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Presentation on theme: "ISSUES FOR CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM IN SOMALIA (1)"— Presentation transcript:

Cheryl SaunderS Co-convenor, ConTransNet 13 JUNE 2018

2 Overview Idea of a Constitution Essentials of federalism
Dividing power in a federation Money and resources in federations Structures of government

3 Idea of a Constitution Fundamental law Provides for
Other law (including State Constitutions) consistent with it More difficult to amend than ordinary law Provides for Structures of government (eg separation of powers, federalism) Relations between people and government Both limits and empowers Usually enforced by independent judiciary Supreme or Constitutional Court Usually derives legitimacy from the people Somali conceptions of a Constitution? Challenges in putting a Constitution into effect? Case studies?

4 Essentials of Federalism
What is federalism? Other systems compared Key features of a federation Other federal features Federal systems around the world

5 What is federalism? Federalism involves organising a state so that:
There are at least two levels of government: a central government and constituent states Each of the levels of government deals directly with the people, or a section of the people, on matters assigned to it by the Constitution Each of the levels of government has autonomy in the exercise of the powers and responsibilities assigned to it by the Constitution Each of the levels of government is accountable to the people for the exercise of its constitutional powers and responsibilities Federalism thus combines self-rule and shared-rule Somali context?

6 Other systems compared
In a unitary state a single, central government has final authority in all matters (even if it also decentralises some power). Eg, Tunisia, Sri Lanka Devolution or regionalism offer varying degrees of decentralisation within an otherwise unitary state. Eg the United Kingdom, Italy, Papua New Guinea Special autonomy arrangements give autonomy to a part of the country that otherwise operates as a unitary state. The position of Aceh in Indonesia is an example. Questions, from the perspective of Somalia?

7 Key features of a federation
A Constitution, which typically cannot be changed by one level of government alone Two or more levels of government that are protected by the Constitution, each with governing institutions of their own A constitutional division of legislative, fiscal, executive and (sometimes) judicial power between the levels of government Participation by the states/regions or their people in central decision making (typically through a second chamber of the central legislature) Provision for resolving disputes through an independent, generally judicial, body.

8 Other features of federations to note
The design and operation of a federation can give all groups a sense of ownership of the state as a whole A properly functioning federation requires a culture of mutual respect, trust and co-operation between the levels of government Many federal Constitutions provide principles and institutions for intergovernmental co-operation Federal Constitutions generally provide for revenue redistribution to the states/regions and for fiscal equalisation between them. Freedom of movement within the federation Protection of minorities within states/regions State/regional Constitutions Local government The effect of emergencies

9 Federal systems around the world
There are around 25 federations in the world of 2018 And a range of other regionalised states, with some federal characteristics Each federation is unique: tailored to the context of the state concerned Some important variations Federations that bring together independent States (eg US, Australia) and federations that require devolution within a formerly unitary state (eg South Africa, Ethiopia) Federations that are multi-national or plurinational (Nepal, Switzerland) and federations that are relatively homogenous (Australia, Germany, Argentina) Old established federations (US, Canada, India) and federations that are new or emerging (Nepal, Solomon Islands)

10 For discussion Questions arising from this session?
Points that need further elaboration? On the basis of what has been discussed this morning, what changes, if any, would need to be made to the current provisional Constitution of Somalia to establish a federation? What are the main challenges that Somalia would face in transition to a federation? Can they be overcome?


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