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Southern Cancer Network Work Programme Update April 2018

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1 Southern Cancer Network Work Programme Update April 2018
23/11/2018 Southern Cancer Network Work Programme Update April 2018

2 Our presentation today
23/11/2018 About us What we’ve been working on Our plan for the next two years Who we work with What the future looks like Any questions?

3 About us 23/11/2018 We are part of the South Island Alliance and we work across all five South Island DHBs. Our work is guided by: New Zealand Cancer Plan South Island Health Service Plan DHB annual plans

4 What we’ve been working on 2017-18
23/11/2018 Rollout of SIMMS – MDM Electronic System Completion of FCT Service Improvement Projects Implementation of the National Radiation Oncology Plan Readying MOSAIQ to be the electronic patient information system for cancer care in the South Island Highlighting inequity in cancer outcomes and opportunities for improvement

5 Our plan for 2018/19 Strengthening Systems
23/11/2018 Strengthening Systems Making SIMMS more sustainable FCT Indicator on Health Connect South MOSAIQ for NMDHB and CDHB Improving consistency of care MDM model better integrated across the SI Continuing Radiation Oncology Variation work Equity focus Building on the FCT Routes to Diagnosis work –– strong correlation between the level of urgency and patient outcome Identifying opportunities to reduce inequities for high needs and high risk populations

6 Who is SCN? 23/11/2018 Everyone who participates in work groups and initiatives across the SI cancer sector SCN Team SCN Steering Group Te Waipounamu Māori Leadership Group South Island Cancer Consumer Group

7 Integrating a range of perspectives

8 SI Cancer Consumer Group
23/11/2018 Purpose: Provide consumer perspectives and priorities into service planning, ensure emerging initiatives have a strong consumer focus Provide a forum to advise on cancer consumer-related issues within SI region Build and maintain connections with local cancer and consumer networks

9 SCN Consumer Participation and Engagement
23/11/2018 Our consumer participation strategies include: Committee / Advisory Group work Focus group activity Contribution to research and policy

10 23/11/2018

11 Health Quality & Safety Commission, 2017
Equity 23/11/2018 “Health inequities are avoidable inequalities in health between groups of people within countries and between countries.” WHO, 2018 “Health equity means people receive the care they require – as distinct from health equality (where everyone receives the same)” Health Quality & Safety Commission, 2017

12 Te Waipounamu Māori Leadership Group
23/11/2018 Purpose: To reduce the incidence, impacts and inequities with respect to cancer for Māori in Te Waipounamu. Provide leadership and advice that ensures an equity focus in all activities Review activities for progress on the reduction of inequities Provide links to DHB and Manawhenua Groups

13 TWMLG Activities FCT health target performance for SI Māori
23/11/2018 FCT health target performance for SI Māori SI Cancer Pathway for Māori project Engaged by a range of groups to provide advice and direction on activities 2018/2019 Work programme

14 Where this work is taking us……….
23/11/2018 Meeting government priorities Addressing Inequities of outcome Whole of Health Sector approach Stronger engagement with Primary Care Fostering early symptom awareness to support early detection/diagnosis and treatment Valuing the unique contribution of nurses and nursing

15 What does the future look like?
23/11/2018 A South Island System of Care for patients and whānau affected by Cancer Alignment of radiation oncology, medical oncology and haematology practice across SI Health pathways, supported by the national tumour standards – primary, secondary, tertiary, and end of life care Integrated electronic systems to support patient’s experience, improved health literacy, clinical decision making, multidisciplinary management and clinical audit – across the continuum

16 23/11/2018 QUESTIONS?

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