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The Solar system 4th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar system 4th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar system 4th grade

2 Eight planets go around the Sun
Eight planets go around the Sun. We call the Sun and its planets the Solar System.

3 Меркурий Юпитер Сатурн Слънце Венера Марс Нептун ( ) Земя Уран They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

4 The Earth is one of the planets.

5 The Sun is not a planet. It’s a star.

6 Earth Sun The Earth goes around the Sun and it also spins.

7 That’s why we have day and night.
When the Earth turns towards the Sun, it becomes day. When it turns away from the Sun, it becomes night again.

8 What’s the correct? 1.There are 6/ 7/ 8/ 9 planets in the Solar System. 2. The Sun/ Pluto/ The Earth/ Jupiter is our planet. 3.When half of the Earth is in front of the Sun, it is day/ night/ winter/ summer. 4.When half of the Earth is dark, it is day/ night/ winter/ summer.

9 No, the Earth goes around the Sun.
Answer the question 1. What do we call the Sun and its planets? 2. Does the Sun go around the Earth? 4. Is the Sun a planet? 5. Does the Earth spin? The Solar System No, the Earth goes around the Sun. No, the Sun is a star. Yes, it does.

10 Complete with the words:
planets not Earth star around are Eight planets go ____ the Sun. They __ Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. We call the Sun and its the Solar System. The ____ is one of the planets. The Sun is ____ a planet. It’s a ____ .

11 Extra activities How much do you know about the planets in our solar system? Try this quiz!

12 Created by: Iskra Petkova
Hristo Botev School, village of Sadina, Targovishte district Blue Skies for Bulgaria, Students’ Book for the 4th grade

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