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Community Based Programme

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Presentation on theme: "Community Based Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Based Programme
Islamic Studies Programme Samar Al-Afandi

2 The Programme H.E. level 1 programme
An initiative of the Widening Provision Project, University of Leeds Established in 1997 Ninth year of delivery by Lifelong Learning Centre Aim: To recruit a diverse student audience

3 Ethnicity Analysis:

4 Curriculum Overview Ten modules
Modules studied separately or as a package Two 60-credit Continuing Education Certificates Certificates provide access to HE

5 Case Studies Take a look at the case study: Identify the barriers
Discuss what kind of support these students need Then, think about support students already on the programme may require

6 Identifying Learner Barriers
Lack of family/community support Family restrictions Transportation Lack of confidence in education Low self-esteem and limited expectations Long absence from education

7 Overcoming Learner Barriers
Local community venues Free childcare Library ‘book box’ Study skills sessions Tutor support Student input University pre-entry advice and guidance Campus tours Tasters of University teaching

8 Retention

9 Retention The programme is growing The programme is responsive
A good rate of retention Shared ownership 10 students have gone onto H.E.

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