q Fock States
“extrinsic” Brodsky, Hoyer, Peterson, Sakai (BHPS) PLB 93,451 (1980); PRD 23, 2745 (1981) Dominant Fock state configurations have the minimal invariant mass, i.e. the ones with equal-rapidity constituents. The large charm mass gives the c quark a larger x than the other comoving light partons, more valence-like. The existence of IC will lead to large contribution to charm production at large x.

18 Data of 𝑑 𝑥 − 𝑢 𝑥 vs. Light-Front 5q Fock States
The data are in good agreement with the 5q model after evolution from the initial scale μ to Q2=54 GeV2 The difference of these two 5-quark components could be determined. Assuming there existing a difference of probability intrinsic uudddbar state and uuduubar, we construct the x distribution from light-front 5q model in a numerical way at certain initial scale. Then we evolve the x distribution to the experimental scale at Q2=54 GeV2. The difference of these two 5-quark components could be determined. W.C. Chang and J.C. Peng, PRL 106, (2011) Jen-Chieh Peng (March 14)

19 𝑑 𝑥 − 𝑢 𝑥 vs. Theoretical Models
𝑢 > 𝑑 ?

20 Momentum Dependence of the Flavor Structure of the Nucleon Sea: NMC vs E866 J.C. Peng, W.C. Chang, H.Y. Cheng, T.J. Hou, K.F. Liu, and J.W. Qiu PLB 736 (2014) 411 NMC/JR14 JR14 NMC

21 Diagrams of QCD quantum fluctuation 𝑢 > 𝑑 J.C. Peng, W.C. Chang, H.Y. Cheng, T.J. Hou, K.F. Liu, and J.W. Qiu PLB 736 (2014) 411 1 1 2 4 3 1. Gluon radiation 2. Gluon splitting 3. 𝑞 𝑞 recombination 4. Gluon absorption

22 𝑑 (𝑥)/ 𝑢 (𝑥) Measured by FNAL E906/SeaQuest Experiment
Fermilab E906 𝑥 𝐵 𝑥 𝑇 = 𝑀 𝑠 ; smaller s, larger 𝑥 𝑇 Unpolarized Drell-Yan using 120 GeV proton beam from Main Injector 1H, 2H, and nuclear targets Fixed Target Beam lines Tevatron 800 GeV Main Injector 120 GeV Paul Reimer (March 14)

23 50-GeV proton beam Joint APS/DNP and JPS Meeting , Oct. 7, 2014, Jen-Chieh Peng

24 Joint APS/DNP and JPS Meeting , Oct. 7, 2014, Jen-Chieh Peng

25 JLAB 12 GeV, electron beam DIS
Joint APS/DNP and JPS Meeting , Oct. 7, 2014, Jen-Chieh Peng

26 Ratios of d/u(x) at large x by pion-induced Drell-Yan processes
At large x1 and x2: With deuterium target and spectator tagging: With both 𝜋 + and 𝜋 − beams: Deuterium target No nuclear correction for deuteron is needed

27 Drell-Yan decay angular distributions
 and  are the decay polar and azimuthal angles of the μ+ in the dilepton rest-frame Collins-Soper frame

28 E615 @ FNAL: Violation of LT Relation PRD 39, 92 (1989)
252-GeV +W

29 Theoretical Interpretations of Lam-Tung Violation in pion-induced DY
TMD Boer-Mulders Function QCD chromo-magnetic effect Glauber gluon Origin of effect Hadron QCD vacuum Pion specifically Quark-flavor dependence Yes No dependence Large PT limit Nonzero Reference PRD 60, (1999) Z. Phy. C 60,697 (1993) PLB 726, 262 (2013) Competing with CERN COMPASS DY Program

30 Flavor separation of the Boer–Mulders functions Z. Lu et al
Flavor separation of the Boer–Mulders functions Z. Lu et al. (PLB 639 (2006) 494) MIT Bag Model Spectator Model Large Nc limit Deuterium target

31 E615 (PRD 39, 92 (1989)): Higher Twist Effect at large 𝑥 𝜋
Transversely polarized +1 -1 Longitudinally polarized

32 Berger and Brodsky (PRL 42, 940, (1979)) : Higher Twist Effect at large 𝑥 𝜋

33 Brandenburg et al. (PRL 73, 939 (1994)): Pion Distribution Amplitude
Pion distribution amplitude: distribution of LC momentum fractions in the lowest-particle number valence Fock state.

34 A. P. Bakulev, N. G. Stefanis, and O. V. Teryaev (Phys. Rev
A. P. Bakulev, N. G. Stefanis, and O. V. Teryaev (Phys. Rev. D 76, (2007)) Pion Distribution Amplitude QCD evolution asymptotic-like form = 6y(1-y) Chernyak-Zhitnitsky (CZ)-like form Nonlocal QCD sum rules Oleg Teryaev (March 13)

35 A. P. Bakulev, N. G. Stefanis, and O. V. Teryaev (Phys. Rev
A. P. Bakulev, N. G. Stefanis, and O. V. Teryaev (Phys. Rev. D 76, (2007)) Sensitivity of Pion DA to ,, Oleg Teryaev (March 13)

36 Generalized Parton Distribution (GPD)
x+x x-x t GPDs P P’ Ji’s sum rule

37 Spacelike vs. Timelike Processes Muller et al
Spacelike vs. Timelike Processes Muller et al., PRD (R) (2012) Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Timelike Compton Scattering Charles Hyde, Katharina Schimdt (March 14)

38 Spacelike vs. Timelike Processes Muller et al
Spacelike vs. Timelike Processes Muller et al., PRD (R) (2012) Deeply Virtual Meson Production Exclusive Meson-induced DY Charles Hyde, Katharina Schimdt (March 14)

39 𝜋𝑁→ 𝜇 + 𝜇 − 𝑁 E.R. Berger, M. Diehl, B. Pire, PLB 523 (2001) 265
Longitudinally polarized 𝑡= 𝑝− 𝑝 ′ 2 𝑄′ 2 = 𝑞′ 2 >0 Kazuhiro Tanaka, Peter Kroll (March 13), Stefan Kofler (March 15)

40 Differential Cross Sections (Q2,t,) E. R. Berger, M. Diehl, B
Differential Cross Sections (Q2,t,) E.R. Berger, M. Diehl, B. Pire, PLB 523 (2001) 265 𝑡= 𝑝− 𝑝 ′ 2 𝑄′ 2 = 𝑞′ 2 >0 Kazuhiro Tanaka, Peter Kroll (March 13), Stefan Kofler (March 15)

41 GPD 𝐻 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Double Integration E. R. Berger, M. Diehl, B
GPD 𝐻 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Double Integration E.R. Berger, M. Diehl, B. Pire, EPJC 23, 675 (2002) Kazuhiro Tanaka, Peter Kroll (March 13) 𝐻 (𝑥,𝜂=0,𝑡=0)=polarized valance distribution

42 GPD 𝐸 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Pion-pole Dominance E. R. Berger, M. Diehl, B
GPD 𝐸 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Pion-pole Dominance E.R. Berger, M. Diehl, B. Pire, EPJC 23, 675 (2002) Kazuhiro Tanaka, Peter Kroll (March 13)

43 𝜋𝑁→ 𝜇 + 𝜇 − 𝑁 E.R. Berger, M. Diehl, B. Pire, PLB 523 (2001) 265
𝑸′ 𝟐 = 𝒒′ 𝟐 =𝟓 𝑮𝒆𝑽 𝟐 Cross sections increase toward small s! 𝑡= 𝑝− 𝑝 ′ 2 =-0.2 GeV2 |t| blue red green Kazuhiro Tanaka, Peter Kroll (March 13)

44 Pion Distribution Amplitude (Q2 = 1 GeV2)
Pire DSE (PRL 111, (2013))

45 Pion DA Dependence |t| (GeV2)
The differential cross sections of exclusive DY process shows good sensitivity to pion DA 𝜑 𝜋 (𝑧).

46 Hard exclusive production process

47 Constituent-Counting Rule in Hard Exclusive Process Kawamura et al
Constituent-Counting Rule in Hard Exclusive Process Kawamura et al., PRD 88, (2013)

48 Quark Degrees of (1405) Kawamura et al., PRD 88, 034010 (2013)
1-100 pb J-PARC Takayasu Sekihara (March 15)

49 Charm production process

50 WA98: pi(252GeV) N->J/psi +X PRL 58, 2523 (1987)
Is 𝑞 𝑞 annihilation and exclusive production dominating for J/psi at large xF ? Longitudinally polarized

51 Zein-Eddine Meziani (March 15)

52 Zein-Eddine Meziani (March 15)

53 𝜋𝑁→𝐽/𝜓𝑋 Near Threshold
Leading Hadron Production from Intrinsic Charm PLB 81 (1979) 401 Charm quarks at high x -- allows charm states to be produced with minimal energy (JPRAC π𝑁 𝑠 =𝟑−𝟓.𝟓 GeV) S. Brodsky, J-PARC workshop, 2013

54 Hiroyuki Noumi, Atsushi Hosaka (March 15)
A neutron target would be useful for the search of some exotic charmed baryons like 𝑑𝑑𝑢𝑢 𝑐 in I=0 channel.

55 Hiroyuki Noumi (March 15)
Stage-1 approved by J-PARC PAC-18, August 12, 2014.

56 J-PARC E50 Spectrometer + MuID
Ring Image Cherenkov Counter Internal TOF FM magnet Decay p(p+) Internal DC K+ LH2-target 20 GeV/c Beam p- Beam GC p- Fiber tracker ||<60 TOF wall DC Scintillator Muon trigger device ps- Internal TOF Acceptance: ~ 60% for D*, ~80% for decay p+ Resolution: Dp/p~0.2% at ~5 GeV/c (Rigidity: ~2.1 Tm)

57 𝜋 − p→ 𝜇 + 𝜇 − 𝑛 MX In E-50 Spectrometer + MuID
π- beam 50 days 1.5 < Mμ+μ- < 2.9 GeV/c2 Beam Momentum 10 GeV 15 GeV 20 GeV Exclusive DY Exclusive DY Nevent (/0.01 GeV/c2) Nevent (/0.01 GeV/c2) Nevent (/0.01 GeV/c2) Inclusive DY Inclusive DY Inclusive DY Exclusive DY BG BG BG Missing Mass MX (GeV/c2) Missing Mass MX (GeV/c2) Missing Mass MX (GeV/c2) S. Sawada (KEK) S. Kumano (KEK) J.C. Peng (UIUC) T. Sawada (AS) W.C. Chang (AS) The signal of exclusive Drell-Yan processes can be clearly identified in the missing mass spectrum of dimuon pairs. Because of the low event rate, this program could be accommodated into the E50 experiment.

58 GPD(xB,Q2) in both space-like and time-like regime
Charles Hyde, Katharina Schimdt (March 14) Large-Q2 region J-PARC: time-like approach and large-Q2 region.

59 (+/-) p → μ+ μ- X d/u measurement with E-50 Spectrometer + MuID
Inclusive DY (+/-) p → μ+ μ- X d/u measurement with E-50 Spectrometer + MuID π+ beam 150 days π- beam 50 days 1.5 < Mμ+μ- < 2.9 GeV/c2 Beam Momentum 10 GeV 15 GeV 20 GeV 𝑑/𝑢 𝑑/𝑢 𝑑/𝑢 𝑥 2 𝑥 2 𝑥 2 Statistics strongly depends on the prod. angle for secondary beam Red lines : CTEQ6.6M

60 Exclusive Vector Boson Production

61 Summary High-energy hadron beam at J-PARC is ideal for studying hard exclusive processes. The study of 𝜋-induced DY/charm production and hard exclusive processes will offer important understanding on Nucleon structure: valence quarks PDF; TMD (BM), GPD (TDA) 𝜋 structure: DA and PDF Structure of exotic hadrons 𝑱/𝝍 production mechanism, exotic charmed baryons Spectrometer with large acceptance and good mass resolution is required for the measurement. The preliminary feasibility study of measuring the exclusive Drell-Yan process in E-50 spectrometers seems promising.

62 Final Remarks Many interesting physics ideas are left out, e.g. the studies using nuclear targets and polarized beam/target. We will collect the ideas from the presentations and conversations during this workshop to make a strong/coherent J-PARC proposal. Collaboration in carrying out the experiments is extremely welcome!

63 Backup

64 Pasquini and Schweitzer (PRD 90, (2014)) Boer-Mulders Functions of Pion and Proton in Light-Front Constituent Model In a recent work Pasgwini and shivitzer constructs BM function of valance quarks of pion and proton by LF constituent model and the Nu parameters as a function of pt and x1 in NA10 and E615 can be nicely described.

65 E866 (PRL 99 (2007) ; PRL 102 (2009) ) Consistency of LT relation for DY events in pd, pp

66 Boer-Mulders functions from unpolarized pD and pp Drell-Yan
Z. Lu and I. Schmidt, PRD 81, (2010) V. Barone et al., PRD 82, (2010) Sign of BM functions and their flavor dependence?

67 GPD 𝐻 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Double Integration S. V. Goloskokov, P
GPD 𝐻 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Double Integration S.V. Goloskokov, P.Kroll, EPJC 53, 367 (2008)

68 GPD 𝐻 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Double Integration S. V. Goloskokov, P
GPD 𝐻 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Double Integration S.V. Goloskokov, P.Kroll, EPJC 53, 367 (2008)

69 GPD 𝐸 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Pion-pole Dominance S. V. Goloskokov, P
GPD 𝐸 (𝑥,𝜂,𝑡) Pion-pole Dominance S.V. Goloskokov, P.Kroll, EPJC 53, 367 (2008)

70 Differential Cross sections from three GPDs
Kroll Vinnikov Pire

71 Differential Cross sections from three GPDs with the same 𝜑 𝜋 (𝑧)
Vinnikov Kroll Pire Pion DA 𝜑 𝜋 (𝑧) affects the exclusive DY cross sections significantly.

72 Pion Distribution Amplitude (Q2 = 1 GeV2)
Pire DSE (PRL 111, (2013))

73 Pion Distribution Amplitude
 DA Asymptotic Chernyak-Zhitnitsky (CZ) Kroll Dyson-Schwinger equation (DSE) Q2 (GeV2) infty 1 4 a2 0.56 0.22 0.20 a4 0.093 a6 0.055 QCD evolution

74 Pion Distribution Amplitude
Q2 = 4 GeV2 Q2 = 10 GeV2 Q2 = 100 GeV2 Q2 = GeV2

75 Pion DA Dependence: Pire GPD
The differential cross sections of exclusive DY process shows good sensitivity to pion DA 𝜑 𝜋 (𝑧).

76 Pion DA Dependence: Vinnikov GPD
The differential cross sections of exclusive DY process shows good sensitivity to pion DA 𝜑 𝜋 (𝑧).

77 Pion DA Dependence: Kroll GPD
The differential cross sections of exclusive DY process shows good sensitivity to pion DA 𝜑 𝜋 (𝑧).

78 Pion DA Dependence Kroll Kroll Pire Pire The discrimination of pion DA could be separated from that of GPDs.

79 Differential Cross sections from three GPDs with the same 𝜑 𝜋 (𝑧)
Vinnikov Kroll Pire

80 Effects of QCD evolution: Differential Cross sections (Kroll GPD and DSE pion DA)
Black: GPD_QCD=0 pionDA_QCD=0 QCD evolution effect on GPD is negligible. Green: GPD_QCD=1 pionDA_QCD=0 QCD evolution effect on pion DA is minor and depends on the parameterization. Blue: GPD_QCD=0 pionDA_QCD=1 Red: GPD_QCD=1 pionDA_QCD=1


82 Parton Interpretation of GPDs (Phys
Parton Interpretation of GPDs (Phys. Rept, 388, 41 (2003), hep-ph/ ; arXiv: ) GPD GPD GPD DGLAP-II: -1<x<- PDFs of antiquarks ERBL: |x|< DAs of mesons DGLAP-I: <x<1 PDFs of quarks

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