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A New Front in War on Cavities

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1 A New Front in War on Cavities
By Shirley S. Wang Presented By Betsy, Elisa, and Kim

2 Cavities Recently, cavities have made a comeback in children.
28% of children aged 2-5 had cavities in the years – A 4% increase since 90s. Why?

3 Bacteria in the Mouth 100s of species of bacteria live in your mouth!
When they settle on teeth and form plaque, acid production causes erosion of the tooth – CAVITY!

4 Bacteria in the Mouth We can get rid of bacteria by brushing and flossing – but some bacteria hide! Just a few hours after brushing, bacteria start to multiply again… Bacteria work together by sharing nutrients and emitting signaling molecules!

5 Tiny Armies: How Bacteria Work Together to Cause Tooth Decay

6 Research in Cavity Causers
Streptococcus mutans is a bacteria that is consistently implicated in causing cavities. Dr. Dennis Cvitkovitch and his team have discovered a part of the bacteria’s genome that affects its ability to produce plaque. Genetic manipulation could lead to advances in decay-fighting products

7 Research in Cavity Causers
Research is aimed at keeping bacteria from working together and communicating – to stop plaque formation. Researchers have found a sequence in S. mutans DNA that is responsible for the communication ability.

8 Research in Cavity Causers
Research in the plaque-forming ability of bacteria continues, with a focus on testing the influence of a specific peptide, CSP. As the CSP level increases, S. mutans cells begin to die off. Researchers developed a CSP analog, which was used in laboratory testing.

9 Tips for Good Oral Hygiene!
Dudley The Dinosaur Teaches us about Good Dental Hygiene!

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