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Protecting The Honey Bees

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1 Protecting The Honey Bees
By: Maria Reyna

2 Interesting Facts If a bee is killed intentionally, it is considered a crime 40-foot waves wiped away an entire population of bees There are three types of bees in the hive - Queen, Worker, and Drone Honey bees fly at 15 miles per hour The queen bee can lay , or even 1,500 eggs each day Honey bees never sleep Honey bees are the only insect that produce food for humans Honey bees have five eyes Honey bees will travel about 3 miles from their hive Honey bees are the only bees that die after they sting This might be your first slide

3 The Threat Bees are quickly decreasing in Hawaii and this can cause a severe food shortage Fewer honey bees mean we become way more dependent on wild bees By pollinating crops around the world, bees become extremely crucial to humans Most of the food we eat, and all of our cotton, is produced by the hardworking bees People continue to swat bees instead of letting the bees out of their home freely, causing a huge decrease in the bee population Vegans are highly threatened with the possibility of bees becoming extinct, knowing the honey bee is the primary pollen spreader Farmers often crop-dust bees to death

4 The Impact Bees are known specifically as primary pollen spreaders, and they keep flowers and other plants alive but, if plants die off in result of the honey bee going extinct, humans are only left with meat to eat, and the animals humans eat often feed on plants Supermarkets would have half the amount of fruits and vegetables Bees produce cotton, and without bees, there would be much less clothing choices for humans Many animals rely on a specific plant species, and without the bees pollinating that specific plant, the animal population in an ecosystem will begin to decrease 70% of fruits and vegetables is a product of bees pollinating the plants, meaning if bees were to go extinct, we would lose a massive amount of our harvest

5 Food Web Need clear arrows, especially from sun to flowers, flowers to nectar, fruits to bee Need to revise this a little bit - see me

6 Explanation of Food Web
Sun and rain provide energy for the flowers (producers), while the flowers produce nectar and pollen. The honeybees then carry the nectar, as they produce honey. For a honeybee to produce the honey, they must first consume pollen and nectar from various flowers. The honey is then consumed by people, as bees are pollinators to various fruits. Meanwhile, the badger is the honey bee’s predator.

7 Works Cited Reynard Loki / AlterNet. "Honeybees Are Facing a Global Threat, and If They Go, So Do We." Alternet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb < "Fun Facts about Honey Bees." Fun Facts about Honey Bees. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb < "What Would Happen If Bees Became Extinct?" Animals - Whalerock Digital Media, n.d. Web. 05 Feb < Patrick-frye. "Endangered Species: Honey Bees In The United States Now Protected By Federal Law." The Inquisitr News. N.p., 01 Oct Web. 05 Feb < by-federal-law/>. Hladky, Gregory B. "Connecticut's Wild Bees May Be In Trouble." N.p., 13 July Web. 05 Feb < Erbentraut, Joseph. "Now That Bees Are Endangered, The Rest Is Up To Us." The Huffington Post. N.p., 05 Oct Web. 05 Feb <

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