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Context and rationale for change

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1 Governors Forum Meaningful partnerships in the new landscape 20th June 2016

2 Context and rationale for change
Complex educational landscape: Local, regional and national MATs NLEs, LLEs, SLEs, NLGs Diocesan networks Teaching School Alliances Formal and less formal school clusters Reduction in the resource available from the LA for school improvement Relationships between schools, LA leaders and elected politicians are changing but remain vital New relationships with the RSC and regional offices of Ofsted White Paper Education Excellence Everywhere – shift to a school-led, self-improving system and every school to be an academy by 2022 Ofsted report on the LA’s arrangements for school improvement

3 Vision Ensuring there is strategic coherence within Portsmouth’s education system through a combination of strong and highly performing MATs, and a city education partnership for collective endeavour which adds value to the work of both MATs and individual schools and academies in order to accelerate improvement across the City Working with the RSC, system leaders, Teaching Schools and MATs in the City to create arrangements through which all schools experience high challenge and support that is targeted to meet their needs Ensuring that school improvement support is effectively prioritised and co-ordinated, based on a sound collective analysis of strengths and weaknesses

4 Vision cont Provide a structure to support the transition from LA to sector led school improvement arrangements and to allow a focus and joined approach to address common themes and issues that matter to all schools in Portsmouth irrespective of status Supporting all stakeholders and partners to get behind educational attainment: parents; health visitors; health workers; family support; and children’s social care

5 Principles Developing a compelling and clear purpose and vision focusing on improving outcomes A schools-led education system as opposed to an education system led by some schools – facilitated by the LA Minimising the risk of fragmentation and maximising the benefits of a more diverse and innovative system, building on the historically strong relationships between the LA and schools and between schools Robust and purposeful partnerships with challenge and support being regarded as helpful

6 Principles cont Adding value and supplementing the work of individual schools and MATs avoiding unhelpful and unnecessary duplication Building mutual respect, trust and deep commitment to sustain highly effective partnership working and professional accountability An outward facing City committed to learning from, and contributing to, other self improving school systems Open and transparent sharing of data and performance

7 Benefits and opportunities
Greater range of CPD opportunities Improved teaching and learning and better outcomes for pupils Targeted support for schools causing concern / vulnerable schools Economies of scale and opportunities to bid for funding Realising opportunities e.g. Achieving Excellence Area Wider curriculum opportunities for children Improved recruitment of teachers and staff retention Succession planning and leadership development Peer challenge and observation

8 School Improvement Through the partnership establish a new forward looking annual challenge process, focusing on schools where pupils make below expected progress, underpinned by an annual needs based analysis to determine priorities and use of resources and which schools require targeted support Through the partnership and developing further the Challenge Partners model which is already widely used in the City, put in place a local peer assessment targeting schools where progress is less than the agreed threshold, making more effective use of the capacity of schools to support each other,

9 School improvement cont
Through the peer review process identify excellent practice and share across the City Agree a system of quality assurance for judging the effectiveness of school improvement work and make more effective use of National, Local and Specialist Leaders of Excellence and National Leaders of Governance focused on agreed priorities and schools causing concern. Scrutinise and challenge school predictions at KS2 and KS4 through in-year analysis allowing for earlier intervention if required, rather than at the end of each Key Stage, linked to annual performance letters and follow up

10 Priorities Closing the gap – disadvantaged, SEND, boys
Recruitment and retention of teachers – city wide focus including two high profile fairs, a marketing brochure, incentives (e.g. housing), strong CPD offer, etc Attracting high quality leaders and retaining and growing leaders enabling more to influence the education system in Portsmouth Through the TSAs build and deliver a comprehensive offer of CPD and school-centred ITT Focus on curriculum development and development of subject area networks

11 Priorities cont Improving attendance and behaviour including:
Restorative practice to support inclusion Focus on attendance to include the Get involved campaign with Capital FM Radio targeting Year 10 pupils in all secondary schools Help all parents to fully understand and effectively make the powerful contribution they can and should make to the success of their children from infancy to adolesence A student volunteer placement programme to support teaching and learning in schools focussing on curriculum areas where performance is weak A Science / Technology Hub to expand teaching capacity, develop stronger links with local STEM employers and promote career opportunities

12 Strategy and annual challenge process
Agree and publish a strategic approach to school improvement supported by the development of a city-wide vision and strategy co-constructed with schools and partners through the education partnership, replacing the LA’s Achieving Excellence Strategy Through the partnership establish a new forward looking annual challenge process, focusing on schools where pupils make below expected progress, underpinned by an annual needs based analysis to determine priorities and use of resources

13 Structures and membership
Simple, transparent structural and governance arrangements to support a sector-led improvement system All schools and academies to be involved + range of other key partners including Teaching Schools, MATs, Post-16, HE, Dioceses, etc An Education Partnership Board / Executive An operational steering group / commissioning group

14 Structures and membership cont
The two teaching schools to agree a complementary offer that can respond to the partnership’s key priorities In the first two years the LA will facilitate the partnership and the LA’s data team will provide the annual detailed analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses, categorise schools and identify where support and challenge is needed Data sharing protocols will need to be established to support analysis of in-year data

15 Feedback so far Positive response to the principle of the partnership
Good supply of existing system leaders Schools generally collegiate and supportive Some good examples of working together that should not be lost Cannot afford for this not to fail Representation will be a key to success

16 Next steps Consultation document to be published in early July
Embryonic partnership to be established early in the Autumn term with an agreed set of early priorities and ‘quick wins’ to help establish the partnership Data analysis to be undertaken over the summer by the LA’s data team Vision, strategy and action plan to be prepared during the Autumn term

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