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WORKING GROUP 3rdMEETING MAY 2013 ITEM Report of the SDMX Technical Standards Working Group

2 Report of the SDMX Technical Standards Working Group
2013-Q1 SDMX Technical Working Group

3 Background & composition (I)
Provides the forum for the active participation of the SDMX community in the management and development of the SDMX technical standards Started in May 2011, with the SDMX Global Conference in Washington 20 members: Central banks, statistical offices & international organisations 14 countries and 6 international organisations 4 continents Representative of the SDMX community SDMX Technical Working Group 3

4 Background & composition (II)
Reports to the SDMX Secretariat Participants expected to provide around one person month per year for work in the TWG Membership of a non-sponsoring organisation should normally not exceed two years Chair and co-chair, with one of these coming from a sponsoring organisation, elected for one year (re-election possible) SDMX Technical Working Group 4

5 SDMX Technical Working Group
Tasks Focuses on improving and extending the SDMX Technical Standards Owns the public SDMX technical standards issues list Reviews the technical standards issues list and decides on priorities for working on reported issues Works with the appropriate external SDMX consultants to prepare a proposal for a revised version of the standard to be approved by the SDMX sponsors Oversees a set of SDMX reference tools Cooperates with the SDMX Statistical Working group as required SDMX Technical Working Group 5

6 SDMX Technical Working Group
Working methods Meetings: 05/2011 (Washington), 10/2011 (Frankfurt), 06/2012 (Rome), 12/2012 (Paris) Teleconferences Web-based platform (eBIS) s SDMX Technical Working Group 6

7 SDMX Technical Working Group
Work programme List of issues collected from the community (including leftovers from the SDMX 2.1 revision process) TWG voted for the issues with the highest priorities in May 2011 Part of the SDMX action plan SDMX Technical Working Group 7

8 Work programme: Global registry (I)
Wish to have a central location where statistical metadata are made available to the community: SDMX concepts, codelists and top-level agencies Internationally agreed DSDs (e.g.: BPM6) Other metadata maintained by members of the SDMX community => Need to deploy an SDMX Global registry available for use by the SDMX community SDMX Technical Working Group 8

9 Work programme: Global registry (II)
Delivered so far: User requirements for the SDMX Global Registry Proposed hosting solutions for the SDMX Global Registry (cloud hosting) Operational aspects of the SDMX Global Registry Recommended registry implementation (Fusion Registry, from Metadata Technology Ltd., UK) Global registry currently being tested by the TWG Deadline: 30/09/2013 SDMX Technical Working Group 9

10 Work programme: SDMX IT tools strategy 1
SDMX tools individually developed over the years and made available (mostly for free) to the SDMX community. But most of them are not interoperable. Proposed to address the issue by Adopting normative interfaces Providing tools to check the compatibility of tools against these interfaces Offering reference implementations In addition, a new document, targeting IT architects and developers will be delivered Deadline: 30/10/2013 SDMX Technical Working Group 10

11 Work programme: SDMX IT tools strategy 2
Delivered so far: Identified a list of main building blocks for which it would be feasible to define “normative” interfaces Work has been proceeding with the direct support of Eurostat working in defining the normative interface as part of the reengineering of all its SDMX tools providing input to a web portal where documentation, programmers guide, code repository etc will be available publishing the documentation in its final form as both pdf and a linked document in HTML results will be expected in the first semester 2013 SDMX Technical Working Group 11

12 Work programme: Security guidelines for registry and web services
Security-related questions left out of version 2.1 of the SDMX web services guidelines and of the SDMX registry guidelines. Need to cover issues such as authentication, authorisation, confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation and accessibility Covers the needs of the SDMX Global Registry Updated Section 07 made available for review on the SDMX users forum Work is finished SDMX Technical Working Group 12

13 Work programme: Improved technical documentation
Often pointed out that the SDMX technical documentation is complex. Need to suggest possible improvements and enhancements. Focused on SDMX 2.1 Deliverables: Updated user guide XML Schema Documentation Schema/Model mapping Deadline: 30/06/2013 SDMX Technical Working Group 13

14 Work programme: SDMX and other technical standards
Contribute in the discussion of the possible interaction of SDMX and other standard (such as DDI) in the matters of dealing with micro-data and supporting the phases of the GSBPM Assess current capabilities (SDMX vs. other standards) Suggest how SDMX could evolve Discuss the possible integration with other standards Deadline: SDMX Technical Working Group 14

15 Work programme: SDMX and other technical standards
Progress so far: Use-cases collected for: Microdata (questionnaires, registers, multidimens.) Process phases (exchange, validation, calculation, etc.) Analysis in progress on SDMX and DDI Applying the standards to the use cases Evidence of cases of incomplete support for future suggestion of possible improvements New fields of interaction and comparison: GSIM (UNECE) RDF language / Data Cube Vocabulary (W3C) XBRL standard SDMX Technical Working Group

16 Work programme: Expressions and calculations
Goals of item 1: Adopt a Language for Calculations and Validations, as envisaged in the package n.13 of SDMX Information Model The SDMX package n. 13 – Transformations and Expressions – is a generic model aimed to track the derivation of data, derived from the CWM (Common Warehouse Metamodel), a OMG standard (Object Management Group) widely used in the IT field SDMX Technical Working Group

17 Work programme: Expressions and calculations
Goals of item 2: Make it possible to define and exchange the algorithms either used or specified for calculating data and the coherence rules, either enforced or looked-for between different data Design the language for defining expressions (expression language) – that is the list of the operators available and their formal grammar Design the IT formats (messages) for exchanging the definitions of the Transformations (calculations and validations defined by means of expressions SDMX Technical Working Group

18 In addition: SDMX-JSON
Many web services nowadays return data in formats other than XML. Common example: JSON Members of the TWG teamed up with other members of the SDMX community to propose a JSON representation of the information model Aim to increase utilisation, ease data extraction and reduce developers burden Improved accessibility Requirements: Based on the SDMX information model and RESTful API. Optimised for the web and mobile devices Simple, terse & solid JSON Aim to have a draft proposal by the end of 2013-Q2 SDMX Technical Working Group

19 In addition: Reviews & Change management procedures
Provided reviews of various documents such as: Note to the SDMX Secretariat on BPM6 DSD issues (BOP-DSD Working Group) Guidelines for the creation and management of SDMX cross-domain code lists (SWG) The Data Cube Vocabulary: Deploying SDMX as RDF from Existing Systems Adopted a change management procedures for handling bug reports and minor improvements SDMX Technical Working Group 19

20 SDMX Technical Working Group
Thank you! SDMX Technical Working Group 20


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