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Mendel - Segregation/Independent Assortment/Experiment Practice Quiz

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1 Mendel - Segregation/Independent Assortment/Experiment Practice Quiz

2 Who was gregor Mendel? And what did he do?

3 Answer He was a monk, who studied genetics using pea plants. He studied heredity which Is the passing down of genes from parent to offspring. The study of how this happens is called genetics.

4 Why did Mendel choose pea plants?

5 Answer They were available. They grow quickly. The traits are easy to see and recognize, there are only two options for each trait.

6 How did Mendel's experiment work? Please be detailed!

7 He crossed two true breeding plants
Answer He crossed two true breeding plants These were called the P Generation. In the f1 generation all of the organisms are heterozygotes that are the same color (that color is dominant). To create the f2 generation, mendel crossed two of the plants from the f1 (both heterozygotes) and he saw a 3:1 ratio dominant to recessive. Or

8 What does heterozygote, homozygous dominant/recessive mean?
What trait shows through with each option?

9 Answer Heterozygote – Big T, Little T – The dominant trait shows Homozygous Dominant – Big t, big t – the dominant trait shows. Homozygous Recessive – Little t, little t – the recessive trait shows.

10 What is the law of segregation?

11 Answer Traits separate (segregate) and are inherited independently. Meaning you only get one of the two alleles in and offspring.

12 What is the law of independent assortment when describing Mendel's experiment?

13 Answer Traits are treated separately/individually, or traits are inherited separately. Some traits are commonly inherited together but they aren’t always. Think about dihybrid crosses and how we do a monohybrid cross for each trait then multiply the probabilities.

14 How do you do a dihybrid cross
How do you do a dihybrid cross? Be able to analyze one that is written out and by multiplying probabilities.

15 Answer Written out Version – Remember the foil/distribute method we learned in class.

16 Mendel Practice Problems

17 Yellow plants are dominant to green plants, use Y’s to represent the alleles. One parent is Homozygous dominant while the other is homozygous recessive. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s. Yellow plants are dominant to green plants, use Y’s to represent the alleles. Both parents are heterozygous for this allele. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s. Tall plants are dominant to Short plants, use T’s to represent the alleles. One parent is Homozygous dominant while the other is homozygous recessive. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s. Tall plants are dominant to Short plants, use T’s to represent the alleles. One parent is Homozygous dominant while the other is Heterozygous. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s. Round plants are dominant to short plants, use A’s to represent the alleles. Both parents are Homozygous recessive. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s.

18 wrinkled plants are dominant to smooth plants, use G’s to represent the alleles. One parent is Heterozygous while the other is homozygous recessive. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s. wrinkled plants are dominant to smooth plants, use G’s to represent the alleles. Both parents are heterozygous for this allele. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s. White Seeds are dominant to Grey seeds, use A’s to represent the alleles. One parent is Homozygous dominant while the other is heterozygous. Complete the Punnett Square and also provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratio’s.

19 a blue and a white organism had 1000 children
a blue and a white organism had children. they had 736 Blue kids and 264 white kids what form of inheritance was used and what were the genes of the parents?

20 Both were heterozygous
Answer: Complete dominance Both were heterozygous You can tell because the number of kids shows a 3:1 ratio.

21 a tall and a short organism had 1000 children
a tall and a short organism had children. they had 526 tall kids and 474 short kids what form of inheritance was used and what were the genes of the parents?

22 One Parent = heterozygous One parent = Homozygous dominant
answer Complete dominance One Parent = heterozygous One parent = Homozygous dominant You can tell because of the 2:2 ratio or 50% Tall 50% short.

23 What is this type of dominance called?

24 Answer: Complete Dominance!

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