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Fascism The Nazi Version.

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1 Fascism The Nazi Version

2 Definition Fascism is a general term used to describe
A totalitarian or authoritarian political ideology characterized by dictatorial leadership An oppressive one-party system Glorification of the nation-state and its people Aggressive militarism Political, economic, and social policies designed to overcome the weaknesses of liberal democracy, threat of anarchy, and communism

3 Nazi Version Particularly virulent strain
Racist, particularly anti-Semitic Militantly aggressive

4 Operative Ideals of Nazism
1. Glorification of the nation-state: “Deutschland uber alles” 2. Strong dictatorial leadership: der Fuhrer (Hitler); Il Duce (Mussolini) Perverse fulfillment of the “great man” theory 3. Enforcement of conformity at home 4. Imperialism, war, and destruction Poland, Holland, Belgium, France, England, Soviet Union, Balkan states

5 Sources of Nazism Racial and Anti-Semitic Roots: racist philosophers from the 1800s Elitist and Leadership Roots: Judaic-Christian call for a ‘truthful and righteous’ leader; plus Nietzsche and social Darwinists Totalitarian Roots; ‘Might Makes Right’: Hobbes; Machiavelli, Frederick the Great Nationalist Roots: after WWI Militarist Roots: more Nietzsche

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